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She stepped back to the phone, called in room service and put on her underwear and shirt before taking her towels back to the bathroom. She thought about putting Dave’s t-shirt on, but didn’t want Marc to think she was choosing him. Better to remain as neutral as possible. After a few seconds away, she returned to the doorway of the bedroom to listen to her men.

“Marc, if we do this for Sadie we need to find a way to make her happy. That means we have to feel comfortable with each other. I’m not sexually attracted to you and I know you aren’t to me either—hell you don’t even like me. But if we are going to end up having her between us, we are going to be touching each other. We have to get over the stigma of that.” She heard Marc sigh.

“I know.” Marc’s voice sounded resigned. “I figured that would be the case. In the heat of the moment we’ll be touching places I’ve never touched on another man. I’m willing to make her happy and keep her satisfied. It’s going to be rough going at first, though. It’s so, foreign.”

“Yes, it will be. We both know where we stand, though, and she is our first priority. I’d do anything, and I mean anything to make her happy. I’m not the least bit shy if part of me touches part of you as long as it makes her feel good. We both have to get there, just focus on her.”

“I can’t put her in the position of cutting one of us out of her life.” Mark sighed again. “I’m not sure she’d pick me anyway. I can’t lose her, Dave. I love her. My pride means nothing. I’ll do anything to keep her in my life, even if I have to share her with you.”

Sadie couldn’t stop the happiness that bubbled up inside her at hear Marc was willing to let Dave in their lives.

“We’ll learn to be friends, Marc. She loves us both, so we know she has great taste in men.”

She heard Marc’s muffled chuckle and could picture him still sitting with his elbows on his knees, but his face buried in his hands.

“Marc, I know in your mind, I’m the second man in this relationship, but in my mind, she’s always been my wife and I’m having to share her with you. I know how hard this is and how much you must be hurting. I really am sorry to put you in this position. I promise you this, I’ll love her and protect her until my last breath. I’d feel better knowing that if I were sitting where you are. I’m not trying to take her from you, I’m just trying to love her. That’s all.”

“If she can love you, and god help me I know she does, then I guess I can learn to like you. I just have to trust her judgment, until I can trust you.”

She stepped into the room, more nervous than she wanted to be. Having struggled with herself, she knew the only person in the room who didn’t feel conflicted was Dave. She looked at him, hoping he’d let Marc take the lead. He’d need to feel he had some control. Dave seemed to understand that and gave her a genuine smile as Marc stood up. He hesitated only a moment before crossing the room and pulling her into his arms. God, it felt good. She pushed herself tighter into his body and wrapped her arms around him. Her guilt at making love to Dave hit her harder than she thought it would, now that Marc was holding her.

She felt her emotions bubble up from her gut and overwhelm her. “I’m sorry for hurting you, Marc. I’m so sorry,” she whispered, hoping he’d hear her, her emotions too close to the surface. God, she’d cheated with another man and right in front of him. The pain and guilt rose up in her, forcing her to moan. He must have heard her—he tightened his grip on her a second before pulling back and looking into her eyes. Her body began to shake as her guilt bubbled up and consumed her. She looked away, fear of seeing the pain in his eyes. The pain she had caused.

“Sadie.” His voice soft and full of love. “Look at me. Come on, baby, look at me.” It was the hardest thing she ever had to do. She heard Dave moving somewhere behind her. She knew he was moving close in case Marc hurt her by saying something negative about what she had done. She couldn’t blame Marc if he did, but she knew he wouldn’t.

“Sadie, I love you. I will always love you. I know you don’t understand everything that’s happened, but I also know you love me and Dave. I know you needed him and I don’t blame you or hate you. I don’t hate him either, okay? I only want you to be ha

ppy and if he makes you happy, I can’t be angry about that, now can I?” He smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. She heard Dave approach and saw Marc look up, an expression of resignation on his face. He started to move away but Dave must have shaken his head or made another motion to stop Marc.

Warm arms wrapped around her from behind and Dave laid his cheek against the back of her head. Marc sighed before he moved in from the front, his arms encircling her waist also. Marc kissed her forehead. The moment so intimate between the three of them, it nearly stopped her heart. For the first time in so long she felt she found where she belonged. God, please don’t let this end. Both men where shirtless, their arms and hands were touching not only her but each other’s bare skin. Their faces close enough that they could move their heads and kiss one another. The realization changed her heartrate and breathing.

She brought her lips to Marc’s neck, she heard his intake of breath and felt Dave move his head to see what caused his reaction. Her tongue snaked out, running to Marc’s ear before closing her teeth over the earlobe. Marc moaned as she brought her hand up to trace the muscles of his abs. She dropped her focus to kiss his collar bone while her hand found one of his flat, male nipples. Her pussy clenched when she felt both men’s erections against her. The knock on the door had them all panting but reluctantly pulling apart.

