Page 21 of 305 Lovin' 4

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“Really, Jaquan?” she said, coming into the living room with her hands on her hips.

I noticed China wasn’t by her side, so I’m pretty sure she had told her to go upstairs so she wouldn’t come in the living room and smell the weed.

“Chill, I put it out. What’s up with you? Why you got an attitude?” I asked her as I stood up from the couch and made my way over to her. I rubbed her on her belly and then kissed her lips.

“I don’t have an attitude. I’m surprised you’re here,” she said.

“Yeah, I’m not going into the studio today. I was going to kick it with you two,” I told her and she nodded her head before walking away.

I knew my wife, and I knew that something was up with her. I couldn’t count on her to tell me, so I was going to pry it out of my daughter. I walked up the stairs until I got in China’s room. She was sitting on the floor playing with her baby dolls.


“Hey Daddy,” she said as she stood up and gave me a hug. I picked her up, kissed her cheek, and walked over to the bed with her still in my arms.

“Hey, Daddy’s baby. How you doing?” I asked her.

“I’m okay. Did Mommy tell you what happened?” she asked me with a curious expression on her face.

“No, she didn’t. What happened?”

“Oh nothing,” she sang and got out of my lap.

I’m pretty sure that my wife had embedded in China’s head to keep whatever she did today a secret, but I knew how to con my daughter when it came to getting information out of her. She was only seven years old, so a trip to Walmart for some new toys or something like that would do the trick.

“If you tell me what happened, I’ll take you to Walmart right now and you can pick out all the toys you want,” I said, sitting toward the edge of the bed.

“I don’t want toys, but I do want that little Louis Vuitton purse that I saw the other day when I was in the store with Mommy,” she said.

I almost passed the hell out. I had my little daughter now asking for purses. Oh damn, I could see my pockets being broke within the next few years, especially since I had another girl on the way.

“Alright, whatever you want. So what happened?”

“Mommy was fighting Kassidy’s mom today after we left the mall,” she said very quickly and went back to playing with her dolls.

I knew my daughter wasn’t going to give up any more information, so I got up and went to find my pregnant wife. Hopefully China was just exaggerating because I knew that Charlie was smart enough not to be fighting while she was pregnant with my damn child, and I knew she wouldn’t do that shit while she had my daughter with her!

I heard the water running in our bathroom, so I went and opened the door. When I walked inside, Charlie was stepping out of her clothes about to take a bath. “Shit, you scared the hell out of me. I didn’t even hear you come in,” she said, holding onto her chest.

“What you scared of?” I asked, walking in her direction. My tall frame loomed over hers as I stood directly in front of her. I had my arms folded across my chest and an angry growl on my face. She knew I was pissed off too, that’s why her ass avoided the intense stare that I was giving her.

“Because I didn’t hear you come in. Can you go in the room so I can take a bath?” she asked, fiddling with her fingers.

By this point, I had a feeling that she knew I was aware of what the hell she had done today.

“Girl, calm your ass down and get in the damn tub,” I said, pulling the toilet seat down and taking a seat on it.

“Hell no, so you can drown my ass?” she asked and I laughed.

No matter how mad I was with Charlie, I would never do anything to physically hurt her. I may say some off the wall shit from time to time, but I’d never put my hands on her and she knew that, so I didn’t know why she was talking crazy.

“Charlie, get in the tub. I just want to talk to your ass,” I said, this time with more bass in my voice.

She finished taking off her clothes and then sat down in the tub. She pulled her knees up to her chest and looked at me like she knew that she had fucked up.

“So, after you finished beating her ass, was the shit worth it? Not only did you put yourself in danger, but you put our unborn child in danger. And you had China with you. What would have happened if they had arrested your ass? You out at Dolphin mall with all them damn Cubans fighting and shit. You lucky you got away,” I said, pissed off.

“I understand all of that, Jaquan, but at the time, I was acting off of emotions. That was the first time I had seen Nita since I dropped China off to her house, and I just reacted. China was in the car, so it wasn’t like I was fighting with her right by me,” she tried to reason.
