Page 411 of Addicted

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Something was bothering Finn, but instead of talking to me about it, he slammed a door in my face. It hurt way more than it should and I was at a loss as to what to do about us. The friendship thing was a rouse and we both knew it. I wanted more and he did, too – or he used to. After our afternoon avoiding each other, I wasn't so sure anymore.

"I have to get to the front of the lodge." Parker glanced down at his watch. "My friend's dad is supposed to pick me up here in twenty minutes."

"Well, go and I'll see you tomorrow." I reached out and ruffled his hair.

He jerked back and glanced around. "Sis...shit."

I laughed and Finn joined me.

"Be lucky you have a sister that loves you." Finn turned to me and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Speaking of..." Parker took my attention for a minute more. "You going to be okay at home alone tonight?"

"Yeah. I'm good." I crossed my arms over my chest as he gave me a look. "Honestly. I'm a grown-ass woman."

Finn laughed again. "I'll be at her beck and call should something happen."

"Alright. Call if you need me." Parker looked around before giving me a quick hug.

I watched him go. Finn had been a dick most of the day, and after the night before, I was considering giving up my life just to see where our love affair might go. There was no reason to dream about it now, though. I was like every other girl... a one-night stand. Our date just didn't include sex.

I slipped my hands in my back pockets. "Thanks for the afternoon. Take care."

"Chloe." He reached for me, but I didn’t let him touch me.

I turned and walked quickly toward the car, losing my balance, but catching myself, thankfully. I piled my stuff in the trunk and turned in time to see him running toward me.

"Wait. Wait." He moved up as I closed the trunk and the first tear dripped onto my cheek.

"No. I don't want to wait. I want to go home. Obviously whatever was happening between us was something I made up. Call me an idiot and let's be done with this." More tears – fucking embarrassing.

"Baby." He reached out and grabbed my shoulder, not giving me much room to pull back. "Look, I just...I..."

"You nothing. That's what. We had our one-night stand

. Thanks for it. It was fun. I almost thought something was happening, but I was wrong. Just the excitement of the chase. Once that's over, there's really no point in anything else." I pulled away from him and walked to my side of the car, getting in.


I let out a slow breath and rolled the window down. "What?"

"I'm sorry. It's not what you think." He reached into the car and brushed his fingers over my arms.

"It's not you being a total jerk to me?" I tilted my head and let my confusion bleed across my face.

"Come to dinner with me and I'll explain. Please." His handsome face was filled with sadness and I couldn't say no. As much as I hated it, I was falling in love with him.

"Fine, but drive your own car. I don't want to be stranded somewhere with you when this conversation blows up. I've done nothing to deserve your attitude, but I'm willing to hear you out simply because of how great yesterday was." I looked back at the snowy parking lot in front of me, not wanting to look at him anymore. "Where are we going?"

"You know where Jerry's is?"

"Yep. See you there." I rolled up the window and he jerked back, cursing at me for catching his arm. He had some explaining to do – not that it would matter to much what his excuses were. I could feel the protective wall already starting to come back up. It was icy cold and I hated it, but since my mother died, it was the only thing that left me able to cope.

I had thought maybe it was time to open up, to share myself with someone. It seemed so natural with Finn, like fate put us together as a gift for persevering through so many hardships.

Obviously, I was wrong.

* * * *
