Page 246 of Addicted

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"The hot dogs are actually pretty good there," Paul spoke, his voice raspy like he had been chewing on glass half the night.

"I'm good with eating there. You?" Vivian turned to me.

"I'm down with whatever. I just want to be with you and enjoy the show." I moved my arm to wrap around Viv's shoulders and tugged her a little closer to me so that I could press a kiss just below her ear. "You're leaving me tomorrow, aren't you?"

She turned to face me, her mouth so close to mine that I could smell the subtle hint of peppermint on her tongue. "Yeah, but like you said, we can have lunch or dinner some time back in New York. You'll just have to hit me up when you're in town."

I didn't know her well enough to know if the idea of o

ur parting hurt her at all, but the slight flinch along the edge of her eyes told me that perhaps it did.

"I'll be calling all the time then." I ran my fingers over her shoulder and smiled at her. "You look incredible. Did I say that already?"

Casey turned from the front seat and laughed. "Only ten times."

"Well, I want to say it a million more." I sat back, releasing Viv as we pulled up to the event. Opening the door, I got out and helped Viv out before giving the cabbie my card.

"I got this." Casey moved around the car with Paul in tow.

"Naw, I got it. It's all good." I smiled at her, liking the girl more and more each time we hung out. She and Viv were almost polar opposites, but I could see why they made such good friends. They complimented each other well.

"Let's go. I'm excited." Viv pulled at my arm as I finished paying the cab driver.

I laughed and turned, taking her hand and half jogging with her to the gate. I handed everyone their ticket and got in line behind my girl. The breeze picked up and the smell of her perfume washed over me, causing my stomach to tighten as I reached for her.

She pressed back against me, turning her head a little to give me a great view of her profile. "What's up?"

"You’re up." I brushed my erection by her rear. "And you're causing me to get up. I swear you're the hottest woman I've ever seen in my short life."

She smiled, reached back and stroked me over my jeans, squeezing my balls softly before tugging on them a little. "You're just horny."

"Yeah. For you." I ran my hands down the top of her outer thigh and nudged her forward. "Stop playing with me, or I'll find an empty stall and see if you're wearing panties under that dress."

She handed her ticket to the attendant and turned, a smile lifting her beautiful face. "You'd like to know..."

"Fucking right I would." I handed my ticket to the guy and moved toward her as she turned and jogged toward a series of stairs.

"Come on. Casey and Paul can catch up later. I want to see everything." Her hair billowed behind her as she took the stairs, and I couldn't force myself to move another inch. I wanted to watch her, though there was almost too much irony in letting her rush from me.

"You waiting on an invitation?" Casey popped my butt as she jogged by me. "You're cordially invited to come the fuck on."

I laughed and took the stairs two at a time, buzzing past Casey and catching up to Viv in time to wrap my arms around her and spin her once at the top of the staircase. She yelped and the sound delighted me, warming my entire body from the center out. We could have what my parents had. I could feel it.

"Let's go." She moved from me and reached back, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward our seats.

I didn't care at all about the music or the experience; I just wanted to be around her while she enjoyed herself. As the band started to play, we all took to our feet and I shuffled in behind her, sliding my hands over her hips and breathing her in deeply. Tonight was it, but it didn't seem like an ending for some reason.

Maybe there was hope.

Maybe I could force it.


"That was kick ass awesome!" She bounced on the balls of her feet as we stopped in the cab-line at the amphitheater. Casey had taken an earlier ride home after getting sick on something she ate, but she wouldn't let anyone go with her but her new guy. Paul said he would take care of her, and once Viv agreed to it, I did as well.

"I know, right? I loved every minute of it." I opened the door for her as she got into the cab and scooted over for me.

"What now? Want to try for ice cream again or are you tired?" She moved toward me the minute I shut my door, her actions lighting my heart on fire.

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