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“That was weird,” I say to Gaz as we leave his office. Rex and the cops left almost immediately. Once they had Trevor in custody, they were ready to hurry back to the planet. “Do you really think his odds are better on Orchid?”

“Going was the smart choice,” I tell her. “I wouldn’t tell anyone to refrain from representing Trevor, but they know my honor code. If I step away from a client, the other attorneys know it’s got to be a particularly impossible case. No one wants that kind of a loss on their record.”

“Will he be able to get an attorney on Orchid?”

“Of course. He’ll probably get a light sentence, too, but it’ll look good for Rex as he begins his reign as king. The people will see that he brought back a wanted criminal and they’ll view that as a show of loyalty. It’s kind of a win-win for everyone.”

“Except for you,” Hayden says quietly. “Except for the people he stole from.”

“The diamonds were insured,” Gaz says. “And I guarantee my brother will make things right with the people who were robbed. As for me,” he says. “Trevor is no loss to me. Besides, I’ve won the best prize of all.”

“What’s that?”

“You, Hayden.” He pulls me close and kisses me, right in front of his office. His hovercar appears behind him.

“Again?” I laugh, slipping out of his arms and into the car. He climbs in the driver’s side. “You know, it’s really not that hard to walk over to the car.”

“But this is so much more fun,” he says, laughing.

“I messaged my boss,” I tell him. “I’m taking the rest of the day. Personal emergency.”

“Is that right?” Gaz says. “You might be surprised to hear this, but I also have the rest of the day free.”

“Oh my,” I feign surprise. “Whatever will we do with ourselves?”

“I can think of a couple of things,” he says, but I fall quiet. I’m too excited to think straight. This is really, finally, actually happening.

Gaz and I are going to do this.


After all of this time.

It’s strange to think about the magnitude of what we’re doing. I’m about to give myself over to someone for the first time willingly. Although I’m not a virgin, I basically am, and this is the first time I’ll have had any control over my sexuality. This is the first time I’ll have had a choice. This is the first time.

And I’m choosing Gaz.

I’m choosing his sweet spirit and his bravery and his smile.

I’m choosing his compassion.

I’m choosing his ferocity.

I’m choosing him.

And I will continue to choose him forever.

“Your place or mine?” He asks gently.

“Yours,” I say quickly. “Yours. Definitely.” I’ve been to his house before, but this is different. I’m filled with the knowledge that today, I’m going to give myself over to Gaz, and I’m both anxious and excited.

We arrive at his house and go in

side. He pours us each a glass of petal juice and I down my quickly before handing it back.

“More?” He looks surprised.

“Just one more,” I say.
