Page 123 of Addicted

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I couldn't help but laugh at the expression on the pretty brunette's face as I walked off. The night before had been spend with the boys thanks to the hot little number behind me fucking up my lay. She was everything I liked physically in a woman, yet her attitude left her off limits. Dominate, bitchy, and cold.

As much as I wanted to look over my shoulder to see her one more time, I forced myself to keep walking down the road. Clint's party was that night, and something told me that she would be there.

If so, I would try to see where I stood with her. Anything more than a few minutes of flirting and I was out. I wasn't trying to propose, just score for the night. There was only so much effort I was willing to put into that venture before moving to the next woman.

"She is hot, though." I took a shallow breath. She had warm brown eyes and shoulder-length hair that appeared thick enough to grip during a long session in the sheets. Her little bikini was beautiful on her, barely covering her nipples and leaving plenty of her tanned flesh spilling over the sides. I groaned as I imagined her in my lap, bouncing up and down as I treated her nipples like my only source of sustenance.

I walked into the house as my mood plummeted. The fact that the woman hadn't so much as checked me out once in the two times I'd been in front of her was concerning. I wasn't into someone playing hard to get, and yet my dreams the night before had her center stage to a few unconventional fucking sessions.

"Are you sporting that hard-on in town? What the fuck, man?" Clay looked up from the table and shook his head. "You seriously have no shame."

"Nope, I don't." I grabbed my dick and shook it before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water.

Daniel glanced over his shoulder as he lifted a sandwich to his mouth. "You want-”

"Yep. Thanks." I snatched the sandwich and walked back to the back as he cursed me. "I'm laying down. I'll see you pussys after a while."

"Oh, Lord. He's in a mood." Clay called from behind me. "He must have been denied."

"I don't get denied." I walked into my room and locked the door behind me before sitting down on the edge of the bed and making quick work of Daniel's sandwich. Every group of friends needed an alpha asshole type. I was just playing the role given to me years ago in high school. Derek took the position every once in a while and gave me a break, but the older we got, the more often I found myself back in it.

"Can't even get the bitch’s name." I licked my fingers before moving back on the bed and tugging my shorts over my hips. My erection sprung lose, and I wasted no time grabbing in and lifting my hips with a hard thrust.

I dropped down on the pillow behind me and imagined the pretty brunette hovering over my thighs, her eyes locked onto mine as she licked her lips.

"Suck it nice and slow, baby. Just take your time with it. It's my first time." I groaned and pinched the tip of my cock as a shudder ran through me. I hadn't been with a woman that thrilled me in ages, but something told me that if I could just play my cards right, the rich girl with a bad attitude would bring me back to life.

I rolled onto my stomach and pressed my face to the bed as I lifted my ass in the air and worked into my hand at a pace that had my heart racing, and yet...nothing. No excitement or thrill. No promise of release.

"Come on." I groaned and bit my lip, forcing my thoughts to the sexy blonde that had been on the boat with us earlier. She was cute and fun. If the rich girl didn't put out within a few hours of working my charm on her, I'd find the blonde from the boat.

I thrusted hard and rolled back over to my

back, treating my cock like an object as I took myself rough and hard.

Nothing. I felt nothing.

"Fuck." I sat up and reached back, grabbing my pillow and launching it across the room. Anger burned through me, and yet there was no outlet. I loved women and spent my nights in the arms of a different one every night, but it was getting old.

I flopped back down in the bed and pulled the cover up around me before turning on my side and forgoing my need to come. It wasn't going to happen. Fuck, it hadn't happened in weeks. All those pretty girls, and I was looking for something I couldn't find.

Daniel needed someone to talk to about confidence, and I needed a shoulder to cry on. But it wasn't going to happen. The guys believed me to be every bit of the cock I'd convinced them I was over the years. No fucking way was I letting down my guard and baring myself to them or anyone else.

Besides, I wouldn't even know where to start.


"Hey, fucker. Get up." A bang at my door accompanied by Clay's voice woke me up.

I groaned and rolled over, still half naked under the sheets. "Get out."

"I'm not in the room, idiot. Get up. We're going to for a burger at Jasper's before we head to the party. Let's go." He hit the door a few more times.

I didn't respond, but pulled myself up. Daniel's family was spotting the bill for the summer, and they'd put a spending cap on us, but it was so high that there was no way in hell we would hit it. We were all pretty responsible with it, but when it was time to eat, you ate or you were on your own to lick up everyone's leftovers from the fridge.

A groan left me as I got up and fumbled around in the bedroom as I tried to get dressed. The guys wouldn't want to come back to the house before going to Clint's, so getting ready meant doing so for dinner and the party. I needed a woman with me later that night, even if it wasn't going to end with me finding release. The comfort of having one in my bed was enough to stave off my angst.

I flipped on the light and found a pair of khaki shorts and a polo before walking out and getting my sandals from the porch. The guys were laughing about something as I pulled my deodorant from the cabinet in the kitchen and put on a little bit of cologne. Daniel and Clay were weird about wanting space in the bathroom, and the only solution was to take over a cabinet in the kitchen.
