Page 217 of Addicted

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"This is Vivian." The subtle sexiness in her voice couldn't have been on purpose, and yet it shot an arrow straight through me.

"Hey, Viv. It's Easton. We met on the plane today." I held my breath, praying that she wouldn’t be a bitch about making me explain who I was, as if our three chance encounters meant nothing to her.

"Hi, Easton. What's up?"

"I was having a drink in the bar downstairs, and I thought I would see if you were interested in joining me. My meeting ended earlier than expected. I'm sure you have plans, but I wanted–”

"Sure. I'll be down in thirty minutes or so. I just need to shower and change."

"Great. See you when you get here." I dropped the call, sat the phone on the bar and drained my beer. "I need another one of these."

The bartender took the empty bottle and laughed. "Nervous?"

"For some ungodly reason, yes. This girl is far beyond my paygrade." I brushed my fingers by my lips and tried to ignore the images of her naked and soapy in the shower. It wouldn't take much for me to be fully turned on by her, which wouldn't benefit anyone. I'd have to hold myself to my two-beer limit. Any more than that and I'd be a little more aggressive than she might appreciate.

"Those are the fun ones. Good luck and have fun, kid." He handed me the beer and moved down to help someone else.

I turned to watch the crowd and ignored the stares I got from various women around the room. There was beauty everywhere, but it was usually a facade for the angst underneath. Vivian didn't strike me as a bitch, but hopefully I would figure that out tonight.

Best to know what I was getting myself into before offering her a few more dates later that week. I rolled my eyes and released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. An hour ago, I was discarding the thought of calling her at all, and now, I was planning out the week with her stuck right in the middle of it. Why did attraction turn the most logical people into blubbering, wishy-washy idiots?

Why was it doing a serious number on me?

I glanced up a few minutes later as she stopped at the door to the bar, her hair down and covering her shoulders, her dress white and feminine as it hugged her thin waist and flared out over her hips. Bright blue sandals and a little bit of jewelry and the woman was stunning.

Lifting my hand, I caught her attention and prepared myself for a battle that was soon to be fought deep inside of me. My pulse had quickened, my heart contracting, my body aching.

"Hey. Glad you changed your mind." She stopped beside me and gave me a shy smile.

"Me too. Come have a beer with me." I patted the seat next to me and tried hard not to breathe in the aroma of her perfume. It wouldn't help any of the insanity pumping through me. What was it about her that drove me toward wanting her so badly?

"I'd love that. One beer and then you're taking me to get something to eat. I'm starving." She sat down on the barstool next to me, her eyes moving to the bartender as I studied her.

"You look beautiful." I let the words escape me before I could deny her anything.

"You're not so bad yourself." She gave me a sideways glance before ordering a drink.

I could do this. Drinks, dinner, conversation. Nothing else I promised myself, and subsequently hated myself for it.

I wanted much more than what I had planned, but that was usually my signal to run.

Not this time, or at least, not yet.

Chapter 9


Sitting next to him at the bar left me wishing I had taken Casey up on her offer to join us. It was too much like a date, and some part of me wanted the attention of the handsome man beside me, though it would do nothing but end after a week of getting to know each other.

A drink and dinner. Nothing else.

I took the beer the bartender offered and turned a little to focus more on Easton. His dark jeans hugged his hips and I couldn't help but take in the fullness of the attraction that I felt toward him.

"So are you up for dinner, or is another handsome guy taking me tonight?" I lifted my eyebrow at him. I was the shy type until I got into a conversation with someone one-on-one. Then, and only then, I could hold my own. Crowds left me a little overwhelmed.

"I'm just glad I'm in the handsome guy category, but yeah. Let's take these beers and walk down the strip. There's a ton of good places to try. The taco stand next door is killer." He touched my lower back as I got up and moved toward the door with him.

I was forced to stifle a shiver at the simple gesture. Not good.
