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The room became silent but for the panting of all three people. Marc closed his eyes his feelings were all over the map. He never expected to enjoy seeing his wife with another man. Maybe it was because he knew Dave loved her too. He opened his eyes, just as Dave began to tenderly kissing her, speaking softly. Tears welled, but he wasn’t sure if it was the fear of losing her or the tenderness Dave showed Sadie. Maybe both. Maybe he saw something he had forgotten to do lately, cherishing the woman who meant so much to him. Worship her body and her heart.

Dave rolled to his side, pulling her with him, stroking her back. He traced his fingers over her face, tucking hair behind her ear. Marc could see the love Dave had for her in the tender way he cared for her. Marc was surprised when Dave playfully slapped her ass before he grinned. She stood and looked at Marc, grinned shyly then headed to the bathroom. When the water started in the shower, Marc closed his eyes, wondering what would happen now. The feel of his cooling semen brought him crashing down. He looked over to the desk, saw tissues and grabbed one. Looking down at this chest, he sighed and grabbed two more.

He dreaded looking at Dave. He knew he’d be smirking in satisfaction. When he got the nerve, he glanced up to see Dave standing grim-faced, pulling up and fastening his jeans. “Things got out of hand. I shouldn’t have done that to you, Marc. But I can’t say I’m sorry.”

“The only consolation I have,” Marc said in a growl, “is knowing that in the other timeline, the other you just watched the other me fuck your wife.”

At that Dave did grin. “Oh, I don’t know. If the other Dave is like me, and I know he is, I don’t think he just watched.”


Sadie stepped into the shower, her body still thrumming with endorphins. When Dave had come over to her and Marc in the restaurant, she had a hard time breathing. He stood right there, the man who’d haunted her dreams. Feelings of longing and love slammed into her so strong she almost jumped into his arms. She knew Marc wouldn’t understand, and by his reaction to Dave, she was right. But could she blame him?

When Marc dragged her from the restaurant it took all her strength to go with him. It bothered her that she could’ve hurt Marc that way but when Dave started telling her all the things he knew about her, it washed over her in waves. Then she started to remember their lives together and it filled her with joy so acute, she had ignored her husband totally. Guilt ate at her as she looked down at the two wedding rings on her hand. One plain silver band next to her hand, the other a diamond-encrusted wide gold band. They were so completely opposite in everything except their meaning. As opposite as the men who had placed them on her finger.

She couldn’t pretend to understand what had happened. After finding out about Dave, she had spent the evening trying to comprehend and reconcile the memories that flooded her mind. Dave and her under the tree, making love for the first time as the sun rose in the sky. Marc and her making love on his boat the first time. Both times were so amazing and different. Dave with his rough, callused hands and dirty mouth, Marc with his scientific mind, working on parts of her body that he knew would drive her crazy. Until the last few years Marc had focused solely on her when they made love. Dave always had.

When Dave told Marc that he was taking her away to make love to her, her skin had become too tight. She hadn’t wanted anything more in that moment. She didn’t think Marc would insist on being there and she didn’t think he’d sit in the room with them. For the briefest of moments, when Dave was kissing her, she had forgotten Marc was there. She felt bad about that, but her body took over her inhibitions in a way that left her speechless. She knew on some level that Dave was involving Marc during their lovemaking, and it even felt like he invited him to join in. She wasn’t sure how she would’ve reacted if he had or how she felt knowing he hadn’t.

Having never thought she’d be in this position, she was struggling with her love of both men. Who would’ve thought she’d have two husbands from different timelines? And knowing they both loved her, she knew she could never pick one over the other. God, she hoped they wouldn’t force her to choose. How could she? They were both so different, but those differences made them both per

fect for her.

Dave was amazingly built. All thick muscles, dark hair and blue eyes. His life in the military kept him in top form. She knew from her memories of Dave, he loved to run and workout every day or nearly so. He had come from an abusive home and she thought he stayed strong to counteract the helplessness he felt as a child. He was even better shape now than he was ten years ago when they had met.

