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I continued beating his ass for a few more minutes and then I stopped. I stood up and picked up the manila folder that he had on his desk. When I looked at his computer screen, I saw where he had a window open and my mugshot showed on jail base. I took another plaque and threw the shit at his mac desktop, shattering it into pieces.

“Nosy ass nigga! You think this was an ass whooping? I dare your ass to take this shit to the cops, and I swear on my girl life that I will kill your whole fuckin’ family. Fuck with me if you want to!” I said and walked out of his office with the folder in my hand.

When I got down to Toya’s office, she was standing by the door with her briefcase in one hand and her purse in the other.

“You just don’t listen, now do you? Let’s go” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her along with me.

We made it out to the garage, and she tried to get in her car, but I wasn’t having it.

“Let’s go, you riding with me. I need to take you to the hospital so they can look at your head because I think you’re going to need stiches,” I told her.

She looked at me funny because I had all of that nigga’s blood all on my shirt.

“Take off for the next two weeks. Let shit cool off around here at the office and then you can come back,” I told her.

She just got into the car. I knew at this point that she was probably scared of me, and that’s not the way I wanted things to be between us. But as a man, as her man, I will never let another nigga think that it is okay for him to ever put their hands on my woman. I don’t give a fuck what she did, let me handle her or it’s going to be some damn problems, and that goes for anybody.

Chapter 12: Charlie

I was in the car with my daughter and we were heading over to my store so that I could put a few hours in at work today. China’s lil ass decided to play sick this morning and act like she couldn’t go to school, so I was taking her to work with me. Let her ass put some hours in too. She thought that since I let her stay home today that she was just going to lay up in the bed all day, but that wasn’t even the case. I even told her to bring her homework with her so she could complete some while I left her in my back office.

Luckily, her teacher gives the students a printout each week of the week’s homework assignments and the reading that they will have to do, so my baby wouldn’t be left behind because she misses days from school. Plus, I went ahead and excused her absence early this morning.

As I drove, I couldn’t help but to think about the shit that we found out last week from China. She mentioned to us that Tracy and Chantel were the two who had held her hostage. It’s crazy because my baby was only eight years old and she remembered their names and described both of them to a T.

It still confused me because last time I checked, there was never any beef between Chantel and I. Number one, I didn’t know the bitch like that. All I knew was that when Jaquan and I were separated, the two of them were together. I didn’t care at the time because I didn’t even want to be in a relationship with his ass. And if I ever did have a little beef with that ho, it would have to be when she got her lying ass on social media and claimed that she was pregnant by my husband. So, then again, yeah there was some beef between the two of us, but I didn’t think that it would be to the point where she goes around stealing people’s kids.

Then, there’s this nigga, Tracy. I swear his ass is just like a bad fuckin’ rash that just don’t know when to go the fuck away. I’ve had a few encounters with ole boy, and every time I turned him down, it wasn’t even on some disrespectful type shit, it’s just more of a ‘I’m married, so I can’t deal with other niggas,’ type of shit. Never did I think that his ass was behind the plan as well. Honestly, who I really thought was behind this shit was that bitch, Ma’kai. The ass beating that I put on her ass was the reason I thought she did it.

China did tell me that the whole time they had her at the other house Nita wasn’t there. If you ask me, Nita played the biggest role in it all because that bitch was the one who came to me asking me if it was okay for my baby to go to that damn sleepover. I bet my last dollar that they probably offered her ass some money for her role in this shit. I don’t give a fuck how broke I arm; I could be down to my last damn dollar, but there is no way that I would ever take part in some shit that could get another person’s child hurt.

It’s crazy because she has a daughter the same age as China, so it was easy for her to put herself in my shoes and just say no. At the end of the day, my ass may be pregnant but I swear this ain’t stopping shit. I fell down two flights of stairs and me and my baby still made it. So with that being said, if I catch any one of these hoes, I’m beating their ass on sight. We could be in the middle of church and the pastor is preaching, if one of they ass walk through the building, I’m on that ass like white on rice.

Five minutes later, I parked my car and got out with my daughter. I held my purse in my hand while she carried her book bag on her back. It was only 9:15, and the mall didn’t

open until 10:00, but I wanted to be in early to finish up some paperwork. In the front of the mall, they kept the automatic door unlocked for all the workers, so we walked through and then went over to my store. I let the gate up for us, and once we walked in, I deactivated the alarm and turned on all the lights.

“Let’s go in the back and you can work on your homework while you’re back there,” I told China and led the way to my back office.

As soon as we got inside, I turned on the light and placed my purse in the closet. “Sit right there and start working on your math homework for tonight. I saw your planner already, and after you finish the math, you have to read that story and answer those questions. When you finish, I’m going to check all of it, so make sure you take your time and do it right,” I told my daughter as I powered on my Mac desktop.

“Okay, Mommy. And then for lunch, we’re going to have Chick-fil-A, okay?” she said, pretty much telling me what was going to be on the schedule for us today.

“People who are sick can’t eat Chick-fil-A. Now, start on that homework,” I shot back.

Two hours later, I was in the front of the store changing the clothes on the mannequins. This was a big pet peeve of mine. While most stores kept the same outfit on their mannequins for pretty much the whole week, I liked to switch mine every day. I felt my phone vibrate in my pants pocket and I went to pick it up. I looked down at the screen and it was Toya calling me. Oh Lord, I wonder what the hell this girl done got herself into now.

“What’s up?” I answered.

“What time are you going to lunch? I’m bored as hell and I just want to get out of the house,” she said.

I smirked. “Dre still not letting you take your ass back to work? Where are you anyways?” I asked.

I was very aware of the events that took place at her office that night because Toya had called and told me the next day. It was crazy because I remember her telling me the very first time that James had asked her out and how she had politely turned him down. I never would have thought that his ass would have snapped like that because the way Toya described him to me, he seemed like a real nice guy, but hell, I guess looks can be deceiving.

“Hell no, but I’m going back next week. I’m at Dre’s house. I think he said he was going to the studio or something like that. Do you know this man is still mad at me about the birth control shit? I mean, he doesn’t even sleep in the room with me when I’m over here. And then I tried to be slick and lay in his bed one night and wait for him until he got back, but he went in the guestroom. This man is so fuckin’ selfish, Charlie. It’s like, he doesn’t want me to go back home or to work, but when I’m over here, he ignores my ass.”

I laughed inwardly because I was used to being the one calling and complaining about Quan’s fucked up ways. I was used to Toya being the one giving advice, but her advice was always easy to give because she was never the one in the relationship. Now that she is, it’s kind of different because it’s hard to actually do the things that you tell others to do.
