Page 265 of Addicted

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"Aren't they always?" She pointed across the street. "Hey they opened that new sandwich shop. Can we go there instead? I've been waiting for it to open."

"I know you have, and yeah. That's fine." I slung my bag over my shoulder as momentary gratefulness washed over me. My parents had a lot of issues, and them getting a divorce was going to be painful, but neither of them ever once tried to shit on my dreams.

"So, how was the night with Easton? I assume you spent the night with him."

I chuckled. "Yes, and it was amazing. He's an incredible guy, but him leaving me a note this morning is a stark reminder that his career comes first."

"He couldn't help that he had to go out of town though." She gave me a cocky smirk. "You're being ridiculous if you're upset over that."

"No. I get it, but he could have woken me up. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, walking from his complex with my heels in my hand, no car, and my hair a fucking mess." I growled, not realizing how pissy I was over the situation until I started sharing it with Case. "It just irks me. I'll get over it."

"Did you guys talk about a relationship at all or was it just pure carnality, rip your clothes off type stuff?" She opened the door to the sandwich shop and moved back, letting me go in first. A few guys from the football team waved at us, and I returned the gesture before grabbing a menu and getting in line.

"He wants to date exclusively, or he thinks he does. Most of what was said was uttered in the middle of us making love, so who knows how much of it is legit."

"I would assume all of it, but then again, I'm an optimist and you–”

"Aren't. I know." I scanned the sandwiches and pointed to three that looked good. "I'm getting all of these. Share them with me so I don't look like a fatty?"

"Yeah, whatever. I just want to get two bags of chips. That okay?"

"Yep. My treat." I pulled out my wallet and stepped up to the counter, ordering for us and moving back as Casey grabbed the soda cup from in front of me.

"What do you want?" She glanced over her shoulder as she moved away.

"I don't care, just nothing diet."

After paying, I found her sitting at a booth in the middle of the football boys and joined her, not really interested in fighting over where we were sitting. She loved their attention, and I knew most of them from playing every sport available to me in intramural.

"So are you going to date him exclusively?" She asked me as she slid the drink to my

side of the table.

I took a quick sip and shrugged. "I'm not interested in dating anyone else, and I'm pretty into him. He's everything I want in a guy and then some."

"I think he's a safe bet, but make sure you figure out if his career really would come before you. That doesn't sound like the kind of guy you want to invest your future in."

I leaned back as my phone buzzed. "Maybe not, but again, there aren't many prospects on the horizon, nor would I pay attention to them if there were."

The text from Easton was simple and sweet.

Easton: Have a good day, baby. I'm thinking about you.

Me: You too. Thanks for the ride this morning.

Easton: Oh fuck. I'm sorry. You figured it out, I guess?"

Me: Yeah. I'm resourceful like that. Have a safe trip.

Easton: I will. I'll call on Friday when I get back in.

"Why not sooner?" I pressed the off button and dropped the phone back into my pocket as Brett, a handsome linebacker from our football team, winked at me.

"Why not sooner what, pretty girl?" He turned his attention on us, as did several of his friends.

"My new boyfriend is on a business trip, and isn't going to call until he gets back. I was just wondering why he'd want to wait all week." I shrugged, not thinking much of it.

"Because you'd interrupt his time with the other women in his life. Duh." Brett pushed at my shoulder playfully. "Naw, I'm just kidding. I'm sure he's the one guy in the universe who doesn't cheat. Right?"
