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“So that’s how it is? You just hit it and dip? I thought we had something better than that?” she asked, sitting up in the bed and my eyes immediately went to her titties. If she wasn’t such a damn hoe, that sight would have made my dick jump but it didn’t even get a reaction out of me.

“Chantel, I think your ass done caught a case of amnesia or some shit. Can you please explain to me a time when I ever stayed over here after I finished fuckin you? I got what the fuck I wanted from you, so what the fuck I’m about to stay over here for? What, you think I was about to cuddle with your ass or some shit?” I asked, bending down to put on my boots.

“You know, Quan, you can really be so hurtful at times. Can’t you see that I love you?” she asked, getting out of the bed and walking over to me.

“I can’t tell from all those damn hickies on your neck that I sure as hell didn’t put there. Go and call that nigga and get him to cuddle with your ass. I’m out, do some squats or something to tighten up that pussy because that shit was feeling really loose,” I said, slapping her on her ass and then walking out of her bedroom. This bitch really took me for a sucker ass nigga. She lucky I even let her suck my damn dick!

Chapter 4: Chantel

This shit was going to be even harder than I’d thought. All I wanted to be was a rap star’s baby mama. I know I whined and shit to Quan to be his girlfriend but honestly, I didn’t want that. I mean, I did but I wanted to have his child first. I knew that if I were to have a baby by Quan that he would have no choice but to take care of me and our baby for the rest of our lives. All my little plans that I had mapped out came crashing down right before my eyes. First of all, Quan wouldn’t even accept the drink that I had offered him, which I had crushed up some mollies in and I knew that it was going to make his ass pass out. I planned on draining his ass of his nut and pulling a turkey baster scam on his ass. I wasn’t going to worry about him saying he didn’t remember going inside me raw because I would know how to manipulate Quan. Quan had fucked me while he was high and drunk plenty of times, so I would simply let him know that it happened while it was one of those fuzzy nights for him. And then, I tried my luck and get him to slide inside of me raw, but that shit wasn’t happening either. My last plan was to use one of my condoms that I had in my dresser, in which I had tampered with before he even got here, which didn’t work at all. One thing about Quan, whenever I thought I was a few steps ahead of him, he was always a few more steps ahead than I was. I had to get my shit together because I didn’t want him to think that I was indeed up to something.

Quan and I met about four months ago when he had a performance here in Miami. After the performance, there was an after party down at Club Liv and I just had to get next to his fine ass. I had seen Quan in videos, interviews, and everything, and I was in love with that man. That night at the club, he let me chill with him in his section and my hoe ass let him take me to a hotel that night and we fucked on the same night. Honestly, I don’t even think he knew my name at that point. I feel like that’s where I fucked up at because I came off as a hoe, being as though I let him get the panties too early. I think that was the reason why Quan didn’t respect me, because hell I didn’t respect my damn self. I feel like he was giving me the respect that I had earned, which was pretty much nothing.

Since I’d been fuckin Quan, my name had kind of gotten out there and I was fuckin a few other ballers but the one whose baby I really wanted to have was Quan’s. I saw the things he did for his daughter and his baby mama and I wanted that. Another reason that I feel like Quan wouldn’t give us a chance was because he was still in love with Charlie’s ass. Honestly, I hated that bitch even though I never really crossed paths with her. Oftentimes I would see her in the blogs and I would hear conversations between her and Quan sometimes if he was around me and she just so happened to call. I didn’t care what Quan said, he still loved that girl; that’s why he still had that damn tattoo on his neck of her name. I swear that shit was so annoying to look at while we’re fuckin.

From here on out, I was going to try a different approach with him. I was going to try to humble myself more around him. From now on, when he came over, I’d try to have dinner or something ready for him, so that way, he wouldn’t think that all I really wanted to do was fuck all the time, even though that is in fact all I wanted to do. I had to get pregnant by this man if that was the last thing I did. I was also pissed off at the fact that I didn’t cover up these hickies on my neck good enough. That came from a nigga last night that I’d met at the club. He had money too but his shit wasn’t as long as Quan’s, though. His name was Tracey and he had some long ass dreads. Plus, he was good at fuckin. His dick was big but it wasn’t as big and thick as Quan’s. I promise I was going to make Quan mine. I just had to show and prove to him that I could be his girl.

