Page 353 of Addicted

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"Oh you didn't know? My parents are monsters. They just have great make-up artists." I smirked and moved up to the open door at the back of the ceremony. She chuckled and patted my back.

"Everyone turns into a three-headed monster on wedding days. It's natural." She nodded and gave me a knowing look. "Start walking. You look magnificent."

"Thanks," I mumbled and stepped out onto the porch. I was a bundle of nerves as I walked down the aisle until I spotted Tate sitting among our friends to my left. As long as I kept my eyes on him I was fine. His face was expressionless, but I could tell he was keeping it that way just for me. He knew how nervous I was, and that I would feed off of his emotions if he gave me anything to work with.

I made my way to the front and turned, keeping my eyes locked on him. The smile that finally began to play on his mouth caused me to smile, too. I could easily see us moving in together, finding some little run down house like his mother’s, and working together to make ends meet. There were tons of scholarships that I could apply for. I'd start looking the minute the wedding was over and things settled down for us.

The music changed, and everyone stood as my sister moved into the back of the room with her arm wrapped around my father's. She looked incredible, and I couldn't tell that she was nervous or worried, at all. The girl who was freaking out upstairs only moments before was now completely tucked away.

My eyes shifted to my father, who looked like the perfect gentleman, the loving father. Sickness rolled through me, and I couldn't help but wonder how many other people in the room were hiding their true selves behind their fake smiles and nice clothes.

The ceremony was over within a matter of minutes. My sister turned and pulled me into a hug before walking down the aisle with Bart. I moved down behind them and tried to keep my emotions in check. I knew she was walking into a loveless marriage, but she'd yet to figure out how to break her willingness to comply with my parents’ wants. Fear held her captive, but she would find someone like Tate one day and realize that freedom meant far more than security.

Someone wrapped me in a hug from behind and I looked back to see Tate grinning from ear to ear. "You were great. I'm ready to find a broom closet and show you how much I like this dress on you."

"Not yet, lover boy." Amy moved up beside me and tugged me out of his hold. "I hear they have a DJ, wine, and lots of desserts. We have a party that needs to be properly attended, and then you two can go off and do whatever you biker-types like to do."

"You'd like to know what that is..." Lucinda walked past us with her hand in Sam's.

"So would you," I called after her and turned to find Tate watching me intently. "What?"

"You. That's what." The music started and he reached for my hand, spinning me around a few times before trapping me against his chest. "I thought this was going to be a disaster, but it wasn't. We did it. Together."

"It's not over yet." I laughed at the look on his face and moved us to the center of the room to get lost in the sea of bodies. "I'm glad you're here. I couldn't have done it without you."

"Sure you could have." He brushed his nose by mine, slow dancing with me even though the music was moving at a much faster tempo.

"I don't know. What if I don't want to do anything without you?" I lifted up and brushed my lips by his.

"You don't have to." He nipped at my lips. "How long do we have to stay here before it's appropriate to leave?"

"Another hour or so." I smiled devilishly. "We should keep up appearances and go now. I am the black-sheep of the family."

"And, I'm your biker-boy, right? Is that the name you guys keep using?" He lifted his eyebrow as I laughed loudly.

"You're no boy at all." I pressed myself to the front of him. "You're my man."

"Good. Your biker man is ready to go."

Chapter 31


I almost couldn't catch my breath during the wedding, watching Val walk down the aisle. I'd never thought about marriage or anything near it. I wasn't sure I was ready to think about it now, but she was magnificent, no doubt. I couldn't help but think that she was the most beautiful woman in the room, and getting her away from everyone else was my top priority. Making love to her wouldn't be about finding pleasure as much as me wanting to shower her with it. She needed to know that I saw her – really saw her and loved what I saw.

I moved back from her in the middle of the dance floor and took her hand. "Let's go see your sister and then we'll get out of here."

"Okay." She moved in behind me and stayed close as we weaved our way through the hordes of people. I'd never seen so many people at a wedding, and yet her parents were wealthy and influential. I'd almost bet that all the people around us felt that it was a great honor to be invited to the wedding, though hardly any of them knew Allison.

Val moved in front of me as we pushed through the edge of the crowd and made our way to her sister. I stepped back and gave her space to say her goodbyes and congratulations.

Sam stepped up beside me with a smile on his face and his glasses a little off center.

"Hey, man. You guys getting out of here?" He pressed his shoulder against mine.

"Yeah. You know I hate crowds of people and ri

ch people in general." I glanced back to look over the crowd. "This is like my own personal hell."
