Page 285 of Addicted

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Needed it.

I closed my eyes and let out a shaky sigh as I forced myself to make Elise become the girl from earlier in the night. Her back arched in my mind and I slid my hand up it, memorizing the beautiful curves of her body and wanting to touch all of them.

My breathing hitched as I watched her look back at me with adoration on her face. She was a princess. A queen – and she wanted me. Forever.

It was sick, but I didn't care. I needed the fantasy to find release in reality. I cried out as my orgasm hit. The girl beneath me milked me until I could hardly stand and then wanted more.

I found a way to untangle myself from her, got dressed, and stumbled downstairs to find Sam. I hated myself for sleeping around. It was the one thing I promised myself I would try to stop doing because of how I felt when it was all said and done, and yet the neediness inside of me to be loved in any manner by a woman was consuming.

"You getcha some?" Sam patted my chest and handed me the keys to his truck.

"Yeah." I took the keys and walked toward the kitchen. "Come on. I'm ready to get out of here."

"What? We just got here. There's a lot of beautiful women here tonight." He ran into me as I stopped by the door to let another horde of girls into the house.

"Yeah, and all they want is your dick." I glanced over at him and chuckled as he gave me a look.

"And what the fuck is wrong with that? My dick is officially for sale."

"Not on my watch, buddy. Let's get you home."

Chapter 5


The music was way too loud at the frat party, but it always was. I tried to ignore my need to run for the door and go back to my room for the evening. Between the conversation with my mother, then my father, and then the car breaking down, I was over it. All of it.

"You look like you need a drink, beautiful." A blond frat boy I'd never met handed me a glass of something red and wagged his eyebrows at me. "It might help loosen you up a little."

"No, thanks." I handed the drink back to him and reached for the closed beer bottle Amy offered me. Her eyes lit up when she saw the guy.

"Kade Jones? Wow. I watched you totally kill it on the field last fall. You're headed for the NFL soon, right?"

I popped the top on my beer and took a long drink of it as I ran my eyes over the stud in front of me. He was eye candy, for sure, but he was looking to score and I was in a relationship. Not that I would have been interested if I wasn't. One-night stands were for the needy people in life and I wasn't one of them.

Try again.

"Yeah. And, you are?" He extended his hand to Amy, which gained him automatic points with me. Most guys treated her like she wasn't there.

"Amy, and this is my friend Valentine, but we just call her Val."

I gave her a look and shook the guys hand as he gave me a cheeky grin. "Valentine, hmm? That's a pretty interesting name."

"It's my mother's favorite holiday. What can I say? She's original." I removed my hand from his and turned to let my eyes run across the crowd of people. "Where's the rest of the crew?"

"Katelyn was with Martin out on the back patio, and Lucinda is on the dance floor in the other room." Amy gave me a quick glance before turning back to Kade. "You like to dance? Cause you know Val here loves to…"

"I do." He smiled and reached out, taking my hand again and moving us into the far too big living room. It was cleared out to make way for the dance floor. A large strobe light hung from the center of the room and people jumped with their hands in the air.

"I'm not in the mood-" I started to protest, but he turned and pulled me against the front of him, wrapping his hands lightly around my waist.

"I'm not trying to sleep with you, beautiful. I just wanted to dance. You're not from around here, are you? We're not all bad guys." He smiled warmly, and I considered the possibility that a dance was all he wanted, but the thought faded fast.

"I'm from just up the street, and I know you country boys better than you know yourself." I gave him a tight smile and relaxed a little. "My boyfriend is the captain of the hockey team at UMN."

"Oh, I know Paul. He's a pretty decent hockey player." Kade chuckled and spun me around, helping me to loosen up even more. He wasn't a bad dancer, at all.

"He's a pretty decent boyfriend, too." I laughed and took another drink of the beer. A quick memory flashed across my vision of the guy I'd met on the side of the road. Todd? Tanner? Tate. Yeah. Tate.
