Page 30 of 305 Lovin' 2

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Three hours later, I had wrapped up all phone calls and scheduled dates to show houses. Luckily, I didn’t have to go out in the field and show a house today, but I did need to finish drawing up some paperwork because I had three clients tomorrow who I would have to show a house to. I went over to the refrigerator in my office and pulled out my lunch bag. I took out my sandwich, my fruit, and my water. Just as I sat down to eat, my personal cell phone started ringing. I looked at the number and saw that it was Dre calling me, and a smile came to my lips.

“Hello?” I cooed into the phone as I bit into my sandwich.

“Why this the first time I’m hearing from you all day?” he asked me, skipping the greeting.

“I told you I had to go to the doctor’s office this morning.”

“What did they tell you? Nevermind, don’t answer that. Come down, I’ll be there in about one minute. Come down to the first floor,” he said and then hung up the phone.

I finished off my sandwich and then flushed it down with my water. After standing up and going over to the mirror, making sure I didn’t have anything on my face and making sure my hair was still in place, I locked up my office and headed down to see my baby.

After taking the elevator down to the first floor, I spotted Dre sitting on top of his white Camaro, with his music blasting. I swear he looked like one of those fine ass niggas from off of a music video. He sat on the hood of his car, dressed in an all-white Nike sweat suit. He had on a pair of all red huaraches on his feet. His Cuban link around his neck shined, along with the matching bracelet and the ring that he kept on his pinky finger. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“You gone get my ass fired, coming down here to my job playing this loud ass music,” I said, looking down at him and he smirked.

“That’s fine. I don’t want you working anyways. I already told you I don’t want you taking orders from anybody but me,” he said. He pulled me closer into him by my ass.

I didn’t want to feel like we were rushing things, but this felt so perfect. I pushed in the dimple in his left cheek and admired how handsome he was.

“What did the doctors say to you?” he asked me, laying his head on my chest and sniffing my skin.

“They said that I have a bladder infection.”

“Damn, and did they say what caused it?” he asked me, looking visibly concerned.

“She says that frequent sex can be one of the causes. I know it has something to do with how rough you are with me too,” I said.

He waved me off. “The doctor didn’t tell you that, so don’t go making shit up. What else did you find out over there?”

“Well, I got some birth control pills that I’m supposed to take every day at 9 p.m.,” I told him.

I could tell that’s not what he wanted to hear because he removed his hands from my ass.

“I’ll wear a condom the next time, but I don’t want you taking no pills,” he said.

I didn’t believe him. After our first time, Dre has yet to put on a condom, and I didn’t want to take any more chances like we were already taking.

“We’ll finish this conversation later,” I said to him.

He gently shoved me back some and jumped down from his car. “What we got to finish later? I said what I said, Toya. Don’t fuck your body up by taking them damn pills. I said I’ll strap up the next time and I mean that shit,” he said. He was about to get into his car and leave me standing there.

“Why you walking away, then? Are you mad at me or something?” I walked over to him and got in his face. I could tell from the way his body tensed up that he was mad at me.

“You said don’t take the pills and I won’t. Can I at least get a hug and a kiss before you leave?” I asked him in a sad voice.

He pulled me to him and hugged me tightly, and then placed tender kisses on my lips. When I pulled away, my eyes locked with James and I could see the look of hurt, envy, and anger in his eyes. I kept my arms wrapped around Dre because I didn’t want him to turn around and see the way James was staring at us. I never gave James any reason to feel like I was feeling him or anything, so I was confused as to why he was looking at me with such hate. I watched as he got into his car and pulled off.

“Come over to my crib tonight. I want to cook dinner for you,” Dre said.

I smiled widely and kissed his lips.

“You are so damn goofy. I’ll link up with you later tonight, I got a few more moves that I have to make,” he said.

I gave him one more final hug and kiss and then I headed back to the elevator. The whole ride up, all I could think about was, who would have thought that I, Latoya Diaz, would let a man get this close to her heart and was damn near on the verge of being in love. I never in a million years thought that I would end up getting with Dre because I had judged him before I even got the chance to know him. Yeah, he was rugged and rough around the edges, but I somehow was able to bring the gentleness out of him.

Chapter 12: Charlie

Ring! Ring! Ring!
