Page 183 of Addicted

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I dropped the phone into the cup-holder between us and lifted my eyebrow at her. "What?"

"You know what." She smirked and put her hands back on the wheel. "I might regret my words completely, but I really think he's going to be good for you."

"Maybe." I shrugged and turned up the radio. "But...we promised no more boy talk, so let's have fun and forget about the need to find the perfect man that will make our lives complete."

"Please. I don't need no man." Dedra bounced in her seat. "I do need a bag of candy from Tutties in town, though. Let's go there first."

"Sounds good to me." Emily pulled across the street and parallel parked perfectly, surprising me.

"Damn." I looked around. "When did you learn to do that? You usually suck at parallel parking the car."

She beamed. "Right? Clay taught me the other day. We spent the afternoon in his truck working on it. It was cool. Really cool."

I smiled and got out of the car before walking around and giving her a quick hug. "You know why the summer vacation is going to be all I need to get me back on the right track?"

"Because you've met the man of your dreams, and like every good girl wants of a bad boy, you can change him for the better?" She smiled like she knew some great secret.

"Nope." I laughed as her face fell. "Because you're here. Let's not get our own places when we get home. Let's stay together. Do you want to?"

"Really?" Her face lit up. "I would love that. I know you wanted to live in the city in one of those smaller flats, but if we shared a two bedroom apartment between downtown and Arizona State, we could still see each other all the time."

"Yep. Let's do it." I moved to her side and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we walked to the candy store. I'd broken her heart a few months back with my desire to get my own place. My parents thought it was a good next move for me, and much like I'd always done, I followed their advice, though it wasn't what I wanted, at all. I would go into pre-law and try hard to become the woman they expected me to be, but I was going to do

it my way.

"What are you guys being all chummy about?" Dedra moved up on the other side of me and slipped her arm around the back of my waist.

"We're going to get an apartment together for the fall." Emily beamed, and I knew I'd made the right decision. My dad would give me absolute hell over it, but it would be worth it. Emily and I didn't have forever left, only a few years at best. Hell, if things kept progressing at the rate they had with Clay just over the short time we'd been at the lake, then we wouldn't even have a few years.

While I figured Brody and I might fall in love, I was pretty sure that Emily and Clay were already there.

"And, I'll come visit all the time and sleep on the couch." Cindy moved up beside Emily. "I'm going to get a small apartment above the culinary school in town and see about teaching a few classes. I need to make a few more connections before looking at opening my own place."

"And, you need a sugar-daddy," Dedra threw in. "To sponsor your restaurant."

"I'm not thinking that will be too hard to find." She wagged her eyebrows and opened the door to the candy shop as we laughed.

The smell of sugary goodness washed over me, and I breathed in deep, letting everything go and walking for the closest bin of chocolate. I was good for now, but the chocolate would help insure that I'd be just as good later.

Chapter 28


Cora didn’t come over on Tuesday night, and then she came down with something that had her swearing me off for a few days. I kicked around the house, hating how badly I wanted to see her. It wasn't something I was used to, and yet I felt like I could get used to it.

"You still pouting?" Clay smacked me in the chest as I stood at the kitchen sink, looking out at the lake at all the activity going on.

"What? Yeah, I guess." I ran my fingers through my hair. "She only has a week left out here. Not seeing her for a few days is fucked up."

"You like her." He poked me in the side.

I glanced over at my best friend and snorted. "Yeah, dumb ass. You just getting that vibe?"

"I think it's great." Daniel walked into the kitchen and hopped up onto the counter next to the sink. "Are you going to try to keep things going with her after this next week? Is she staying here in Arizona?"

"I think she is. It sounded like her parents were somewhere close from the side conversations I've heard her have with her friends and the few times we've talked about the future." I rubbed my chest and turned to face my friends. "Let's get out of here this afternoon. There's a big party down on the dock by Clint's house. You guys wanna grab some beers and just go hang out?"

"I do." Daniel hopped off the counter and opened the cabinet, pulling out a bottle of suntan lotion. "I say we forgo inviting the girls and just go have some time to ourselves."
