Page 345 of Addicted

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"Yeah. You're right." He gave me a weak smile and followed me into the dressing room.

I changed quickly and decided to take the last number for the day. I needed to get to the garage, not only to help Jerry, but also to take care of Val's car, but I wanted to see what I could do. The offer from Dr. Barnes was enough to make my whole week, but hearing that I'd impressed someone from the Olympic committee? Yeah, that'd be righteous.

I waited my turn patiently and prayed silently that Martin would do great as he took his turn. I didn't know the guy that well, but after the last few hours of standing beside him and chatting, I realized that I wanted to. He was my kind of friend, and Sam would dig the guy, as well.

"Alright, tats. You're up." Coach had lovingly given me a nickname, and everyone had picked it up, as well. I could not care less. It almost made me feel like part of something, which was dangerous. I'd never really been invited into anything, and without Val's help, I wouldn't have been this time, either. Gratefulness washed over me as I pulled my swimming cap on and positioned myself on the side of the pool.

Martin had beat his own time and my best time, but I knew I had it in me to push hard, to go faster and farther. I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath as the whistle blew. After that, instinct took over and I let my body do what it knew how to do best. I'd been swimming from the time I was old enough to get myself down into the water. It was my reprieve, my escape.

I pushed up out of the water as the cheers and yells penetrated my hearing. Everyone was jumping around like a bunch of crazed idiots. I pulled myself up out of the pool and turned to face my coach as he pulled me into a hug, lifting me off my feet and bouncing me around like a sack of potatoes.

"Coach, put me down. You're gonna break your back." I pushed at his chest and shook my head. "Damn. What happened? Did I break my time?"

A deep voice resounded from behind me. "You broke lots of times and records. Some of the best I've seen. What's your name, kid?"

He extended his hand, and I shook it. "Tate Phillips."

"Great, well I'm going to invite you and Mr..." The guy released my hand and extended his to Martin.

"Martin Patterson, Sir." Martin shook his hand, visibly paling. "It's so nice to meet you."

"You too, son. You'll both be invited to the Olympic tryouts that we'll be having here in about a month. It's just a preliminary, but it should be a good challenge to see what you're made of." He turned to Coach Parks. "There are great athletes here, Jerry, but you knew that."

"I sure did." Coach Parks shook the guy’s hand and waited until he left to turn to me and Martin. "You did it. It's been damn near ten years since any of our swimmers have qualified for the prelims. I'm so proud of both of you. We'll get the paperwork together, and I'll book the rooms and-"

"Coach, wait up. I'm grateful for the opportunity, but I don't have the money for any of that stuff." I shrugged. I wanted to be embarrassed, but I'd been handing out that same story my whole life. It wasn't a mishap or some tragedy that left me and my family poor. We were just poor. We had always been. It was part of who I was.

"What? You're not paying for a damn thing, Phillips. The program pays for all of that. You can bring your mother, or if you have a special someone to come with you. I'll get the room and give you each a stipend for the weekend." He patted our backs and let out a chuckle. "You two bastards did it. I'm so proud of you."

He walked off, and I waited until everyone had walked by and congratulated us to extend my hand to Martin. "Wow. Crazy day."

"The best ever." He pulled me in for a quick hug and pat on the back. "Now...let's get to our girls and share the good news. You bringing Val for the weekend or your mom?"

"I don't know." I grabbed a towel and worked to dry my hair. "I didn't expect for there to be a weekend." I glanced up at the clock on the wall and let out a groan. "I gotta go. I'm late for work. I'll check you later, man."

"Tate," Martin called out to me, and I stopped to look over my shoulder.

"What's up?"

"Thanks for today. I hate that I pre-judged you when we first met. Forgive me."

"Already done, fool. Later." I turned and jogged back into the locker room. Martin wasn't the first person to judge me and wouldn't be the last. Besides, I'd judged him too and been dead wrong. Much like I was with Val.

Speaking of...I picked up my phone and called her as I moved around getting dressed. She was more excited than me about everything, which caused me to fall harder for the dark-haired beauty.

She wanted me to visit her parents and while I'd have said hell no a few days before, now I was ready. I wanted to fight for her.

No matter what that might mean.

Chapter 28

Two Days Later


Tate had my car working in time for me to leave for the weekend at my mom's house. Allison's wedding was the next day, and the rehearsal dinner and

final decorations were that night. I hated the fact that I was on my own as I headed out there that afternoon, but Tate would be joining me for the wedding. All of my friends were invited to the wedding, and I knew they would all be there to support me, if nothing else.