“Sorry. I ordered room service.” She smiled up to Marc—this time his smile was genuine before he kissed her on the lips.

“I’ll get the door and tip the server.” They both looked to Dave who seemed as stunned at the turn of events as Marc. Going to the bedroom, Marc grabbed his shirt, threw it on leaving it unbuttoned and took his wallet out of his jacket pocket before opening the door to the suite. The waiter brought in the rolling cart with three covered trays and a pitcher of water.

He never said a word as he put the food on the table, but glanced around to see the three of them in various states of undress. Dave moved to stand in front of Sadie to block his view of her in only a shirt and her lacy blue underwear. Sadie grinned to herself. Dave may be more open-minded but he was still very protective. Marc cleared his throat to get the waiter’s attention before handing him a fifty-dollar bill.

“Leave the cart. We’ll put it in the hall when we’re done. And nothing you’ve seen, better leave this room. I’ll know who to find if I hear so much as a whisper. Understand?” Marc’s voice carried authority that had the young man bobbing his head in agreement before he turned and practically ran for the door. Dave wasn’t the only one who was protective. She heard Dave laugh as door to the suite shut.

“I like your style, Marc.” Dave took Sadie’s hand and walked to the table. Both men pulled the chair out for her to sit, but neither seemed to mind. At that moment she felt very loved and cared for. This might work out.

Each plate revealed stuffed mushrooms, grilled chicken breast and steamed green beans. Both Dave and Marc grinned. Apparently, she fixed this as the first meal for both men. It only seemed appropriate to have it now, as a first meal for the three of them. If she had a say, this was the first meal they’d share as a permanent threesome.


Sadie tried to think of how to get the men back into the same position they were in before the food had been delivered. It wasn’t like she’d been too shy with them before. Especially with Dave. She was the one who put his hand on her pussy that first time. With Marc she straddled him on the captain’s chair and started to ride him. She only had on a bikini, so there wasn’t much clothing to get in her way. She’d taken control with both of them so it was no different now. She knew Dave would follow along with her and welcome the three of them in bed. That sexy thought gave her courage.

After drinking the last of her water, Sadie stood from the table. Both men looked up at her so she made a show of stretching, knowing her shirt rode high on her ass. Both men’s gazes dropped to her legs and the globes her underwear didn’t cover. She smiled to herself—men were so easy. She walked over to Marc and surprised him when she straddled him. She stared into his eyes, running her fingers over his jawline.

“I love you, Marc.” His expression softened as he cupped her face and pulled her in for a kiss. He put all his feelings for her into the kiss, and she felt his love, his desire and even his fear. She wanted to reassure him. Dave had made the first move between them, and she wanted to take the initiative with Marc. He needed to know it was her choice. She still chose to be with him. They kissed longer than they had in years, his hands massaging her ass, pushing her subtly against his erection. She heard herself moan. Her back arched pushing her breasts toward him, silently begging him for attention.

Large hands slid up her legs, grasping the hem of her shirt and lifting it over her head and then coming from behind her to cup her breasts and lift them for Marc’s attention. He never hesitated but latched on to one, sucking her hard while Dave rolled the other between his thumb and forefinger. Dave began to kiss that special spot under her ear. She could hear herself panting as Marc released her nipple with a pop and leaned back. She opened her eyes to see to Marc’s gaze drawn to Dave teasing the other nipple. His reaction was pure need and raw desire.

Dave moved away from her and stood behind Marc to help him out of his shirt. She held her intake of breath wondering if Dave would touch Marc’s skin. She felt her pussy clench at the thought. Marc moved his arms to allow Dave to slide his long sleeve dress shirt off his body before he returned them to her. He began to lick her neck in that special place while fingering both nipples. Dave’s lips found the other side of her neck. It didn’t surprise her that she became an inferno of desire.

She began to ride Marc hard and relentless, her clit needing the friction. Her desire ratcheted up when she heard Dave take off his jeans as he stood behind her. She was close enough to feel the throbbing in her clit when Dave’s hand slid between her body and Marc’s. His fingers pushing on her clit, but she knew they were rubbing Marc’s cock through his pants. She grabbed Marc’s shoulders, opened her eyes to see him glance over his shoulder to Dave before focusing on her, his mouth slightly open in desire. She cried out, pushing harder against Dave’s fingers. Dave stood behind her, keeping her from falling backward off Marc’s lap as she lost herself in her orgasm.
