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Tel jumped from her desk and walked to stand between the two men. She glanced from one to the other, her excitement creeping into her features. Dave grinned at her expression before looking to Marc.

“She seems awfully happy.”

“Probably because she gets to dissect your brain now, idiot.” Marc was grinning, which made Tel even more happy and confused if her face was any indication.

“Oh, I do need to run some tests. I want to run a check on your EEG and compare it to one from before and immediately after the anomaly. I also need to run some cognitive tests. Oh! And I’d love to interview you on how you came to realize you knew Sadie. And your ring and tattoo! When did you get those and how did it happen?” She looked years younger by just her excitement.

“And Dr. Kensington, how are you handling this? And your wife, does she know about this? If so, how is she handling it?” She stopped talking when the men just sat there smiling at her. Dave expected her to start clapping her hands in glee. She moved back to her chair and pulled out a pen and paper, taking notes.

“There is a problem though, Tel.” Dave became serious. “I don’t know if we should take this further up the chain yet. I know you needed to be informed. Both Marc and I agreed it’s very important since it is a direct result of my flying over the time rip. But there is the entire adultery issue with the military.”

“Well that would only apply if you’ve actively participated in sex with her.” When no one spoke, Tel looked up from the notes she was jotting down. “I assume since she’s married to Dr. Kensington, you’ve not had sex with her.” Their silence was telling. “Okay. So, you have.” Her gaze shifted to Marc and her eyebrows rose in question.

“She is his wife. Look, Dr. Lackney, we aren’t here to get approval or censure for our decisions as a family. What’s important to note is they both have memories of events that happened to their other selves in another timeline.” She sat up straighter in her chair.

“What?” If she was salivating before, she was positively drooling now. “This is the most amazing thing I’ve encountered in all my studies.” She stood and paced again. Marc told her what he’d learned from Avery.

Tel looked down, her eyes moving side to side as she considered the new information. She sounded distracted when she finally spoke. “It all makes perfect sense. Why didn’t I see this before? I’ll not bring this up to Barker yet. I need unrestricted access to the three of you for study. Also, I need to put feelers out to the other members of your crew to

see if they have any differences in their lives. I can’t get honest answers if they are afraid of the military’s reaction. Part of me is analyzing this and hoping another rip occurs to send others to see if it happens again, but afraid it will happen again as well. I don’t know the ramifications of such a cross-over.” She took a quick breath and continued, “How is your wife handling this? Is she frightened? Did she remember things the same as you? I just have so many questions.”

Marc smiled. “How would you feel, Dr. Lackney, if you found out you had two husbands who were deeply in love with you and committed to your total happiness?” Marc sat back, waiting for the answer.

“If they both men looked like you two? I’d feel like the luckiest woman on the planet.” She winked before returning her attention to her notes.


Sadie kept her shop closed with a note containing her website or to contact her directly if anyone was interesting in buying her artwork. But as a result, she paced the floors at home instead of the shop. She knew Dave was worried about his military career but this discovery was more important for science. Marc, on the other hand, thought as long as he made clear this was an equal tri-relationship, the military could do nothing. Sadie wasn’t sure what to think but knew she’d not give up either man, no matter what the military decided.

Marc seemed resigned to the relationship’s turn and after spending so much time with Dave, genuinely liked him. Dave it seemed was easy going and made his adjustment to this strange new relationship easier for Marc. Sadie couldn’t get the other-Sadie, as she thought of her, out of her mind. She had a feeling her transition to a three-way relationship was much easier. Dave was much more open, so Marc coming in as a second man would’ve been a much different situation. Although, Sadie was thankful that things got worked out so quickly between the men in her own timeline.

Just remembering that night in the hotel had Sadie’s skin humming with desire. Her body had been sizzling with energy that she had never felt before but she wasn’t complaining. She knew when the men got home from their meeting with Dr. Lackney, she was in for another decadent night of love. Having Dave with them had reenergized her and Marc’s relationship. When they both focused on her, she was surrounded in love. She shivered at the thought.

She looked at the clock and realized it was close to four o’clock and the men should be home soon. She smiled as she moved to the master bathroom to shower. Dinner had been ordered instead of her cooking. It should be delivered in twenty minutes. Just enough time to rinse off and be ready for her men to come home.

Her men. The sound of that made her heart swell. Her romance with Marc had been the classic fairy tale. Warm water sluiced over her as she remembered meeting Marc. He’d come to an art show that her friend Gary had invited her to. His fiancé Sarah was an amazing artist and her first show had her so nervous, she was afraid the woman would have a heart attack.


Marc’s timeline – Ten years in the past

Sadie walked into the art museum. The smell of canvas was subtle but clear to any artist, even one who didn’t work in that medium. She had been working on her steel sculptures and recently began playing with leather to incorporate into her work. It was a true labor of love, even if she had to convert her garage into her studio. She also worked full-time to pay the bills but still found time to work on her passion.

“Sadie!” She turned to see Meghan walking toward her, a grin on her perfect face. She wrapped her in a friendly embrace before pulling back to see a genuine smile of happiness. “I know Sarah will be so happy you could come. She’s fluttering around here scared out of her mind that no one will be here or buy her stuff.” Sadie looked around at the twenty or so people wondering around the room.

“I don’t think that’ll be an issue. It’s just started and there are so many here already. I bet there will be more soon. She’s very talented.” Sadie was awestruck at the pieces she could see from where she stood. “I wish I could buy some of these. They are beautiful.” She wished he had the extra money but had to skip Gary and Meghan’s cook out last weekend just to get extra hours at work.

“Just pick the one you’d like and I’ll gift it to you.” The deep male voice behind her sent her heart into overdrive. With butterflies in her stomach, she turned to see one of the most beautiful men she’d ever laid eyes on. He was tall, sandy brown hair that reached the shoulders of his tailored tuxedo. He had the most amazing green eyes and darkly tanned skin. Full lips that looked way too kissable, smiled at her showing perfect teeth. She wondered if he could hear the breath whoosh from her lungs.

“Thank you, but I don’t even know you.” Sadie nearly kicked herself for saying something so cliché. She used both hands to clutch her handbag so he wouldn’t see them shaking.

“That’s easy. I’m Marc Kensington. I work at KenSpec labs as a scientist. I’m single, never married, love lasagna and my favorite color is whatever color your eyes are. They are amazing.”

Sadie felt a bubble of laughter escape.

“Does that line work for you often?” Beside her Meghan laughed. “He’s a rogue and heartbreaker. He gave Gary a job at the lab several years ago. They’re golfing buddies and until Gary got with Sarah, they were party buddies too.” Meghan was shaking her head, her long auburn hair swaying with each move. “Take it easy, Marc—she’s not like me. She’s a sweet one with a heart to break.”

Sadie looked at her old friend, seeing a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. The words were said in a light tone, but the warning was clear.
