Page 128 of Addicted

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"I get that, but leaving and walking over here by yourself was dangerous. I tried to find you, but didn't see you after you took off. You scared me." Her eyes filled with tears. "Don't do that again. Got it?"

"Okay. I'm sorry." I reached out and pulled her into a hug. "Don't be mad at me. I just don't need this guy in my life. Not even for a summer fling."

She pulled back and wiped at her tears. I needed to be more cognizant of her feelings. They'

d lost her little sister a few years back in a sporting event and never found her.

"Alright. I get it. Just don't run off again. You're the only family I really claim." She gave me a tight smile and glanced around. "Brody might be a player, but I'm not so sure the rest of his friends are. They seem really nice. I'd let Clay take me out sometime, but I'm not sure he's the kind to ask. He's quiet."

"I thought you liked Brody, that you were the woman to teach him a lesson or two." I chuckled, forcing myself to relax a little. The party was supposed to be fun. Brody wanting my attention wasn't going to change that. He was like every other man in the world: ignore him long enough and he would simply go away.

"He's got eyes only for you, sister." She poured herself a glass of punch. "We sure this stuff isn't spiked with drugs?"

"Nope." I downed mine and glanced around, spotting Dedra and Cindy talking to Brody's friends. He was nowhere to be seen, and though a little part of me felt guilty for being such a class-A bitch to him, it was better that way. "Come over here and introduce me to Clay. I want to make sure I'm good with him before you let him sweep you off your feet."

I lifted my eyebrow as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. I'm not looking for anything long-term. Life is about to change drastically for most of us."

"Not you." I rubbed her back as we walked toward the group.

Dedra turned and put her arm over my shoulders, tugging me against her and smiling down at me.

"Did you let that big bad hottie run you off?" She smirked.

"I sure did." I extended my hand to the shortest guy in the group, assuming he was Clay by the way Emily moved over toward him. "I'm Cora."

"I'm Clay. This is Daniel and Derek. Forgive us for being friends with Brody. It's an age old issue, but we love the guy, nevertheless. He's like the black sheep of the group." Clay chuckled and shrugged as the other guys smirked.

"Nice to meet you." I shook Derek's hand and then Daniels. "I'm uber sensitive to bullshit, so forgive me for running from his lines. I've heard them all before."

"So has half the country, but he's a good guy." Daniel spoke up as he adjusted his glasses. "I'm going to go get some fresh air. You wanna come? We can bash Brody together?"

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good."

Daniel was a good foot taller than me and beanpole thin. Not at all the kind of guy I'd have given a second look to, but he was cute in his own way. His messy brown hair and spattering of freckles across his cheeks and nose made him adorable.

"Where are you from?" He smiled as we walked out on the patio and moved to the only corner that wasn't occupied.

I leaned against the railing and smiled over at him. "From just up the road. I just graduated from Arizona State."

"Oh, nice. Me, too." He glanced out at the yard and grew silent. He wasn't at all like his friend, Brody. Looked like I was going to have to carry the conversation if we were going to have one.

"Are you staying here after the summer or heading off to a new adventure?" I lifted my punch to my lips and took a long drink. Maybe coming out on the porch with this guy wasn't a good idea, after all.

"I'll be starting pre-med at Harvard in the fall. I just wanted to get my undergrad near home." He shrugged. "All those guys back there are my buddies from high school. We decided to go to college together, and honestly, it was the best decision I could have made. I'm a better man because of them."

Brody's voice caused my pulse to spike. "That's sweet, buddy. We feel the same about you, too."

The sexy frat boy moved up on the other side of me and leaned against the rails, breathing in deeply.

"You're like a roach." I turned my face toward him. "I just can't get rid of you."

"Awww, come on, Cora. No need to smash my ego." He licked at his lips subtly as his eyes moved around my face. He was almost too close. I could hear him breathing, smell the mint on his breath, see the promise of something wickedly insane in his eyes.

"Smash your ego? Who in the world would have a hammer that large?" I glanced over at Daniel as my body warmed and my nipples tightened thanks to Brody's attention. "Nice to meet you, Daniel. See you around."

I turned and walked back toward the house, shaking my hips just a tad bit more than I would usually.

Just because I wasn't going to bite the hook didn't mean I didn't want to tug on it a little.

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