Page 459 of Addicted

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"I'd say yes, but you couldn't get either of them to admit it if you tried. They're worse than junior high kids." I reached out and brushed my hand over her hip. "I got you something."

"What? When?" She took my hand and lifted it to her mouth, kissing my fingers softly as I watched her.

"Brian took me to get it. Come over here, and let me give it to you." I tugged my hand from her and moved over to my father's chair by the fire. I slumped down in it and pulled out the little red bag that had her necklace.

She got down on her knees in front of me and snuggled up close. "I like this position. Reminds me of the other day on your couch."

I shook my head and handed her the bag. "You're just trying to get me in trouble with my father, aren't you?"

"Would he be mad?"

"If I was sporting a boner around a pretty girl on Christmas? Yes." I laughed, unable to help myself.

She started to open the bag, and I reached out and stopped her. "What?"

I cleared my throat. "I just want you to know that whatever decision you came to last night, I'll fully support it. The gift goes wherever you do. Promise me?"

"I promise." She smiled and pulled out the box, opening it and letting out a short gasp. "Oh my God. It's beautiful, Finn. I love it."

"It's an infinity heart. It says that I'll love you forever, no matter what."

Tears filled her eyes and I knew I'd done good.

"Put it on me?" She moved up into my lap and I worked to get it on her, taking more time than necessary to keep her where she was.

"It looks beautiful on you, but anything you wear does." I pulled her to me and kissed her mouth softly several times. "Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course." She move back down on the floor and handed me a box. "This one is just a practical gift. I found it and it reminded me of you."

I opened it and found a box of my favorite cologne. Lifting it to my nose, I breathed in deeply. "I love this stuff. You like it, too?"

"I like you." She smiled and handed me an envelope. "Open it and I'll explain once you do."

"Okay." I took a shaky breath, not caring about the gifts, but the conversation to come. I was getting mixed signals left and right and honestly didn't know what to think about whether she planned to stay in Aspen or not. She hadn't mentioned getting back to any friends or a new apartment or anything, but she hadn't mentioned staying, either.

I unfolded a white sheet of paper and let my eyes scan over it, trying to focus on the gift and not the different points in my head that I planned to give her to convince her to stay with me.

"It's the old Vanning Place. I don't know if you know where it is, but my father said..."

"Wait. What?" I pulled the page up to my face and scanned it, realizing that it was a deed

to half the property. "Oh my God, Chloe...whose is this?"

She moved up to hover in front of me and pointed to the owner’s name.

Finn J. Warner.

"What? I don't understand." I tugged the paper down as my heart sped up. "You're giving me half of the Vanning Mansion?"

"Yes." She sat back on her heels looking quite satisfied with herself.

"Who has the other half?" I moved down to my knees in front of her, trying to be careful of my cast, but not really giving a shit about it.

She slid her hands over my chest and clasped them behind my head. "I do."

My heart almost stopped in my chest. I had to look like an idiot, but I was shocked into silence. She had half of the mansion and I had half, too...

"So, you're staying here with me?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.
