Page 397 of Addicted

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I wanted to pull her in my arms and promise her the world so damn bad, but she didn't want that. Hell, she barely wanted the friendship I offered so freely.

"I understand that completely." I smiled. "I need to go, but let me take you around town tomorrow. Nothing but good times and great treats. I know some killer dessert shops."

"You don't have to work?"

"I'll be calling in sick if you're free." I smiled wickedly.

"I think I can swing it, but no telling anyone that it was my fault." She got up and walked back to the laundry room, coming back out with my clothes folded.

I finished the drink and took them from her. "Thanks for this. I can't tell you how much better I feel. I was a dick last night and have been hating myself since. So, forgive me."

"Already done." She smiled and nodded to the back of the house. "You can change back there."

"I'm good, unless your dad will miss his favorite pants." I glanced down at them and laughed as she did, too.

"No. Keep them, but get your shoes on. You'll freeze out there."

"Yes, ma'am." I worked to get my boots on and pulled my coat over my shoulders before opening the door and turning to tell her goodbye. Her nearness surprised me.

"Promise me that we can be friends and nothing more." Her gaze moved down toward my mouth. She wanted a kiss as bad as I did. Well, so I hoped.

"I'll try my best, Chloe." I leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I'm only a man, though. Remember that."

"It's hard to forget." She moved back and smiled. "Get out of here before I make a bad decision."

"Sounds like I might be a bad influence on you."

"Or me on you." She winked and closed the door behind me, leaving my heart pounding in my chest and body completely on fire for her.


Chapter 13


Getting a chance to talk to Finn and clear the air left me with a new perspective on things. I set my alarm and woke up early the next morning, wanting to get a fresh start on the week and hoping to figure out a way to impress my father beyond what he thought me capable of. He wanted a new jacket that was incredibly functional. I wanted something cute and modern that left women feeling attractive. Why not combine the two? I was buzzing with ideas as I danced toward the kitchen, singing my favorite Adele song off-tune.

"What are you doing up so early?" My father glanced up from the kitchen table. He was dressed in a black suit and a blue button down shirt.

"Just decided to gain new perspective on all of these changes in my life. It feels good. I want to get the day started." I shrugged and stopped behind him to brush a string from his back. "I'm making me an omelet. You want something?"

"I'd love two eggs over easy, but I usually have to get up early enough to stop by Jerry's to get them. I never did get your mother to teach me how she made them." He smiled and my heart broke over his loss. He still wasn't over her. Jessie was right about his angst most likely being tied to losing her. Where Parker and I had another life ahead of us, my dad was still trying to push past the one he'd expected to last forever.

"Well, she taught me, so I'll make you some. Ham or bacon for you?" I moved to the fridge and started to pull the various items out that we would need.

"Whatever is easiest." He went back to his paper as I cut up items for my omelet. I figured I'd make one for Parker seeing that he would eat anything I put in front of him.

"So, why did you and Parker decide to stay here for the full semester? His idea or yours?" I poured me a cup of coffee and checked my phone, realizing that I hadn'

t given Finn my number.

Damn. Wait...the invoice.

"He likes it here, and I really didn't mind working remotely to let him try it out. He's been taking snowboarding lessons, but I don't like the guy he's been training with. He's just not as good as Parker needs him to be. The pupil has already become the master."

"Really? I met a guy the other day that supposedly has insane snowboarding skills. I could ask him to help Parker in his spare time." I shrugged as my Dad glanced up from his paper.

"That would be great. Let me know his fee, and I'll want to meet him." He pulled out his phone and turned from me, which gave me a minute to snoop around the house for the invoice as the oven heated.