Marc was also muscular, but not as bulky. His muscles coming from natural genetics and trips to the gym when he could make it. His dark sandy blonde hair and green eyes were spectacular on his tanned skin. He looked damn sexy in his suits and lab coat. But Dave in uniform, who could resist that? Both had long, thick cocks but Dave had that little curve that hit the spot, where Marc had a larger head that drove her crazy. She wanted both men so much, she thought she might spontaneously combust if they both were touching her at one time. If they both focused on her in bed, she might not survive the experience. She wanted to try it though, just to see if they could adjust to each other. Immediately her guilt slammed into her. She loved her husband. She loved both of her husbands.

How must Marc be feeling right now? When Dave whispered to her that Marc was watching them and jacking off, she had to see. When she opened her eyes, and saw his intense look and his hand stroking himself, she had never come so hard in her life. She heard Dave in her ear moaning her name and Marc’s deep voice soon followed. She opened her eyes to see him looking at her as his come splashed on his chest. Deep inside she wished once again he had joined in with her and Dave. Her body did an involuntary shutter at the thought.

Now that it was over and everyone was cooled down, would Marc be angry or Dave regret what happened? How did she feel? She wasn’t sure she knew the answer. Part of her felt guilt for putting Marc through this, but the other part rejoiced in finding Dave. It was a strange place to find herself in.

She also wondered what the Sadie in the other timeline was living through right now. Was she standing in the shower, contemplating what had just happened or was she snuggled in bed with one or both of her husbands? Dave was a generous lover who had a more open mind than Marc. She had a strong suspicion that Dave in the other timeline was willing to let Marc in their bed. Lucky other-Sadie.

Maybe she should stop feeling badly for things she had no control over and find a way to take control. There was no way she’d be able to give up either man now. She loved them both completely and she had to make them understand that. She needed them both to feel whole. Maybe the first step was for her to seduce Marc back into her bed. She had a feeling Dave would help her convince him to give in. He almost had earlier, she felt it. First things first. She needed to get them to stop circling each other like wolves marking their territory and get them to focus on her.

She closed her eyes and let the water run over her face, trying to clear her mind. Her stomach growled, interrupting her thoughts and reminding her that she and Marc didn’t get a chance to eat. She was hungry, but she wasn’t leaving this room and she wasn’t letting either man leave until this got worked out. She’d order room service and spend the time seducing her men to the point neither could turn down her body, hoping they would share. She turned off the water after rinsing and stepped out to wrap towels around her hair and her body. She had men to seduce and a future with both men to secure.

She stepped into the bedroom and heard voices in the next room. The chair Marc sat in earlier was gone. She stood listening, trying to gauge the moods of both men. She knew where she stood in this situation…firmly in the middle.

“I know you think I’m trying to ruin your marriage, but I’m not.” Dave was speaking, but he didn’t sound angry. “I know you don’t like it, but I am just as married to her as you are. I have a decade of memories with her. And she has the same memories of me.”

“Thanks for that cheap shot.” Marc did sound upset, but not over the top pissed. Yet. “And thanks for making me feel inferior because the other you is probably over there in his timeline just accepting another man and both of them are probably fucking Sadie.”

Sadie couldn’t help but smile, she’d been right about other-Sadie.

“Look, Marc, I’m just saying that the other me loves her enough to let her be happy. He’d accept the other Marc in their life if that’s what she wanted. He’s probably as open-minded as me.” Dave was always the peacemaker. Probably due to his childhood.

“Sorry I’m not so open-minded, Dave. My inclinations are for me to touch women, most especially my wife. Not you.” Dave chuckled.

“Don’t knock it until you tried it.”

She almost laughed but managed to control herself.

“Are you saying you’ve shared her with other men? That you have had sex with other men?” Marc didn’t sound as scandalized as she thought he might.

“No.” Dave laughed. “I haven’t done it either. I’m just saying I love her and I’m not able to see either one of us living without her and I damn sure don’t want her to choose. I don’t want her to hurt at all and choosing between the men she’s married to, that’s wrong for either of us to do. Marc, are you willing to risk her choosing me? Are you wanting to force her to choose? I’m not willing to lose her if she chooses you. It would hurt her in ways she’d never get over. The guilt she might feel to pick one of us would kill her. The guilt she’s probably feeling right now is going to be hard enough.” That brought fresh tears. Dave always knew her so well.

She heard Marc sigh. She could just picture him, sitting in the chair leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, fingers steepled under his chin as he rationally thought over the problem. He had a scientific mind where Dave had a passionate, lead-with-his-heart mentality.

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