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r’s academics, so how the hell did I let myself slip up like that? Lately, I would pick China up from school and either drop her off with my mother or with Monae, and when it was time for me to pick her up it would be late, so I wasn’t checking her planner. I knew that my baby would do her homework in after care and the teachers there would help and my mom or Monae would check too. Fuck, I was messing up on my responsibilities as a mother, trying to run a damn store, keep up with doctor visits and everything else. I wasn’t trying to make up any excuses, all I knew was that I had fucked up. Point blank period.

“Why didn’t you tell me about it yesterday morning when I took you to school?” I asked China.

“I thought you saw the note in my planner, like you always do, that’s why,” she said.

I pulled her body into mine and held onto her for dear life. This was breaking my heart to see my baby like this.

“China, I love you, okay? And I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there at the assembly yesterday. You know since you’ve been in school, I’ve always been there. This time, I just messed up and it kills me that I wasn’t there. I just want you to know that my absence doesn’t have anything to do with me not loving you. Also, don’t ever say that all we care about is the new baby because you know that’s not true,” I said, kissing her forehead.

“Okay, Mommy,” she said and wiped her eyes.

“So, can I have a kiss?” I asked her. She looked up and quickly placed a kiss on my lips.

After I finished having her try on the rest of the outfits, we went back up front and I paid. I continued looking around the mall to find me something to wear, and eventually I found a cute, long dress in BCBG. It was a beige strapless dress and it was perfect for the occasion. After I found the perfect shoes to match, we finally left the mall.

We made it outside to the parking lot and I spotted a very familiar face getting out of her car. I had been dying to run into this bitch, and now that the opportunity had presented itself, I wanted to act on it. But, damn, I had my fuckin’, daughter with me. I needed to handle this because it was no telling when the next time I would see this bitch again.

“China, get in the car and don’t get out,” I told my daughter as I put the bags inside and just put her in the back seat.

I turned the car on and then closed the door behind me. She wasn’t parked on the same row as us, but I could still see her and she was almost at the entrance. I quickly walked as fast as my pregnant body would let me. I couldn’t sleep another night knowing that I had never gotten closure on this situation.

“Hey, Nita,” I said as soon as I reached her.

She looked at me with wild eyes as I stood in front of her, shaking my head. This was the bitch that I allowed my daughter to be around, and in the end, it was all just one big fuckin’ joke, making me out to be the dumbest mother in the book. I had people calling me stupid for having my daughter in the presence of a stranger, but people always seemed to talk the most shit when the shit didn’t happen to them.

I felt like I was being a good mother by letting my daughter attend a sleepover, since she had never attended one before. Never did I think that it was all staged and she would be held for ransom in the end. For that reason alone, my daughter will never go over to anyone else’s house unless it’s family.

“Charlie, I don’t want no problems with you. I have my phone right here and I will call the police on your ass,” this bitch had the fuckin’ nerve to say.

“Yeah, like I should have called the police on your ass for that foul shit you pulled. What the fuck did they promise your ass to make you agree to some foul shit like that? I just want to know what the fuck could be so promising to you that you would get my damn daughter involved in this shit. You got a daughter my fuckin’ child’s age, so I would think that you would be able to relate to my situation and tell them no when they came to you with the idea,” I said.

“I needed the money, okay? You wouldn’t understand that because your baby daddy takes care of you,” she said, trying to throw shade.

“Correction, he’s my husband, you dumb bitch! And as far as Quan taking care of me, I never sat at home on my ass with my fuckin’ hand out, but I don’t have to fuckin’ explain that shit to you. Answer me something, did you get your money?” I asked, walking closer to her. I was tired of talking and I was ready to knock this bitch out.

“That’s not any of your business,” she said.

I swung my arm around and punched her ass dead in her jaw. That shit was long overdue.

“You are a dumb ass bitch, and I’m about to teach your ass a fuckin’ lesson about messin’ with my damn child,” I said, punching her ass again and she fell to the ground.

Pregnant and all, I went to work on her ass. This ass whooping was for me being laid up in the hospital worrying about my damn daughter, and for the simple fact that she fuckin’ deserved it. I felt no sympathy for this bitch as I beat her ass up in broad daylight.

I kicked her a few times in the ribs and then bent down and whispered in her ear, “If I were you, I would get the fuck out of town because trust me, it’s going to be like this every time I see your ass. I’ll never forgive a bitch as grimy ass you. You played the worst role in all of this shit because you stood in my fuckin’ face and lied to me, with my daughter right there beside me,” I said and kicked her one final time and then briskly walked away to my car because we had a little crowd forming.

“Mommy, why were you fighting?” China asked me as soon as I got in the car.

I ignored her and sucked my teeth, preparing myself for when I got home because I knew for a fact that she was going to tell her daddy about what I had just done. I didn’t regret shit, because that ass whooping was well deserved.

Chapter 14: Quan

I was sitting in my living room getting higher than a motha fucka with my feet kicked up and watching reruns of Martin. I wasn’t going into the studio today because a nigga had been working hard all the damn time, and I just wanted a day to kick back, relax, and spend some time with my favorite girls. But when I woke up this morning, Charlie and China weren’t here. I remember her saying last night that she was going to go to the mall this morning, but that shit had totally slipped my mind.

Lately, work had been great. Between Dre and I, I didn’t know who was working the hardest because it seemed like every time I went to the studio, he was in his own session too. I was proud of my bruh though, and happy that he wasn’t in these streets making dumb ass decisions anymore that would land his ass right back in jail. He had just finished his album, which was released last weekend and it was titled A Real Dope Boy’s Story.

That shit was hard, and all the niggas around the way were vibing to it because that shit was real. His album hit the number one spot on the charts within twenty-four hours and I was so proud of that nigga that it didn’t make any sense.

I heard the front door open and I quickly put out the joint. I knew Charlie was about to start tripping off the smell, but she should have called a nigga to let me know that she was on the way, so I could open up some damn windows or something.
