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“He already said he did. What we want to know is, did you?” Both Marc and Dave were staring her, and her face began to feel hot as their expressions changed to amusement.

Marc grinned as he straightened up in the bed, his eyes not leaving hers. “Why are you so shy? Don’t you remember all the times you seduced me by spreading your legs and rubbing your clit? I had to watch and not touch you. Granted, it’s been a while, but still.”

Dave’s smile broadened. “Yeah, that’s always been my favorite.” She wanted to be mad or at least more embarrassed but just an hour or two ago she was hoping they could work out a three-way relationship. Dave threw back his head and laughed. “You did.” Marc joined in the laughter.

“Okay, I’m going to change the subject for a second.” She smiled as she moved to sit between the men, facing them. “I know this is crazy but I am so curious about what the other,” she moved her hand to indicate the three of them, “what are they going through? Are they happy, fighting, working things out between them? I’m just hoping they are as happy as I feel right now.” She looked up to see both men staring at her.

“I’m going to guess that they are. I know that the Dave over there and I are of the same mind. Over there, Sadie is my wife first and I know if she showed interest in Marc, he would be willing to do anything to make her happy.” He smiled at her. “Now Marc, I don’t know how he handled it all.” He glanced to the other man.

Marc blew out a breath and furrowed his brow. “I’m trying to imagine being the second man to join an established relationship. Honestly, I know he’d be desperate to convince her she was his but I’m not sure how the memory thing works since it was Dave that had the memories on both sides. Marc didn’t.” He started to absently rub his chest. “Maybe Marc didn’t find his Sadie in the other timeline.”

Sadie looked at Dave and returned her attention to her husband. She crawled up to Marc’s lap and cupped his face. Dave moved his hand to clap Marc on the shoulder. “Marc, stop thinking like that. I’m sure they all have somehow connected.”

“What if he’s alone over there? He didn’t have anything to do with yours and Sadie’s life over there. I’m the intruder in this relationship. Without me, you might have met here at another time and got married. I shouldn’t be here.” He paled as he looked at Sadie.

“Stop it, Marc! Stop. I love you. You are as much a part of me as Dave is. Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t do this to me. You had that dream about Dave too, remember that.” She felt pain in her chest. It felt like he was trying to cut himself off. Dave touched his chest and looked at her.

“Marc, stop. You’re supposed to be here. We all are.” Dave’s voice was strong, trying to get through to him.

Suddenly her pain lessened. Sadie blew out a breath, dropping her head to Marc’s shoulder. The fear of him leaving felt like her heart was being ripped from her chest.

“I felt like you were trying to sever a tie between us, Marc. You’re not an intruder. We are tied in this timeline and the other. Please,” her voice broke, “please don’t leave me. Look.” She held up her left hand where two bands sat next to each other. She grabbed her gold band that Marc hand given her and pulled off both bands and handed them to him. They were fused together.

He handed the rings back to Sadie and blew out a breath. “Thank you, Sadie. For loving me. You didn’t have to and you didn’t have to pick me when Dave brought out those memories. You didn’t have to pick me when those wedding rings appeared. I know I’ve neglected us recently because of my work. I should never have done that. I know it would be easy to choose Dave over me.”

“Bullshit, Marc.” Dave pointed to the wedding rings. “That’s just proof she’s married to both of us. We are supposed to be together. All of us.”

“And I would be incomplete without both of you. I need you both to be totally happy.”

Chapter 6

The next morning over breakfast, Marc extended an invitation to Dave to move into their home. It was a spacious house with a large bed in the master bedroom, big enough for three. The next issue was deciding if they should inform the government of the situation with Dave’s cross-over memories. In the end it was decided Marc and Dave would go to the head scientist, Telly Anne. It would answer her questions of why he uttered Sadie’s name immediately after returning from the fly-over. Dave wasn’t looking forward to it since, technically, his relationship with Sadie would be considered adultery. In the military, it was a court martial offense. Marc thought that both men being in the meeting would smooth things over if it got out about their odd situation. Dave wasn’t sure. He was be prepared to resign his commission and leave the military if needed. He wouldn’t give up Sadie.

Dave and Marc sat talking with their heads close together when Tel walked into her office. She was brought up short by the sight. She had known Dave for years but only knew of Marc through his work with the military. His lab was footing the bill for her research into the time rips. “Dave, Dr. Kensington, what can I do for you?”

Dave stood up and hugged the scientist before smiling at the her. “Tel, we have a situation that has occurred. It relates to the time rip that I flew over. It concerns Marc, Dr. Kensington as well.”

She masked her emotions well, but did raise an eyebrow. She moved to sit behind her desk and looked at both men. “I wasn’t aware that you knew one another.” The men looked at each other, neither saying anything for a long moment. Dave inhaled then leaned forward clasping his hands together on the desk. He looked down before glancing up to her.

“Tel, you’re a scientist and very observant so I’m going to ask if you notice anything different about me.” She stared at him, noting his short dark hair, clean uniform, his aviator wa

tch, and his hands. When she got to the plain silver band on his left ring finger, her gaze shot back to his. He turned his right arm over to show her the tattoo with numbers on his inner wrist. She stood up quickly and came around the desk to study the new tattoo. She ran her fingers lightly over the subdermal ink.

“This isn’t a new tattoo. It appears to be several years old.” She grabbed his left hand and studied the ring. “Also shows lots of wear, although you can purchase older rings from pawn shops.” He pulled the ring off, showing lighter skin beneath and calluses on either side of the ring, something that hadn’t been there on his last examination. She sat heavily on the edge of the desk. Dave looked to Marc as he pushed the ring back in place, so Tel glanced at the man too. He was studying her but remained silent.

“I’m not sure I understand. These weren’t present when you finished your flight, yet they are both indicative of years of wear. Fascinating.” She turned to pace the room, lost in her thoughts until she looked to Marc.

“Are you married to him?” Both Dave and Marc started laughing, causing her to grin.

“Things have changed Tel, but not that much. I’m still straight and Marc isn’t my type anyway. I have a thing for women with dark hair.” The men shared a grin before looking back to her. “Do me a favor and play the audio of the night I returned from my mission. It’s important.”

Tel walked to her computer and punched up the sound files. The room filled with static before the voices of Dave and Tel replaced it.


"Well, Captain, it seems you've had quite the day."

"Yes, ma'am, you could say it was a once-in–a-lifetime experience."
