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"Okay, Captain, could you tell me if you feel any different than normal? Any dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea?"

"I need you to verbalize Captain, this is only an audio recording."

"No, Tel, I don't feel different at all. Perhaps I was a little hyper from excitement but other than that, no different than I normally do after a mission." The sound of Dave yawning drew a smile from him.

" I think I'm a little tired now, but the adrenaline has worn off. Time to head home to Sadie."

"What?" Tel’s voice sounded confused.

"Captain. Let me just run a few more tests." The sound of a pen scratching filled in a few seconds of time.

"Just for a moment, give me your history."

"Humor me, Captain Amsted. History of service, and etcetera. I'm checking for neurological differences and so on. Now go on, fill me in."

On the recording, Dave blew out a breath. "Okay, I joined the Army at eighteen, spent three years fighting in the Middle East. I got out of the Army after my four years and joined the Air Force and took pilot training. I've been a chopper pilot for about six or seven years now." More pen scratches and her making those classic doctor noises of "mm hmm".

"Who are your parents?"

"Henry and Leigh Blythe, they lived in Kansas. Mom died of breast cancer. Anything else? Perhaps you'd like to know the name of my favorite stuffed animal as a child?" Tel’s amused chuckle sounded next.

"I didn't know you had a stuffed animal as a kid. It's not in your medical records." Amusement in her voice was evident.

"So, tell me who is Sadie?"

"I have no idea. Where did you come up with that name?"

"Dave, a moment ago, you told me you wanted to go home to Sadie. I was curious since there is no mention of her in your notes. Do you have a pet perhaps?"

"No. No pets or…”

"Captain, are you all right?"

"Captain Amsted. Captain Amsted, Dave, your heart rate is climbing at an alarming rate!" Tel's voice was higher, laced with anxiety. The sound of booted feet running into the room almost cut off the rest of the noises. Voices and orders were being shouted as well as the sounds of beeps from medical equipment.

"What the hell happened?" Colonel Barker’s voice boomed.

"It appears Captain Amsted had a mild seizure. I don't see any damage on the EEG. I'm going out on a limb here assuming the seizure was a result of the high electromagnetic current he was exposed to over an extended period of time." Tel spoke in distracted tones.

"His heart wasn't affected according to these tests. Clark, keep an eye on the rest of the chopper crew. I want to know if any of them show similar signs. No one of the chopper crew is to be left unattended for the next twenty-four hours. Make that forty-eight hours to be safe."


The recording ended as she looked up to the men who were looking at each other before glancing back to her. Marc was sitting with his fingers steepled under his chin. He had listened to the recording very carefully, his expressions changing as it progressed. At the mention of Sadie’s name, he turned to Dave, his expression showing sympathy.

“Do you remember what happened before you seized Dave?” Marc’s voice was quiet.

“I remember seeing Sadie in a white and purple sundress, and her sandals. I felt her and I longed to be with her.” Tel raised an eyebrow as Marc reached over and laid his hand on Dave’s shoulder.

“She was a mystery to be solved at the time. Do you know who this Sadie woman is?” She looked from man to man, the confusion and interest on her face easy to read.

Marc held up his left hand showing off his ring. “She’s my wife.” Tel’s eyes grew wide.

“And mine too, apparently.” Dave held up his left hand.

Tel’s face showed her absolute shock. “Shit.”


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