Page 231 of Addicted

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Me: LOL. Tell her that I'll buy everything tonight. Just let me hitch onto your party line.

Vivian: Alright, but don't expect anything from me. I'm leaving Saturday, and your only job tonight is to make sure that I don't drink myself into an oblivion and end up with a strange man.

Me: Got it. Meet you in the lobby at eight tonight. Thanks.

"Yes," I mumbled and walked into my hotel room, dropping down onto one of the beds and rolling onto my side. I could go and play protection detail for the two girls, no problem. The fact that she felt the need to mention another man left me wanting to choke someone.

The club would be insanely hot, and a great way to touch Vivian once more before she went back to her own life. I deserved to not get to see her again at all, but somehow I'd wiggled my way into her good graces enough to at least have the evening with her.

I most likely had Casey to thank for that. I'd have to find a way to get close to Vivian's friend to get the story on Viv. Some part of me knew that I'd have no luck getting the information out of Casey, seeing that I'd probably been black listed after my actions earlier in the week, but I was willing to try.


I changed into a nice shirt, boots and a pair of dark jeans before heading down to the lobby. I had no clue as to what the girls would be wearing, but I was hoping that my attire wasn't too far out of place.

They were already waiting for me in the lobby when I got there, and I was grateful for the few moments I had before they discovered my arrival. Casey was in jeans and a tight shirt, but Viv was in a black dress that hugged her hips and left her breasts center stage for attention. The black sandals she wore brought her look down to something more casual. But with the number of eyes on her just in the lobby, I knew it was going to be a long night.

My body reacted strongly to her as I moved toward them, catching the subtle hint of her perfume as I touched her lower back and moved around her.

"Hey, beautiful." I moved my hands to my pockets, knowing good and damn well that I would touch her every chance I got if I didn't. "Hey, Casey. You look beautiful too."

"Thank you kindly, Sir. I hear you're our security detail tonight." Casey gave me a warm smile, but it was Viv's tight expression that demanded my attention. Hurt sat at the edge of her eyes, and I hated myself for the possibility of it being my fault.

"I sure am. Let's get over there. It's supposed to be crazy." I offered each of them an arm and luckily they both took it. We walked out to the circle drive toward a sleek black Lexus that the hotel had loaned me. "You girls can both get in the back or one of you can call–”

"Shotgun!" Casey yelled as she released me and jogged toward her side of the car.

Vivian pulled out her phone and moved to the back seat, getting in and not turning to give me a second glance.

"Fuck," I mumbled under my breath and got into the driver's side, making sure to adjust my rear-view mirror so that I could see her better. "Did you guys have a good week?"

"It was good. Lots of food, fun, and sun. I think miss moody back there is ready for New York again, but I could honestly stay here forever." Casey pulled her seatbelt on and bounced in her seat. "Everyone has been talking about this club."

"I like New York, too. It's classy and homey for those who were raised there." I glanced up to pin Viv with a stare. She looked up and nodded curtly before turning back to her phone. I'd lost her. I was almost sure of it.

It's a good thing, right? Then why the hell does it feel so bad?

I continued. "Yeah, my co-worker, Kevin is going to be here tonight. He's a food critic." I turned my attention to the road in front of us and drove slowly, trying hard not to run into any of the million people that moved along the sidewalk ahead of us.

"Oh nice. Is he hot?" Casey turned and lifted her eyebrows.

"Not in the slightest, though I might not be the best judge of what a hot guy looks like." I turned on the radio and pulled onto the main strip, pointing out a few things to Casey here and there as she seemed the only one interested in talking with me at all.

"Here we are." I pointed to the club. "Exposé. Interesting name."

"Right? Seeing that we're on a nude beach, it's quite fitting." Casey unbuckled as I pulled up to the valet.

"Make sure you have your I.D.s, girls." I got out of the car and turned to Viv, wanting to say a million things to her.

"Got it." She lifted it and waved it in front of her face before walking toward the door. "That's one hell of a line. We'll never get in."

I moved up beside her and pulled out my business card. "Sure we will. Follow behind me and hold on tightly to Casey."

The large bouncer at the door lifted his eyebrow at me and smirked. "Line's back there, Mr. Big Stuff."

"I'm here to critique the club as part of Wilmington and Branch." I lifted my card toward him and tilted my head. "Get your manager if you need to check me in. I'm on your list."

"And the girls?" He nodded back to Viv and Casey.
