Page 235 of Addicted

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I wanted passion in my life, but I didn't want anything to do with drama.

Chapter 16


She fit perfectly against me, her body so incredibly tight and pliable as I rocked against her. The fact that her ex-boyfriend had shown up in the club was honestly a little hard to believe. He had to have planned them bumping into each other, or fate was working overtime for the week.

I spread my fingers out wide across her stomach as I rubbed myself against her. She needed to know how far beyond hot she was. The fact that my body was almost shaking with need should have been more than enough to remind her. She was a good girl, the kind of woman I could take home and plan a future with, but she was hurting – a lot.

The tall guy who'd caused most of it stopped in front of us and barked at me to move away from Vivian, as if he had the right to demand anything from either of us.

She lifted her hand and pressed it to his chest. "I don't want any trouble. Seriously."

"Then stop dry humping some dude right in front of me. You're not a slut, Viv. Don't be one just to impress me. It's not becoming." He swatted her hand from his chest angrily.

I tugged her behind me and moved up, looking Jackson in the eye as our height matched up perfectly. He was almost the same body type as me, but had a little more muscle than I did. Had to be because he was still in college and I was living a busy-ass life.

Has to be.

"Fuck off. No one's interested in your attitude or the way you treat women. Find someone else to mess around with. Vivian's mine, and I'm not going anywhere. You messed up. Live with it." I straightened my shoulders and tilted my head just a little, making sure he knew by my stance alone that I had no problem whooping his ass in the middle of the dance floor. Vivian might not be ready to spend the night in jail, but I was if it was necessary. My boss, Jon, was a brawler like no other. He would understand if I called for help. So would my dad.

"Who are you, anyway? Vivian was just in the grocery store crying her fucking face off over me on Sunday." He pushed at my chest, and I moved closer to him as she tugged at my arm.

"Easton, please. I don't like violence." She pressed her breasts to my arm and gave me a pleading look, but I'd already gone too far. If I backed down, the bastard would think he'd won, and he hadn't.

"I'm her new man. Leave her alone, or I'll fuck you up." I turned and took her hand before walking toward the bar. "Let's get out of here. Where's Casey?"

"I don't know. Let me look for her." Vivian wrapped her hands around my hand and tucked herself against my side, setting my body and heart on fire even more for her. She belonged there beside me.

I paid our tab and turned in time to catch a drink to the face. Whiskey stung my eyes, but I had very little doubt as to who'd thrown the liquor at me.

"Don't tell me what to do, mother fucker. This girl you think you've captivated isn't up for grabs. She's been mine my whole life, and I'm not leaving here without her." He swung as I turned slightly, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the bar top.

He hit it hard with his side and doubled over about the time I uppercut his jaw, knocking the big brute onto his ass. Bending down, I got in his face as he rolled onto his side.

"Don't come near her again, or I'll make sure you don't get up for a few days. Got me?" I got in his face and pressed my forehead to his, wanting to make sure he was more than aware of who the alpha was between the two of us. My brothers had pulled this side of me out on numerous occasions. I was comfortable delivering ass-whoopings when necessary, even if Viv didn't like it.

Standing, I realized that she'd moved away from the drama in search of Casey. I followed after her and stopped beside her, sliding my hand onto her lower back as she glanced back at me.

"I got a text from her that she left already. I don't like it."

"She's a grown woman, and any man would be an idiot to mess with her. Let me get the car and we'll get out of here. You can try and call her on our way back over to the resort." I leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Stay up here by the bouncer and don't talk to your ex if he hobbles over here."

"Hobbles?" She lifted her eyebrow at me. The pretty girl must have missed the whole show.

"Wait here." I ignored her question and got the car, texting her to come out after I pulled up. I couldn't help but appreciate how well her little black dress fit her as she walked around the front of the car and got in quickly.

"She knows that I hate it when she leaves somewhere without me." Viv let out a frustrated sounding sigh and buckled up. "Just go back to La Mage and I'll check my room for her."

"Alright. I'm sure she's fine. Keep trying to call her." I pulled out of the club parking lot and took my time getting us back to the hotel. The crowds were thick, and by the time we got back to the hotel, my desire and carnal nature were properly tucked away. The massive amounts of adrenaline that flooded my system both due to my lust over Viv and my anger over her ex emptied out, leaving me weary.

"Case, it's me. Please call me back. Easton and I are back at the hotel, and I'm worried about you. I have my cell phone with me. You know I hate it when you do this shit. Call me now, please." Vivian dropped her hands into her lap as I parked in the front of the resort and several valets rushed toward us.

"Let's get something to eat and we can try to reach her again. You wanna change?" I opened my door and moved to the front of the car, offering her my hand. I was almost surprised that she took it, but she did. I used my grasp on her to pull her close to me as we walked into the ornate lobby.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. Let's go to your room and order room service. I'll go change in a little while. I want to find my friend first." She moved us toward the elevator, pulling in front of me a little, which afforded me a beautiful sideview of her incredible body.

Even with my mind running in ten different directi
