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Sadie unlocked the door to her store, inhaling the intoxicating scents of leather and oil. No one in her little town had thought of combining leather and steel to make art. She’d been successful on a modest scale until a local Air Force colonel had bought a few of her pieces to put in some buildings on base. Suddenly, she was a hit and her art had taken off. She was branching out into other types of art, but her first love was for anything to do with steel. She thought it had to do with her job at the factory after college.

She moved to the office and put her purse in the drawer and looked at the phone on her desk. She had the urge to call her old friend Meghan and casually ask about Dave. It wasn’t like she was looking to hook up with him, but to find out what he was doing now. She had to be dreaming about him for some reason, right? She’d never cheat on Marc. But no one said dreaming was cheating. She reached out, her hand hovering over the phone. Her fingers shook so she quickly pulled her hand back to her lap. Feeling guilty, but not understand why.

How could she become so obsessed with a man she had never met? Well, had nearly met over a decade ago. And why now? He hadn’t crossed her mind since Meghan said he was coming to a party that she didn’t even attend. The dreams had started recently and they seemed so real. As real as if it was happening. She could feel Dave’s chest hair on her back, the length and shape of his dick as it was buried inside her. She could see Marc’s stubble on his face as she looked down on him. Feel his heartbeat under her hand. She thought she should make a pot of coffee before she thought too hard about her ménage dream. Marc would never allow that to happen. She didn’t want it to happen. Did she?

Instead of making coffee, she sat with her hands over her face, trying to get motivated to work. She didn’t want to be here today—she wanted to be outside in the sun. She wanted to do something unexpected and foolish. She wanted away from the normalcy her life had taken. The rut she’d found herself and her marriage in the last few years. That was a new feeling for her. She loved working with her hands, she loved her art, but today she didn’t feel creative. She felt empty and lost. It wasn’t like her to feel so depressed. Grabbing her cell out of her purse, she texted Marc and then decided to head back home. Maybe she needed to reconnect with her husband. Do something wild and unexpected.


Marc’s cell phone pinged, letting him know he had a text. He blew out a breath. He didn’t really have time to deal with more problems—his lab was in a clusterfuck of chaos right now. His connections in the military had found several small anomalies that were increasing in frequency. Nothing strange had been reported from the last large rip, but the tears in time that had been amping up were now stopped. But for how long? Recordings didn’t show any changes, but then again, if there were, how would recording the meetings make a difference? Changes would take place and no one would be able to tell. He grabbed the phone ready to tear someone a new ass when he read the text from Sadie.

“Taking the day off. I’ll be home and maybe you can meet me there for a few hours?”

He furrowed his brow. That was unlike Sadie. She had developed bland tastes when it came to sex. Lately, it was at night, in the dark and missionary. He loved making love to her, but sometimes he wondered if it was because they’d been married for close to ten years that they got into a rut. He was torn. He could think about that dream and get a hard-on, but he didn’t know if he could take off with the issues going on. He ran his thumb over the screen of his phone, warring with himself. He blew out a breath. It wasn’t like Sadie had ever propositioned him during the day so maybe he should take off, spend time with her and head back into the office later. He texted her back and walked out of his office.

“Julie, I forgot some paperwork at the house. I’ve got to go back and get it. Push any meetings back about a couple hours or so.” The calm, dishwater blonde secretary gave a generic nod and immediately started rearranging meetings on her computer. Grasping his briefcase, he slid his phone into his breast pocket of his suit jacket and whistled a tune as he headed to his car.

Driving home, Marc started to daydream about sliding into his wife. It would be daytime, and she couldn’t hide in the darkness. He’d get to see her face as he made love to her, something he hadn’t done in years. He missed that, sharing her orgasm by gazing at her face. She was so beautiful it amazed him. In the years they’d been together, she really hadn’t changed. He remembered seeing her that first time. She took his breath, she still did. Maybe he needed to tell her that, like he did back before they were married. He just took for granted that she knew he still wanted her as much as he did then.

He saw his house coming into view and pressed the button to open his garage door. He saw her car already parked there. He had to admit to himself, his heart beat a little faster knowing she was inside, possibly waiting for him in one of her sexy little outfits she hadn’t looked at in years. Calm down, Marc. She might not even know where they are now. Damn if it didn’t give him half a chub thinking about it though.


Sadie heard the garage door open. She was surprised that she felt so nervous. Would he know that she was acting differently because of her dream? That was an insane thought, there was no way he could know her dreams, but this was so out of character for her. When she closed her eyes, she could still feel Dave inside her, his rumbling voice in her ear telling Marc to help her come. Her clit started to get hard and her pussy was getting wet. Maybe if she had her husband between her legs, she could finally forget that dream.

When the kitchen door opened and Marc walked in from the garage, Sadie felt that spark they shared when they first met. His sandy brown hair had been cut to a shorter, more work-friendly style, but his green eyes still held desire for her. “Hey.” Her voice sounded strange and husky to her own ears.

“I’d ask you why, but honestly, I don’t care.” His gaze roamed her body. She had unbuttoned her shirt to reveal her cleavage but left the rest of her clothes as professional as if she was at work. “I want to fuck you.”

