Page 460 of Addicted

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"Yes, baby. If you'll have me."

I leaned in and kissed her with every ounce of fear and worry, every drop of love and desire I had for her. We tumbled over, and I rolled on top of her, pinning her to the ground and making love to her mouth as the realization over what she'd given me rolled through me in consuming waves.

She was staying, she wanted to be mine, and she had purchased the mansion I wanted to build my dreams on since I was a boy.

I broke the kiss and closed my eyes, panting softly above her lips. "This can't be happening."

"It is, baby. My father gave me the money for my clothing line, but I'm going to invest it in refurbishing the mansion. Let's build the lodge you want and open a new resort here together."

"Chloe." I stared into her eyes. "Baby, that money is for you, and you have dreams that aren't here in Colorado."

"Things change. I realized when you rolled your damn self down that mountain that all I wanted was a chance at something great with you. If that's here, then it's here. My dreams have shifted. I just need you to say yes. To me. To us. To this."

"Hell yes to all of it. I'm blown away." I moved back down to kiss her again and didn't stop until my father pushed at my butt with his foot.

"Breakfast is ready, and I'm pretty sure I taught you better than to drag some pretty girl to the floor and make out with her." My dad pushed at my butt again, and I grinned up at him.

"She likes it. Ask her." I moved back a little.

"I love it. I love him." Chloe smiled and pulled me back down, showing my old man a thing or two.

He was never going to believe what this woman had done for me. Hell, I couldn't believe it.

I was ready to give up every dream I'd had for the last twenty-seven years to see hers come true, and she turned the tables on me. She worked magic deep inside of me and repaired parts of me that I didn't think would heal. There would be a day not too far in the future that I would ask her to be my bride, and then we'd start a family together.

"I love you so crazy much, you incredible woman." I ran my hand through her hair and smiled down at her.

"How about you show me just how much tonight in that big comfy bed of yours."

"Oh, I plan to. Let's eat these pancakes and get out of here. I ain't had nearly enough of you."

She smirked, and I growled.

"Don't even say it," I mumbled against her perfect mouth.

"I ain't." She pulled me back down and stifled my laughter with her soft tongue and long, hot kiss.


One Year Later


The last year had been magical. Living with Finn in his small cabin was perfect for us starting out. It forced us close when we got tense with each other and left little room for anything but hot make-up sex. Our fathers had finally had their long sit-down talk and worked through the madness from their younger years. Over the course of the year, they became friends again and started meeting for coffee every Friday morning.

Finn and I saved up some money and bought Milly and Clark a trip to Florida for a week during the summer – the hope was that they would find something in each other that could turn into romance. It worked. They were married a month ago in a small family wedding, and my dad was Clark's groomsman.

Parker started taking free lessons from Finn on his snowboard, and I finally let the two of them goad me into learning how to do it, too. I snuck away for an hour each afternoon for two months to figure out how to get really good at the sport. They figured I was looking at new patterns for the designs my father and I were working on. When we got our first full snow, I pulled out my tricks and memorized the shocked looks on their faces at seeing just how good I'd gotten.

Finn make love to me that night so passionately that I thought I might never recover from it. Where my wish list included a man who had a knack for fashion, I'm thinking his was finding a woman that could snowboard. I worked harder to get even better at it after that.

My father met someone at Clark and Milly's wedding that they all went to school with and he'd been dating her for the last three weeks. She's sweet and reminds me a little too much of Mom, but I've kept my thoughts to myself on it.

The lodge that my father purchased for me to fix up is fully functional, the doors having opened in late October. Parker works in the ski shop and I spend most of my days working on various designs for the clothing store that's nestled into the side of it. Finn's in love with the place and spends more time there than he does with me. I'm not jealous – well, maybe a little.

It was Christmas once again, but unlike last year, this year, we were all healthy and happy. At Finn’s request, we invited everyone to the lodge for a big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. We had to wait until after the seven o'clock church service, which his father dragged us all to, but afterward, we piled up in various vehicles and drove back to the lodge.

"Everyone around the table together? It's going to be great. I’m excited." I squeezed Finn’s thigh and pressed my lips against his arm.
