Page 407 of Addicted

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"Right. So she sits down at the table in Brian's seat and tells me I'm cute."

"You are."

"Are you going to let me tell the story?" He laughed as I slid my hands down his sides and squeezed tightly.

I wrapped him in a hug and pressed my cheek to his back, unable to help myself. I wanted warmth, but only from him, all of a sudden. I was grateful he didn't call me out for it. Every move that was made during the day was me doing it. He was intentionally not coming on to me, which was great and frustrating all at the same time. It was my fault, either way.

"So she licks at her ice cream in front of me and promises me a good time if I come back to her place with her. I ditch Brian-"

I cut him off, rubbing my hands over his chest. "Poor Brian."

"Hush, woman. Jeez." He laughed and turned toward me, lifting an eyebrow. "Stop rubbing all over me or I'm returning the favor."

I rubbed my hands on his chest in a frantic fashion and he rolled his eyes. "Women, I swear. So anyway, I got over there and this was in my skinny jeans phase."

"No, you weren't wearing skinny jeans." I laughed and moved back to the couch.

He joined me and pulled my legs into his lap, starting to massage my feet as I melted into the side of the couch.

"I did, but you'll never find evidence of them. I burned all of those fuckers."

"As you should." I moved the other foot in his way, wanting a turn for it.

"So, she attacks me the minute we get in the door, and to make a long story short, I can't get the fucking pants off without her help. The zipper catching my crotch hair, and yanks a patch of it out, which causes me to lose my erection because I'm now bleeding everywhere and... Yeah."

I was laughing so hard that I'd pulled my legs from him and was curled up on my side in pain.

He swatted my butt and got up, walking back to the stove.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out as I wiped tears from my eyes. It was my brother and he was tired of being alone. Dad wasn't there and he was starving.

I looked over at Finn and sighed. "That's my little brother. I need to go."

"Sure. No problem. This is almost done. Let me just package some of it up for you guys and I'll drop you off."

"I hate for you to go out. Just let me take your truck and I'll pick you up for work in the morning."

"What? No. I want to take you home. Get your shoes on and we'll get going."

I did just as he said and walked languidly to the door. "It's a good thing he called, right?"

Finn smiled wickedly as he handed me the stew and leaned over, kissing me softly. "Would you want to spend the night with me? To let me fuck you? Are you ready for that?"

I leaned in and pressed a long, hot kiss against his perfect mouth. "Yes. That's part of the problem."

"Well, when it stops being a problem you let me know and we make it happen."

Chapter 16


My sleep was filled with dreams of what would have happened if Chloe hadn't left. After our day together, I drove her back to the shop to get her SUV in a comfortable silence and let her go without another kiss. I wanted one, but figured she'd given more than enough of herself for the day.

I worked my ass off, trying to push through my jobs as quickly as possible so I would be available by the early afternoon. She wanted to take her brother snowboarding and there was a new hill that had opened the previous weekend on the east side of the city. I was dying to get over there and knew that if I could impress her brother, maybe I could wiggle my way into her heart a little deeper. I was running out of time with her and I'd just met her.

My phoned buzzed several times during the day, but after checking it and seeing it was Brian, I figured I’d hit him up later on my way home to shower and change. I wrapped up my last job and stopped by the shop, only to have my dad pull me in his office for a few minutes.

"What's up?" I dropped down in the chair in front of his desk.