She felt her knees go weak. He hadn’t said that to her in so long, she couldn’t remember the last time. Maybe he felt the need in her. She walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and brought her mouth to his. He met her tongue with his own, hot and consuming. He pulled her body clo

se, rubbing his hard cock against her. She couldn’t stop the moan. She felt his hand ripping impatiently at her jacket before kissing down her neck and burying his face between her breasts. His tongue licked back up her chest to her ear.

“Hurry up, Sadie, I’m about to come in my pants.” His dirty words inflamed her, more like Dave and not Marc. The thought should have made her come up short, she should’ve questioned it, but it made her hotter. Marc pulled the sides of her shirt apart, buttons flying in every direction. Her lacy bra stopped him cold.

“I almost forgot how beautiful you are. I’m tired of fucking you in the dark.” He pulled her against him, his mouth dominating hers. She was shocked at the change in him. He was almost animalistic. She whispered his name when she felt him pinching her nipples through her bra. “Are you wet? Are you wet for me, Sadie?” He pinched her harder but not enough to hurt. Her body arched into his.

“Yes, I’m soaking wet.” He began to furiously pull her pants down. He’d barely pushed her pants to her thighs before sliding his hand between her underwear and body. His fingers slid over her swollen lips and clit, pressing hard against her bundle of nerves. She grabbed his shoulders as her orgasm ripped through her. His lips zeroed in on her throat, sucking and licking.

“I need more, please, Marc.” He pulled her pants back into place so she could move. She felt his body pushing her back through the house to the bedroom. He was nearly frantic. So caught up in kissing him, she was surprised when she felt the bed at the bend of her knees. He backed away and she opened her eyes, expecting him to be undressing, but he was staring at her. “Marc?”

“I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us.” She felt her heart turn over. “You are so goddamn beautiful, Sadie.” He raised his hand and for a moment she thought he was going to touch her, but he brought his fingers to his mouth. She whimpered in need when he began to suck her juices off his fingers, his eyes never leaving hers. Her gaze was down his body to see his erection pushing against his pants. She reached out, running her hand over the large bulge.

“How long has it been since I sucked you?” She looked back into his eyes, her belly clenching when they darkened in desire. She undid his pants, pushing them and his boxer briefs down his legs. Bringing him quickly into her mouth, she realized she missed the taste of him. He threaded his fingers through her hair, scratching her scalp gently as she moved her mouth over him. Eventually he pulled her away from his body, and his hard cock, wet with her saliva, bobbed and jerked. She looked at his tight sac, knowing he was ready to come.

“I’m not going to miss watching your face when you come. First, I’m going to suck your clit, then I’m going to make you come again when I fuck you.” She stood, ripping the rest of her clothes off. She paused only a moment to enjoy the sight of him doing the same. They fell on the bed kissing and touching each other, before he pushed her on her back, sliding his palms up her thighs to hold her legs apart. He wasn’t gentle with her—he demanded she come with his mouth, his tongue and even his teeth. He pushed her over the edge quickly. She looked down and saw him staring at her until the ecstasy forced her to close her eyes.

His body covered hers, his mouth finding hers before he rolled them so she was on top of him. “Ride me.” They’d not done this in recent memory. It brought to mind her dream. She wondered if she should feel bad, imagining another man with them. Just this morning she was masturbating in the shower, remembering the feel of Dave fucking her in her dream. She looked down to her husband. He was breathing hard, his eyes nearly closed. It made her wonder if he was imagining his own fantasies, and it made her wetter thinking he was.

She panted as she pushed herself down on his straining cock. All she needed was Dave behind her, sliding in her ass. Her pussy clenched, her body reliving the dream as she moved on her husband. She focused on feeling Dave’s body against her back and felt her fingers jerk against Marc’s chest. She moved faster, moaning as her orgasm stayed out of reach, but felt Marc’s cock hardening. “I’m so close, oh god.” She opened her eyes in time to see Marc look over her shoulder, where Dave had been in her dream. His body tensed up and she knew he was coming but he pushed his fingers under her clit, pushing up hard to send her over the edge.

“Fuck, Sadie. Oh, fuck, baby.” He jerked under her as her body shuddered violently. She didn’t know how long she shook from pleasure. Eventually, her body collapsed on top of Marc’s as both panted hard. She couldn’t remember him ever reacting that way, so primitive and raw. He had said ‘fuck’ more today than he had in years. She was more sexually satisfied than she could remember being in some time, but somehow, she still felt incomplete.


Marc kept one arm wrapped around his wife while stroking her back with the other. Neither spoke a word—strange after what they had just enjoyed together. It was almost like they had retreated back to their old selves from this morning. He didn’t know why she had decided to text him then seduce him. He knew he wanted to prove to himself that he could make her come without the other man in his dream. That was totally irrational. He made her come over and over, much like when they first got together, but it had been so long, he’d forgotten she was so responsive and multi-orgasmic. How many times had he left her wanting more?

“Sadie, baby. I’m sorry. I’ve neglected you.” He felt her shake her head against his chest.

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