Page 396 of Addicted

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"You're right. I've done nothing but judge you." She rubbed her fingers over her lips and watched me closely, leaving my need to reach out for her rising by the minute. "Forgive me."

"Already done." I shrugged. "So, tell me why you were the designated driver last night?"

"Because I'm a light weight and alcohol usually leads to horrible decisions for me."

"Note to self, get her drunk." I winked and set the mug down. "Let me take you on the slopes again?"

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Not sure. I've never had to try, honestly." I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a content sigh. Things were going far better than I'd imagined.

"You've never had to work hard to get a woman's attention." She snorted and dropped her legs down before leaning in. The sweet smell of her perfume rushed in to greet me, and I jerked back to keep myself from accosting her.

"Nope. I'm not saying I'm all that, Chloe. Just telling you the life I've lived."

"Why don't you have a girlfriend or a wife then? Surely, one of the women would have meant something to you over all these years." She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "I'm struggling with this a lot."

"I understand that. I struggle with it, too." I sucked my bottom lip in my mouth, trying to figure out how to explain it to her. "So, the last girl I took out took me back to her place..."

She cut me off as her hand flew in the air. "Hold up. I do not under any circumstances want to hear any of your sex stories."

"Why? You jealous?" I chuckled, expecting her to swat at me or flip me off.

"Yes. Actually, I am, and I'm struggling with that, too." She kept my gaze, not at all uncomfortable with admitting that she was feeling something for me.

Something loosened inside of me and I relaxed.

Good. It's not just me.

"I'm not telling you any of my stories, Chloe. I was just going to explain how ninety-nine percent of women aren't looking for a second date, but just another fuck. I'm just a fuck." I shrugged and glanced outside, not realizing how much it would hurt to say it out loud.

"What happened with the girl?" Her voice was soft as she moved closer, her knees brushing mine.

"She invited me back to her place and showed me off in front of her two friends, basically inviting them to join us." I turned my attention back to her.

"Did they join you?"

"No. I'm not like that." I shrugged again. "I guess most guys would be, but I can't be with more than one woman at a time. I left after her friend told me that the girl had herpes."

"Oh my God." She lifted her hand to her face as she visibly paled.

Probably not the best thing to tell a girl that I wanted to take to bed for the rest of my life, but she needed to understand my side of the story.

"Right? My fucked up life." I let out a chuckle, but it fell flat.

"I'm sorry for being so cruel. I'm just not interested in a one-night stand. I just got out of a long relationship and honestly, falling for someone that's not going to be in my life in the future isn't something I'm willing to do."

"I understand that. I'm not asking you to sleep with me, nor am I offering you a ring."

"Then what are you asking, Finn?"

"A friendship? A ski buddy? Do you like horror movies?" I smiled and moved closer. "We can be friends from a distance, right? And when you come back, if you do, we'll hit the slopes again together. I'd love a new friend, someone who didn't prance me around town."

She shook her head. "I'd like a friendship, but understand that I'm leaving in two weeks. My father is helping me start a clothing line and that's the only reason I'm in this house."

I looked around and nodded. "Where is your mother?"

"She died eight years ago." She lifted her free hand up to wipe at her face. "It's been different since then. Everything has."
