Page 29 of 305 Lovin' 2

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I woke up in the middle of the night, looking around and noticed that Diandre wasn’t in the bed with me anymore. I could hear male voices coming from downstairs and I heard Diandre laugh, so I knew that he was down there. I looked down and noticed that Diandre had put me on one of his shirts and I smiled. I got out of the bed and walked into his bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. For the first time in forever, I was glowing. Not to mention, I had passion marks all over my neck and chest. I had the afterglow of sex on my face, and even though my long curly hair was wild, I still looked beautiful.

I headed downstairs to find Diandre because I wanted him to get back in the bed with me. I was kind of scared because I knew it was other dudes down there with him. I stood in the corner of the room, peeking in the kitchen where Diandre was sitting with six other niggas at the table, putting money into a money counter. I was scared, so I was just going to go back upstairs but I don’t know how he saw or heard me, but he called out for me.

“Toya!” he called out.

I was going to act like I didn’t hear him, but I chose to peek around the corner and make my presence known. He looked at me when he saw me and smirked. His niggas looked at me too, and they all nodded their head in approval of me and got back to doing what they were doing. I stood by the wall, playing with my fingers, hoping that he would come and get me.

“Come here!” he said, and I slowly walked over to him.

When I was a few inches away from him, he gently pulled me by the front of my shirt and brought me to him. I looked up at him and he rested his large hands on my ass. I looked down and he used his other hand to lift my head back up.

“What the fuck you acting shy for, girl?” he asked me but I didn’t answer.

He kissed my lips and I laid my head on him.

“Daddy wasn’t going to leave you up there by yourself for long. You good?” he asked me.

“Come put me back to sleep,” I said to him.

Diandre nodded his head because he knew what I meant by that. He pushed me back gently and told his friends that he would be back. Then he picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom.

“What am I going to do with your ass, girl?” he asked me.

I shrugged. “Can I ask you something?” I said to him as he started to remove the shirt that I was wearing. I knew my timing was probably off, but I still wanted to know. I was always taught that a closed mouth doesn’t get fed, so I had to speak up on it.

“Toya, look at how my hard my dick is right now! What could you possibly have to ask me?” he asked. I could tell that he was slightly annoyed with me because I was stopping him from handling his business.

“It’s just, I want to know, was she your girlfriend?” I asked him, looking in his eyes.

“No, that wasn’t my girlfriend. I used to fuck her if that’s what you want to know, but she knows her place. I promise, baby, that it’s all about you. I’m not even going to be fuckin’ with her or nobody else for that matter because I can already tell that your ass going to get attached to a nigga, especially since I popped that cherry,” he said and then chuckled.

I didn’t find that to be comical at all.

“I’m fuckin’ with you Toya. It’s all about you, lil mama, and I ain’t thinking about no other female except you,” he said and I smiled. “Can we fuck now, or do you have another question that you want to ask me?” he said, leaning down and then kissing me on my lips.

“No, we can fuck now.” I pulled my knees up as he lay on top of me.

“Put him back in there then,” he said.

I reached down and led his dick toward my opening. Like the first time, I was in pain when he first slid in, but once he was all the way inside me, I was able to relax and take all of him. I closed my eyes as he continued to pump in and out of me. Every time he would pull out, my pussy would make a farting noise that I couldn’t control even if I wanted to.

I thought to myself that this was only the beginning, but I could already see myself being in love with this man. He made me feel like a queen when I was with him, and he always dropped what he was doing for me. I couldn’t wait to see what the future held for Diandre and I. After I released my second, powerful orgasm, I fell back on the bed and curled up into a fetal position. My pussy was very sore and I knew that I would have to soak in some Epson salt in the morning.

One week later

Things between Diandre and I had been pretty smooth. He was the perfect thug, and a gentleman when he wanted to be. We had only been official now for a week, and I have yet to tell my girls about it. I wasn’t keeping it a secret or anything, it’s just that I would hate to get too excited about the relationship and things didn’t work out in the end. I knew going in that I shouldn’t even be thinking negative, but I felt like I was thinking realistically. It was a chance that Diandre and I wouldn’t work out, and I just wanted to be prepared for that, just in case.

I was already very much head over heels with this man. Last night, I went over to Dre’s condo after I had gotten off from work and he had me in the shower with him for well over forty-five minutes, doing damage to my insides. I shocked myself though when he was beating it up from the back and I screamed out and told him that I loved him. I don’t know if it was the dick that had caused me to blurt that out or the fact that it was how I truly felt.

Right now, I was on my way to work from my doctor’s appointment. I went in this morning because I wanted to start taking some type of birth control pills because it was too soon for Dre and me to be talking about having kids. Plus, lately, I have been suffering from lower back pain and abdominal pain. It’s like the pain would always come after Dre and I had sex. At the doctor’s office, I was informed that I had somehow gotten a bladder infection. The doctor then treated me and I was told that the infection would go away within a week or so. The doctor also informed me that it was normal for me to get a bladder infection, especially since I was having sex frequently now. I figured it was Dre being too rough with me, and I was going to tell him that too. I also picked up my first dosage of my progestin-only pill. I needed that something serious because so far, Dre and I have had two slip ups, and I wasn’t trying to get pregnant anytime soon.

I pulled up to the garage at work, parked my car, and headed for the elevator, with a smile plastered on my face. Since being with Dre, I now felt more confident and I also looked forward to spending my next days with him. I took the elevator up to the fifteenth floor and walked on down to my company’s building.

“Good Morning, Ms. Diaz. Some of your clients weren’t aware that you would be coming in late this morning, so I have been taking messages for you all morning. Also, your three o’clock canceled

for today, she wanted you to call her back so that you could reschedule. I went ahead and left her number on your door. I know you don’t like for anyone to go into your office while you’re not here,” Liz, the receptionist told me.

I thanked her and continued on to my office. I could tell that it was going to be a busy day already.
