Page 198 of Addicted

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I picked up my walk to a jog, and then a run. I could pretend that I was fine, but I wasn't. Miami was a horrible idea, and regardless of what Casey wanted...I wasn't going.

Chapter 2


"Yes, Jon. I know the place. I've been there twice before." I ran my hand through my short, dark hair and pulled a second pair of black slacks from a hanger in my closet. "No, I'm not interested in having my room near Kevin's. You know how I feel about the guy."

My boss was far more involved in relationship building among our teams than I felt he should be. He was a touchy-feely sort of guy, and though I liked him, I wasn't interested in becoming better friends with my co-worker, Kevin, or anyone else at the company. I loved the place simply because of the travel involved and the prestige I received for being a resort critic.

"You sure, Easton? I know you and Kev have had a few run-ins in the past, but he's a great food critic. I'd almost dare to say that he's the crème-de-la-crème with food as you are with resorts." Jon let out a hearty laugh.

"You don't know him that well, then." I scoffed and walked back to my large, four-post bed, dropping the slacks on the mattress and checking the time. "I need to jet. Flight's leaving in a couple of hours and I'm not done packing just yet."

"Alright b

uddy, well, keep me in the loop, and don't go easy on these bastards. They're the biggest resort in Miami. Make sure everything is up to par as most people believe it is."

"I'll search it out and write an honest review, just like I always do." I dropped the call and tossed the phone onto the bed, freeing myself to finish getting ready.

"Spring break," I muttered and rolled my eyes. I was only two years out of college, but it seemed somehow like a lifetime ago. Just the thought of being around a bunch of hormone-driven, high-seeking, early-twenties type people made my stomach tighten. I was a frat boy in college, but after being in the working world and moving through far too few real adult relationships since, I was a bit tainted toward anyone’s idea of fun.

A knock at the door caught my attention, and I moved toward it, humming a tune that I couldn't seem to get out of my head. The trip to Florida would be good for me, whether I wanted to go or not. I'd been working too many hours lately, and this next job was set in a place where I couldn't help but relax a little.

Sam stood at the door with a big smile on his face. "Hi, Mr. Parks. Is Eli ready to go?"

"He sure is. Come on in." I opened the door farther and smiled as the lanky, teenage gamer walked into my high-rise apartment. His mother lived a few doors down, the woman far more interested in her wealth and boyfriends than the kid she was raising alone.

"You sure your mom's okay with him staying with you for the week?" I lifted an eyebrow at the boy as we walked to the washroom.

"Oh yeah. I'll just keep him with me. It's cool if I take him to the park down the street a few times, right?" He moved to open the door and paused, glancing back at me as the sound of my yapping little dog filled the air.

"Of course. Just keep up with him. He's my only friend." I gave a cheeky grin and moved back as Sam picked up the puppy and turned to face me.

"I doubt that. Though I'd be totally cool just having a dog as a friend."

"No need for girls, right? Such a pain in the butt." I moved to the kitchen and picked up the bag of Eli's food and treats before leaning over and kissing the top of my pup's head. "Be good, buddy. Be good for Sam, okay? I'll see you soon. I love you, boy."

The dog wiggled and whined as if we were parting for far longer than a week.

"Girls can take a hike. I swear they were built with invisible knives." Sam shrugged, turned and walked to the door with Eli in one hand and the dog's stuff in the other.

"Invisible knives?" I opened the door and gave the kid a quizzical look.

"Yeah. The ones they sink into your heart when you're not looking. Moms have them too. All girls do, and when they grow into women, I figure it just gets worse."

I reached out and ruffled his hair. "There are a lot of good ones left. Stop being so cynical. You're too young for that. Now, get outta here and take care of my boy."

"I will. Have fun." Sam turned and walked back to his place, the kid’s shoulders rounding as he cuddled Eli against him and spoke softly to him in excited, albeit hushed, tones.

I watched him go, unable to shake the expression on Sam's face as he expressed his feelings toward women. "What in the world could cause a teenager to hate all womankind?"

My phone buzzed from the bedroom, calling me from my thoughts and forcing me to answer it. The ring tone was for my mother, which was good and bad. She was one of my closest friends, but since I was out of college and her oldest kid, she wanted marriage and babies next on the radar for me.

She did. I didn't.

"Mom. What's up?" I picked up the phone and worked to close my suitcase.

"Hi, baby. Your father and I are going out of town for the week, but I wanted you to come over Friday or Saturday for dinner. Will you be back in town by then?"

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