Page 263 of Addicted

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"So tell us about your trip to Miami." My mom rubbed the top of my back as we walked into the kitchen.

"Where are Clint and Jake?" I glanced around before moving to the stove and picking up the tongs.

"They're on a last minute hunting trip. Clint called to see if they should invite you, but momma told them that you were on a business trip." My dad sat down at the breakfast counter and pulled a coffee cup toward him. "You need to take some time off, Easton. You've been going at it for two years. We barely get to see you at all anymore."

"Yes. I agree. Having off on Christmas day and Easter on occasion isn't going to work." My mom took the tongs from me and bumped me with her hip. "Get a cup of coffee and go sit by your dad. He misses you."

My dad pressed his hand to his face as he fake cried in his usual dramatic fashion.

I rolled my eyes and moved up behind him, wrapping him in a hug and digging my chin into his shoulder as he screamed like a woman.

"Oh yeah? Is that the one tear you cried for me, old man?" I laughed as he twisted violently, trying to shake me off.

"Don't hurt him please. You know he's getting old." My mother sat a cup of coffee in front of me as I slid into the seat next to my dad.

"I'm not old. I'm a freaking spring chicken." My dad glanced at me, waiting.

"I'm not making the chicken sound." I swatted at him as he turned to attack me.

"Boys. Stop it. I want to hear about this girl, East. I know you're on a tight schedule. Warm your mother's heart and tell me that she might be the one." My mom stopped and glanced over at me. Funny enough, my father did too.

"Yeah, she might be her." I shrugged. "Actually, she is. I'm just not sure if she thinks I'm him."

"She will, son. Just be yourself and pull back some on your damn job. Women need attention, and if she's a looker, then some old dog's waiting for a chance to steal her from you." My dad elbowed me in the side. "Ain't that right, Mary?"

"Yes. It is." My mom moved toward us and placed a big plate of bacon down. "Don't eat all that. I'm working on eggs now, and listen to your father. Your job should be important, but there comes a time when everything has to play second string to your family, baby. Now is that time."

She was right, but I wasn't sure how to readjust things or if I was ready to make that deep of a commitment. Surely Vivian would understand and give me a few more years to get ahead. I was so close to being invited into the executive inner circle. A few more years and I'd be there. We could get to know each other and slowly move toward the next level of commitment.

"No girl worth having is going to hang out and wait on you to choose her over that job. Hear me now. You'll lose her." My dad rubbed my back. "Is she worth giving up a few of your dreams for?"

"I don't know, Dad. I think so, but if I'm being totally honest, then I really don't know yet."

Chapter 28


My phone buzzed beside my ear, pulling me from the best night of sleep I'd had in months. I jerked up and grabbed it, checking the time on the alarm and jumping up.

"Shit! I'm going to be late." I rushed through the apartment, gathering my clothes and trying to get dressed while forcing panic back down my chest. "Easton? You here?"

Nothing. Where could he be? Asleep on the couch?

I finished getting my dress on, but couldn't get it zipped without some serious acrobatics. I walked into the over-sized master bathroom and turned,

leaving my back to the mirror as I contorted in an effort to get the dress zipped.

"Where are you?" I finished up and jogged through the living room into the kitchen. "Easton?"

The note by the stove caught my attention, and I read it quickly, realizing that he was either too sweet to wake me up or didn't want to see me that early in the morning. Casey would force me to see the positive in everyone, so I did.

He'd left a plate of food for me in the microwave, but undoubtedly forgot that I didn't have a car with me. It was still at Jaspers. I grabbed the key that hung by the refrigerator and walked out with my heels dangling from my fingers, hoping like hell that the key would lock the front door. It did, much to my relief.

I made my way down the elevator, my fingers tapping frantically on the wall behind me. The door opened and a nice-looking bellman nodded.

"Morning, Miss."

"Good morning. Is there any way that someone can call a cab for me? I think Easton forgot that we left my car at the restaurant last night." I ran my fingers through my hair, realizing how incredibly slutty I must look.
