Page 290 of Addicted

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Everyone turned and nodded at me, some of them throwing cat-calls for fun.

"I'm working, so you guys keep it down. Alright?" I pulled on my goggles and barely caught a football that was launched at me.

"Hey, grease monkey. There's a girl up front asking for you. If you're too busy to take worries. I'm more than happy to help her out." Nix smirked at me and ran his hand down his black hair before pulling at his ponytail a little. "She looks like she needs to be reminded what a good man can do in her life."

"Oh, yeah? I guess I should help her out seeing that you're anything but good. Scoundrel." I bumped my shoulder by his playfully before walking back up front.

Please let it be her. Please let it be her. Please...


It was her.

Chapter 7


The ice cream the night before had helped, but sleeping on Amy's couch was another story altogether. I got up early the next morning and made Lucinda take me back to the sorority house for a quick shower before class. I half expected the kitchen to be empty when I walked down the stairs afterward, but everyone in the house was gathered around Katelyn and Carolyn, who were in a rather nasty screaming match.

"You're a slut and a disgrace to the Gammas. We should out your ass right now." Katelyn poked her finger into Carolyn's chest and pushed.

"What I do with my private life is none of your concern." Carolyn swatted Katelyn's hand away from her as she glared at all the girls around in the circle. "It's nobody's business. Paul and I have been in love for a long time."

"Then why was he with me?" Some part of me wanted to keep silent, but I wasn't doing anyone any favors by having Katelyn fight my battles for me. Besides, I was more than capable of doing it myself.

"Good question." Katelyn moved toward me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "We should out Carolyn and have Val take her place. You guys know as well as I do that if she'd wanted any of our men, she'd have done the same damn thing. Don't think you're immune to that viper."

"Shut up. I'm not sitting here listening to this. I'm the president of this sorority and my personal life has nothing to do with me running this place. It's thriving, and you've all said so yourselves." She was losing her cool, and it was almost fun to watch. Almost.

I lamented over not being more of a bitch, but something about feeling free that morning for the first time in a long time made me want to let things be.

"I'm outta here. Paul's as much at fault as you are, and honestly, you deserve each other. Neither of you gives two shits about anyone but yourself. I'll be running for your spot in May when your term is up." I shrugged and moved through the crowd of Gammas to the fridge.

"You'll get it, too," one of the other girls spoke up, and within minutes, they were all sharing their feelings about Carolyn's actions. How she thought that she could stab one of her own and get away with it was almost humorous. I walked toward the front door, turning only as Katelyn called to me.

"You need a ride?" She moved up beside me. Her cheeks were slightly pink, which only seemed to make her prettier.

"Yeah. Can you take me by my car after lunch today? I'm going to walk to campus this morning. I need some exercise." I pulled my jacket tighter and let my eyes take in the beauty of the freshly fallen slow.

"You're not walking in this. It's fucking freezing out here." She wrapped her arms around herself and let out a funny sound.

"It's not that cold, and I've lived here all my life. I'm somewhat used to it by now." I laughed and made a left turn. "I'll see you at Barney's Cafe at noon. That good?"

"Suit yourself, crazy girl. First letting Carolyn off the hook and now this? We might need to check your head. You didn't fall down the stairs at the party last night, right?"

"Nope. Just feeling good today." I shrugged, but didn't turn back to look at her. I was feeling good. Really good.

It had to be the fact that I was going to take the car over to Tate's garage later that day. He hadn't stopped playing along my mind all night. I'd been a bitch and he'd been a perfect gentleman. Funnily enough, our looks alone said that the opposite response should have been true for both of us.

I wanted to know his story. Why was he so calm and assured of himself, yet driving a motorcycle in the snow? The tattered edges of his leather jacket left me to guess that he was either poor or really loved his coat. It had been worn to death and couldn't be enough to keep him warm.

I pulled out my phone and called the number on his business card, checking to make sure it was in fact an auto repair shop. It was, and nervousness pumped through me over the idea of seeing him again later that day.

"Hey." A handsome guy held the door for me as I jogged up the stairs and entered the business building.

"Kade, right?" I walked into the warmth of the building and tugged my scarf from my neck as I turned to focus on him.

He pulled off the black beanie he wore and gave me a warm smile. "Yeah. You remember. I must have made quite an impression."
