Page 200 of Addicted

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"Yeah. That would be great." I picked up my suit jacket and moved to the door, paying the guy and tipping him before getting out into the chilly New York morning.

"Miami should be a bit warmer if nothing else," I mumbled to myself and gathered my things before walking into the busy airport terminal. People raced about as if making their flight was everything in the world to them.

I caught the eyes of a pretty flight attendant and smiled kindly, ignoring the heated gaze I got from the woman. After checking in and getting my seat, I moved to pick up a Coke, a magazine, and some Skittles.

"Well, fancy meeting you here, mister." Kevin's voice caused a subtle sigh to leave me.

I glanced over my shoulder and feigned surprise. "Kev. What's up, buddy?"

Turning, I extended my hand to the portly, balding food critic who wanted more of my time than I was willing to give.

"I'm good, East. You headed to Miami already?"

"It's Easton, and yeah. Just wanted to get there and get settled in before starting the week." I rolled my shoulders before turning around and handing the cashier a card.

Kevin leaned around me and put his stuff on the counter. "Here, just put mine on his too. We're using the same company card anyway."

The girl looked up at me qu


"Yeah, it's fine." I kept my facade locked into place and turned back to the guy. "I thought you weren't coming out until later this week."

"I wasn't, but there are a few new restaurants that are opening this week that I want to try out. I figured I could do it on the company’s dime and write up a critique. I'm sure Jon will pick up the piece. He loves my stuff." He snorted and I turned, not wanting to look at the slime-ball anymore.

"Thank you." I gave the cashier a smile and took my bag before moving to let him gather his stuff.

"You on the next flight?" Kevin ripped into a package of beef jerky and bit down on a piece before wrestling with it to bite off a chunk.

I couldn't help but smile. The guy was a complete idiot and had no clue. I wouldn't be pointing it out, but the sooner I could make my leave, the better.

"No, I'm on the one leaving at ten. Speaking of...I better get going. I'll see you in Miami." I waved, turned and walked toward security without another word. He called after me, but I simply pretended not to hear him.

The week would be filled with analyzing every part of the three resorts I was headed to. I could only hope there was a little bit of fun in store for me during all of the madness.

Walking up to the security station, I paused and looked over my shoulder as two college-aged girls jogged toward me. I couldn't help but notice how pretty the redheaded one was. Her long locks bouncing on her shoulders were only outdone by her legs that seemed to go on for days. I turned my back to them, not wanting to appear like the ass I was being.

Women didn't need someone staring them down like they were nothing more than a piece of meat. Even if they did the same damn thing to me all the time.

Funny enough, I didn't mind so much. Maybe she wouldn't either.

I turned in time for her to plow into me, the pretty thing not paying a bit of attention to anything around her.

Great. A beautiful ditz. Just my luck.

Chapter 3


"I don't care what you say, Viv. We're going. We have the tickets, and you need this. Hell, I need this." Casey pulled into the large outdoor parking lot at the airport. "Please? Please come with me. I'm not going by myself and you know it."

I let out a long sigh and unbuckled, knowing that the last thing I wanted was to walk around Miami with a million other college kids for a week. I wanted to think I had a choice in the matter, but to let Casey down after we'd worked hard to come up with some lame story for the airlines to switch the tickets from Valentine’s Day to spring break wasn't going to work.

"Fine, but when I need time to myself or want to just veg on the beach with a book, no giving me shit. Got it?" I got out of the small Honda and walked to the back, waiting for her to pop the trunk.

"Deal." She pulled me into an awkward hug and kissed the side of my face. "What were the freaking odds that we would run into that asshole there? What crappy luck we have."

"It's my luck, and I'm not a bit surprised." I got my bag out of the back and moved backwards, turning to lay eyes on the small tram that would take us to the terminal. "The airlines felt so bad that they gave us that upgrade option too, remember? Let's see if we can get into first class."