For the most part, I was raised the correct way but I just always had this infatuation with money. I grew up in a household with both parents and a little brother by the name of Chris. Unlike myself, my brother decided to do something productive with his life, which was to go to the army. While I was in school, my mother worked at Walgreens as a pharmacist and my dad was a college English professor. My parents had high hopes for me, but after I graduated high school, I felt like I was done with trying to go to school. I wasn’t in the business of punching in on a nine to five. My profession was to simply find the nigga in the club with the most money and hypnotize him with my beauty, that way he’d take me home with him. The niggas that I was fuckin with, yeah, they gave me money and shit, but you could also tell that none of them took me seriously either. Not one has asked me to be their girl and not one ever hits me up just to take me out. It’s fine though because my eyes were on the prize and that prize was motha

fuckin Jaquan aka Quan Hakeem Williams.

Chapter 5: Jaquan

I woke up the next morning inside of one of the homes that I owned here in Miami. This morning, I was waking up in my house on Star Island on Miami Beach. Out of all the cribs that I owned, I think that this had to be my favorite one. This mansion consisted of eight bedrooms and seven bathrooms, a three car garage, a pool inside and outside, a spa, and a boat dock. I had all of this house and I was the only nigga living here. I’d been living in this house for about five months now and I’d probably used the stove maybe three times. Out of those three times, I wasn’t even the one who used it; it was Charlie first and then my mom. I was the type of nigga that was grateful for any and everything that I had. Growing up, I never thought that I would be living in a house as luxurious as this, but I promise you that this is what hard work gets you. Just think, I was making millions of dollars just doing something that I loved to do.

Today I had a busy day ahead of me because we were shooting the video to “My Thugged Out Bitch.” When I wrote that song, there was only one person that I was thinking about and it was none other than my baby mama. Every lyric in that song was shit that we’d done together and shit that she did or used to do that I grew to love. I honestly wanted Charlie to be the leading lady in the video but I didn’t know what she would think about it. Plus, I knew if I brought her on set with me, them lil niggas were going to have a hard time trying to keep their fuckin tongues in their mouths. I didn’t want to just use some random bitch for this video either. I had to have someone that fit the description and that left me with no choice but to just call Charlie and see what she thought about it. Hell, it was Saturday; she could get somebody to run her store for her. Sitting up in the bed, I grabbed my phone out of the nightstand and called Charlie.

Five rings later, she answered the phone sounding all out of breath and shit. “Hello?” she asked into the phone.

“Girl, what your ass doing?” I asked, leaning my head against the bedrest and putting my left hand inside of my boxers. It was a force of habit.

“I’m at the gym, on the treadmill. What happened?” she asked me.

“What you doing today? And where is China?” I asked.

“I was going to go into the store today and my mom has China until tomorrow,” she said and a smile came to my face.

“You want to hang with a nigga today?” I asked, waiting on her response. I hoped she wasn’t about to hit me with no bullshit either.

“Hold on right quick, Jaquan,” she said. I heard a bunch of shuffling in the background and five minutes later, she came back on the phone. “Okay, I’m in the car now. Hang with you today and do what?” she asked me.

“We shooting the video today for “Thugged Out Bitch.” I wanted to know if you wanted to be in it,” I let her know.

“Jaquan, I would but I don’t like those niggas you hang with. I only fuck with Quay, all them other niggas be doing way too much,” she said and I laughed. Charlie’s ass didn’t like no damn body.

“Girl, chill. I’m going to make sure them niggas on their best behavior. Come on now, the song is about you so who better to play the role of my thugged out bitch?” I asked and I heard her laugh.

“Whatever, Jaquan. What time do I have to be there? And where am I supposed to meet you at?” she asked, firing off question after question.

“I’m about to jump in the shower now. I’ll just come and pick you up in about an hour. Charlie, have your ass ready, too, because I know how long you take to get ready. You don’t even have to dress up like that because we gone have clothes for you on set to change into,” I said, knowing my baby mama and knowing that every place she went, she was always dressed to kill. This time she didn’t have to do all of that because she was going to have to change into the clothes that we had there for her to put on.

“Okay, I’m telling Monae and Toya to come, too,” she said and I shook my head.

“Whatever, Charlie. Have your ass ready,” I said.

“Okay, damn. I’ll be home in another five minutes,” she said and then hung up the phone.

I’m not gone lie, a nigga was on cloud nine right now. Motherfuckas thought that Meek Mill and Nicki’s “All Eyes On You” video was the shit; wait until this shit drop. Niggas definitely gone want to fuck my baby mama now. A lot of hoes was about to stop fuckin with me now because they had been begging me to be the leading lady in that video.
