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To her, all she saw was us standing in the hot ass sun, watching a bunch of men work on building a new building. But me, I saw something completely different. I saw her doing what she loved to do. I saw her putting that master’s degree to work. I also saw her being the boss in charge and getting back in the field and working hard like how she used to do when I met her.

“Baby, tell me what you went to college for again? Because clearly I think you forgot,” I asked her, holding her hands and placing her in front of me.

“I went to college to get my degree in business administration so that I could be the best damn buyer’s agent in town. Eventually, I wanted to have my own company and—”

She stopped talking and looked at me with wide eyes. Instantly, I saw the tears form in her eyes, and for the first time in a long ass time, they weren’t tears of hurt but instead they were tears of joy. It made me smile because I knew that I was the one responsible for her happiness.

“Dre, you didn’t!” she screamed as she jumped up on me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She planted kisses all over my face.

“What was one of the first things I told you when I met you?” I asked her as I held her up with my hands resting on her ass.

“I don’t know. Baby, you told me a lot of things,” she said, still smiling.

“In regards to work. T, what did I tell you?” I asked her. I wanted to see if she remembered what I said because clearly when I said it, I damn sure meant it.

“Ohh, you told me that you didn’t want me taking orders from nobody but you,” she said, laughing.

I kissed her lips softly. “And I meant that shit, T. This business is yours, baby. You worked your ass off all them years with school, and I want you to know that something rewarding came from that shit, even if the experiences were challenging. When I met you, I fell in love with you because you weren’t one of these lazy ass chicks sitting on your ass, depending on a nigga to take care of you for the rest of your life. I remember the first night I ran into your fine ass at the club for my welcome back party, and it was only ten o’clock but you were already leaving because you had business to take care of in the morning. Something about that shit just turned a nigga on, and it made me want to get to know you better.

“Yeah, I wanted to fuck you too, but that was after I found out exactly who you were. Then, I swear that shit was fate when I saw you the next morning and you were the one showing me the house. I knew at that moment you were the one for me. I don’t give a fuck what we go through, I ain’t never leaving your ass, and me giving you this building is nothing compared to the fact of you coming into my life and changing me for the better. I may not be all the way there yet, but I’m a work in progress, so work with a nig

ga,” I said, laying it down real smooth for her.

“Thank you, baby, and I will forever love and appreciate you for this. Can we please go inside now because I’m dying to see what the inside looks like,” she said.

“Okay, but it’s not finished yet. I talked to the contractor and he said that it won’t be ready until sometime next month. In the meantime, you can go ahead and start looking for your employees, start calling up some people to design you a homepage. Shit, whatever you got to do, baby. I was a damn dope boy, so I don’t know about all this legal shit,” I said and she laughed at my comment.

We walked together into of the building holding hands. Even though the building wouldn’t be done for another month, we could tell from the construction that the outcome was going to be amazing. I had about ten niggas on the inside and ten niggas out, and I was paying all of their asses a grip, so come next month if this shit is not finished like they said it would be, then we were going to have some problems.

“Look at this area. This is going to be the lobby. Wow, this is huge, baby,” she said, admiring all of the floor space. “I already have some ideas on what I want to do with this. Where is my office going to be?” she turned around and asked me.

“It’s going to be an elevator right there,” I said and pointed to the area, where the two men were working. “And your office will be on the second floor,” I told her.

“Damn, Dre, I can’t believe this. I’m normally on top of everything that you got going on. When did you even have the time to start working on this?” Toya asked me, still in a state of shock that we were actually standing here right now.

“This all started, honestly that night when we got stuck in your building together and you were telling me about your life. I saw that hope in your eyes and I knew you had a passion for what you did, and shit, I have the money, so why not? Plus, I’ll do whatever the fuck I got to do to make sure my lady got a smile on her face,” I told her.

“Wow, well I’ll be eternally grateful for this, baby,” she said and came back over to give me one last hug.

“We good now, right? No more tears? I want you to be that hardworking, strong woman that I fell in love with. I don’t like my women weak, Toya, and you know that. So, come next month, I hope your ass is ready to work,” I said, giving her a pep talk.

“Oh, most definitely. I’ll be ready to work. I been receiving emails from potential clients that still think I’m working for Millers. So it’ll be easy to get them to transfer over here,” she said.

“I know this got to mean that a nigga can finally get some pussy tonight. I’m tired of jacking my damn dick. A nigga wants to see some damn action take place tonight,” I said.

For the past few weeks, I had been deprived of pussy and it was slowly killing a nigga. When you had the best pussy in town, it didn’t make no fuckin’ sense to go around searching for more, which is why when Toya and I were broken up, I didn’t fuck no bitches. Why fuck with regular when I had fuckin’ premium plus at home?

“Still bleeding, baby. You got to wait until next week,” she said, attempting to walk off, but I pulled her back into me.

“At this point, I don’t even care about that. I got to hit the studio today, but when I get home, meet me in the shower. I’ll handle that tonight,” I said, dead ass serious. Shit, me nor my dick could wait until next week.

“That is very nasty, but you just did all of this for me, so it’s the least I could do,” she said and kissed me again.

We walked outside hand in hand, and after talking to a few of the contractors, we were on our way to lunch. I had to admit, I was that nigga for hooking my girl up like this. Most niggas would surprise their lady with a few bags and some other materialistic shit, but I felt like Toya deserved more than that. Besides, she was getting gifts and shit from me on a daily basis, so a bag wouldn’t have been much of a surprise because she had already become immune to that type of shit. You want to show your girl you love her? Support her dreams and fuckin’ listen to her when she speaks.

I knew that Toya having her own business was a dream of hers, and I also knew that she wouldn’t just come straight out and ask me to help her purchase it, that’s why I took it upon myself to do that part for her. Everything else was up to her. The way she ran her business, who she hired, all of that.

As far as James goes, I was very much still on the lookout for his ass, but I had to hold off on that shit because ever since I’ve signed that contract and people know who Dre is, paparazzi stayed all up in a nigga’s way. I was going to catch his ass though, and it wasn’t going to be no socializing between the two of us. Just the quick conversation between his dome and these bullets. Point blank period.
