Page 350 of Addicted

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Val's sister had to have an indoor wedding. There was no way anyone would be able to stand out in the cold for more than a few minutes without having icy fingers and toes.

I started the bike and pulled on my helmet, suddenly worrying about my own extremities. I tugged a pair of gloves from my pocket and zipped up my jacket before taking off to Val's parents’ place. I had the address on my phone, but I'd seen the beautiful mansion a few times on some of my long rides through the city and surrounding countryside.

There was a comfort in knowing that Sam and Val's closest friends would be out at the wedding before me. It was like being welcomed into a crowd of people that I sort of already knew without having to stand alone and pray for the night to be over.

I drove a little slower than I normally would, but I couldn't help it. Trepidation sat heavy on me as I pulled up and parked my bike beside a large line of overpriced cars. I locked it down and glanced up to see Val's father standing on the front porch, staring at me with malice on his face.

/> "Fuck," I mumbled under my breath and pulled my helmet off. "Time to get this shit over with."

I walked toward him with my chin held high and my eyes locked onto his. "Mr. Scott."

"Tate. I'm a little surprised to see you here today, and yet I realize that men like yourself cling tightly to any hope for a better day tomorrow than you've had today. You're not getting a penny of my money. Not a dime." He shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why in the world would you think I want your money? I've never had money. I wouldn't know what to do with it in the first place." I smirked and moved past him into the house.

That went much better than I thought it would.

I heard Valentine laughing before I laid eyes on her, but when I did, my heart almost stopped in my chest. Her dress shimmered slightly and fit her beautifully. She was in the middle of her friends, and one of them must have alerted her to my presence, because she turned around.

"Damn," I mumbled and let my eyes run down the length of her. The dress was tight around her narrow waist and accentuated her breasts beautifully – almost too much.

"Tate." She walked toward me and reached for me.

"Hi, baby." I slid my arms around her and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Your dad was waiting for me at the door, but hopefully that was the only run-in we have to have tonight."

"Doubtful, but I'm glad to see you alive and not bloody." She nipped at my lips before rubbing her nose by mine. "You look so good."

"Me? Naw. You look incredible. Tell me that we can have some fun later in that dress. It's not rented, is it?" I raised my eyebrows and worked hard to keep my hands on her waist. I wanted to touch every part of her and crawl up under her dress to see what color her panties were.

She laughed. "It's mine. We can do anything you want to do. There's a cabin about ten minutes north of here on my father's extended property. I went up there this morning and got it ready for us. Don’t tell anyone, though… My parents would die if they knew we were using it."

"Oh, yeah? I like it already." I stiffened as someone behind me cleared their throat.

"Valentine, did you want to introduce me to your friend? The two of you seem to be quite close, seeing that you're pawing at each other in the middle of my living room in front of everyone." Her mother was an older version of Val and honestly stunning. The tight expression on her face and pinched sides of her pretty green eyes made her less than she could have been, but I could see the resemblance.

"Of course. Mom, this is my boyfriend Tate." She slid her hand down my back. "Baby, this is my mother."

"Hi, Mrs. Scott. It's nice to meet you." I didn't extend my hand because the woman had yet to look at me. I wasn't there, but it didn't matter. Val and her mother were in the middle of some serious shit, and I was only going to be support. I only prayed that they wouldn't have a huge blown-up and ruin some part of her sister's wedding.

"What about Kade Jones? Your date with him last night wasn't what you expected it to be?" Her mother tilted her head a little and lifted her eyebrows.

Every muscle in my body stiffened at her words.

Val seemed to notice as she moved closer to me.

"It wasn't a date, Mother. You tried to set me up with him, but we simply talked about Tate all night long." Val shrugged. "I told him that I was in love. I'm not interested in anything or anyone but the man next to me."

"I don't approve." Her mother took a step toward us aggressively as her voice rose.

"And, I don't give a fuck." Val moved in front of me, her shoulders square and voice low and ominous.

"Hey," I moved in between them, forcing Val's mother to look up at me. "We can have this nasty conversation later. Today is all about Val's sister, right?"

Her mother's lip lifted in a grimace before she grunted and turned, leaving us to stand there with all eyes on us.

I turned around and pulled Val into a hug, kissing her several times to try and remind her that everything was fine.

"I didn't go out with Kade. I would never do that to you." She touched the side of my face as tears filled her pretty green eyes.
