Page 248 of Addicted

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's not entirely true." I shrugged, removed my hand from his thick chest and turned to walk toward the bathroom. "Let me change real quick."

"I'd rather you left the bathing suit on the bathroom floor, but if you want to wear it..." He let out a long, playful sigh that caused me to chuckle.

"And here I thought you were a good man. Corruption has taken a hold of you." I stopped by the bathroom door and glanced back to catch him watching me with hunger in his gaze.

"I was that man until a goddess made love to me last night. Now, I can't seem to pull myself out of the muck." He put his hands on his hips and shrugged. "I blame you entirely."

I snorted. "Of course you do. Typical male ego."

Disappearing into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me and changed into my black bikini. After checking my appearance three times in the mirror, I finally resigned myself to going back out to finish our evening together. There was nothing I wanted more than to make love to him all night, but it was foolish to think that I could walk away unscathed from our short love affair. I had no hope in a future together, and that he did hurt me even more.

Was I giving up the chance to try again?

He said himself that he couldn't keep a relationship alive to save his life due to his incessant travel. And what if he met someone on one of his trips? What if I wasn't enough?

"You haven't been up to this point. Why would this be any different?" I leaned toward the mirror, only to jump and yelp as his voice came through the door.

"Are you talking to yourself in there? Get out here. The water's perfect."

I smiled and pulled a towel from the rack behind me, grabbing him one too and walking out to enjoy the view. His black swim trunks only seemed to accentuate just how big of a package he was sporting. The memory of seeing him naked and bare before me the night before caused a shiver to run through me.

"Cold?" He asked with a cocky grin on his face.

"Nope. Just thinking about how good you look naked. I'm lamenting a little over the fact that you didn't let me taste you." I shrugged and walked past him, trying hard to keep my tone very matter-of-fact.

"Tease." He slid his fingers over my lower back as he passed me. "That bathing suit makes you look good enough to eat, by the way."

"Thanks. I love this one." I followed him down the hall and out onto a small, private balcony where the hot tub bubbled. Steam rose up from the turbulent water, and the smell of salt wrapped around me. "This is going to be great."

"It's really relaxing. The resort is honestly one of the best in the country. I search each visit for something to offer as an improvement to them, and honestly it gets harder and harder to find when I come here." He got into the water and offered me his hand. "Have you enjoyed your room and the food?"

"Absolutely. The food is exquisite. I'm going to write up a few pieces when I get home on it. Do you think I should submit them to the paper in Miami as well as New York? I just realized that I might have an easier time getting featured here where the restaurants are." I walked into the hot water and sunk down next to him, letting out a groan as my muscles responded to the strong jets spraying against them.

"Both. Always put your eggs in a handful of baskets until you find your sweet spot." He settled across the hot tub from me. "Kevin is our lead food critic, but the guy honestly doesn't have his thumb on the pulse of what people like or want. He's a total dick."

"Get me his job." I smiled and lifted my arms, running my fingers through the bubbles.

"Would you be interested if I could?" He lifted his eyebrow, the playfulness gone for the moment.

"I think so, yes. But I was just teasing. I can find a job on my own. I have Casey working with me when we get back to figure out the best place for me to start." I shrugged, not too terribly concerned about it.

"Are you going to stay in New York or are you open to going other places?" His foot brushed by mine, and at first I figured it an accident, until he did it again, a soft petting sort of touch.

"I love New York, so I'll probably stay there, but I'd love to travel like you do. I'm close to my family, but not so close that seeing them on occasion wouldn't be okay." I leaned back and closed my eyes. "Are you going to have to travel like you are now for the entirety of your career?"

"Yeah, most likely." The water moved and I opened my eyes to see him shifting toward me. He settled in beside me and pressed his shoulder to mine.

"Do you want to get married?" He glanced over at me.

"To you?" I sat up, a little shocked by the question.

The beautiful smile that slid across his face caused my tummy to tighten in anticipation of hope sprouting inside of me again.

"No, silly girl. Though I could see that happening, but I'm a dreamer of sorts." He slid his hand over mine below the surface of the water and played with my fingers. "In general. Do you want to get married to someone? Is it something you think about?"

"Yes. I want to share life with someone. Almost desperately at times." I licked at my lips and shifted my gaze to his mouth. "Do you?"

"All the time. My mother won't give me a moment’s rest on it."

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