Page 20 of 305 Lovin' 2

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We took the elevator down to the lobby and I walked ahead of her as trailed behind, texting away on her phone. I unlocked the car door and walked over to the passenger side and helped her into the car. After that, I walked over to my side and got in as well. Five minutes into the drive, her cell phone began to ring, so I turned the music down a little bit.

“Hello, this is Latoya,” she answered the phone.

“Oh yes, hello Mr. Adams. Yes, I was aware of that. Yes, that’s fine. Umm, I’ll have to check when I get back to my office because I’m not around the s

chedule right now.”

She spoke for a few more seconds and then she finally hung up the phone. Not even a second later, her phone rang again.

“Hello, this is Latoya,” she said again.

I could tell that this time she was aggravated.

“Todays, not good, I have to show a house at four. Yes, tomorrow at three will be great. Okay, talk to you then,” she said and hung up the phone, letting out a frustrated breath.

“Give me your phone,” I said, with my left hand still on the steering wheel, while holding my right hand out.

“For what?”

I couldn’t see her face because I had my eyes on the road, but I’m pretty sure that she was looking at me like I was crazy.

“Toya, just give me your phone,” I said, this time with a little bit more bass in my voice.

She placed her iPhone in my hand, and I powered it off and placed it in my front pocket.

“Boy, if you don’t give me back my phone! Why would you do that?” she asked me with an attitude.

“Toya, you’re on fuckin’ break! Them people can wait!” I said, and she didn’t say anything else about the situation.

I wasn’t trying to come off as bossy or no shit like that, but that shit was pissing me off that they wouldn’t even let her take her damn break in peace. I could already tell that by the time I made her my woman, I was going to want her to quit her fuckin’ job because I wouldn’t want nobody else working my woman, except for me, let alone, telling her what the fuck to do. That was my fuckin’ job! I didn’t want her taking orders from no other niggas either. I was a stingy ass nigga, so it was only right that I am stingy when it comes to my woman.

Twenty minutes later, we pulled up to Red Lobster to have lunch. I had secretly called Charlie while I was on my way to pick up Toya, and she informed me that Red Lobster was her favorite restaurant, and yellow was her favorite color, which is why I had gotten her the yellow roses.

“Yellow roses, plus my favorite restaurant. Let me find out, you’ve been stalking me,” she said, smirking, as we both got out of the car.

I walked with her in front of me, as I held on softly to the small of her back. It was Tuesday at one in the afternoon, so it wasn’t really anyone inside. As soon as we walked inside, we were seated.

“Hello, I’m Marissa and I’ll be your waitress for today. Can I start you two off with something to drink?” the young, cheerful waitress asked us.

I looked at Toya, signaling for her to go first.

“I’ll take a raspberry lemonade and water,” she said.

The waitress looked at me for my drink order.

“I’ll just have a Coke,” I told her.

“Okay, I’ll go and put that in right now. I’ll take your order as soon as I get back,” she said and walked away.

I slouched down in the seat and folded my arms across my chest. I stared at her for a minute, and then she looked up at me from her menu.

“Why you looking at me like that?” she asked me, not once dropping our eye contact.

“You let that nigga take you out to lunch?” I wanted to know her answer because I hadn’t seen her since that night, and I wanted to know what was up.

“Did I let what nigga take me out to lunch?” she asked me, confused.

“That corny ass nigga from your job. Did you let him take you out to lunch like he said he would?’ I repeated.
