Page 283 of Addicted

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"Nope. I found a beautiful girl on the side of the road and stopped to offer help." I wagged my eyebrows and took the cup as I let my eyes scan the room. I didn't know anyone, but Sam did. He seemed to know everyone everywhere we went.

"Oh, yeah? Did you get her number or did she pay you in full then and there?" He smirked, and I could tell by the glossiness in his eyes that I was going to be loading the fucking bike into the back of his truck and driving us both home. The poor guy couldn't hold his liquor.

"No, I gave her my number and did the gentlemanly thing. She was high-class. Way outta my league." I took another drink of the beer and nodded toward the living room. "Anyone worth hitting on tonight?"

"Yep. There's a ton of people out on the back patio. They have heat lamps set up out there. Some of the bedrooms are open, too. They said just lock the door if you're gonna be using the room and don't take long." He picked up a handful of popcorn and tossed it at his mouth, missing terribly. Popcorn landed all over the floor at his feet.

I walked to the closet to look for a broom and started to reprimand him, but found two girls making out as I opened the door.

"Oh. Sorry, ladies." I licked at my lips and reached around one of them to grab a broom.

"Hmmm, you're hot. Come on in here with us." One of them reached for me, but I grabbed her hand, kissed it, and put it back on her friend.

"Maybe in a few minutes." I closed the door and turned back to see Sam watching me with his mouth hanging open.

"Wow. Why do you always score? It's almost unfair." He moved back and lifted his beer to his lips.

"They're too young for me, idiot." I swept up the popcorn and threw it away before patting his chest. "Do not leave without me tonight. Got it? I'm serious. Don't leave me here, or I'll find you and beat the tar out of you."

"Alright. Shit. Don't leave without you. I got it." He gave me a goofy grin and moved toward the living room. "Come on. Let me introduce you to some people."

I followed him, downing the rest of my beer. We stopped by the keg in the hallway near the back door before walking out into a large crowd of people. The music was loud, but fun and drew me in quickly. I loved to dance, and any chance to do it had me sold on looking like an idiot – as if I cared.

"That’s Jessica and Bart. They're in my history class." Sam glanced back at me as he pointed to a nerdy couple in the corner.

"Great. I'm going to dance with some of the girls. Hold my beer?" I took another drink and handed it to him.

"Yeah. You bet." He took a drink of his and then mine as I pulled off my jacket and dropped it in the pile of coats in the chair next to me.

A dark-haired beauty turned and crooked her finger at me. She was the one I'd be taking upstairs, without a doubt. Her “come and fuck me” eyes left my cock hardening almost immediately.

"Hi, stranger." She slid her hands up my chest as I pulled her against the front of me. She was nice and thick and would prove to be a great bed mate for the evening. I could only hope she was at the party for the same reason I was.

"I'm Tate. What's your name, pretty girl?" I leaned in and brushed my lips by her ear, enjoying very much the way she gasped softly at my intimate contact.

"Elise." She rolled her hips and brushed her tummy over my erection as her hands dug into the back of my neck. "I've just gotten out of a shitty relationship and need a rebound. You up for the job?"

"We talking dinner and movie or a long fuck upstairs in a bit?" I moved my body against hers as I slid my hands over the top curve of her ass and squeezed tightly.

"Dinner and movies are so drab." She brushed her nose by my jaw, followed by her full lips.

"I guess it just depends on the mood." I slid my hands up her sides, making sure to brush my thumb over the swell of her tits before spinning her to face away from me. "I'm in the mood for a few beers and the challenge of making the right girl groan my name."

She pressed her ass against me and moved sensually, leaving my body screaming for full contact. The image of the pretty brunette I'd helped rushed by my mind's eye, and my body hardened more as lust burst through me. The girl on the side of the road had to have been every fantasy I'd had for the last ten years. She was taller than most girls, but it fit the dominant look of her features. Her breasts were big enough to catch my attention, and her tight jeans looked damn good on her shapely legs.

But it was the neediness in her sea-green eyes. She needed someone to save her, and fuck, if I didn't want it to be me. I could almost see her smiling at me, could almost hear her laughter. She was broken and needed a man like me to remind her that she was seen, desired.

"I'm that girl." The sexy girl rubbing herself against me pulled me from my thoughts and forced me back into my reality. I was soon to take yet another stranger upstairs for a quick fuck, and while it was happening, some part of me wished I didn't desire the touch of another. But I did, and I would continue to whore myself out just to feed my need.

"Yeah, you are, baby." I licked at the side of her neck before sliding my hands over her tight stomach and petting her mound over her skirt. "You ready to head up there, or you need a little more convincing?”

I loved the sound of her panting, simply because it was heady. Powerful.

"Let's go." She moved from my hold and reached back for my hand. "I like it rough. Good?"

"Perfect." I walked toward the house, stopping only to grab my beer from Sam. "Do not leave without me. Got it?"

"Yeah." His voice was airy as he turned and took in Elise. "Wow."
