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“Marc, we’ve stopped talking. We used to go on dates, make time for each other and talk for hours. I’ve also taken you for granted. I’m sorry too.”

He sighed, afraid to ask and maybe he didn’t want to know, but the words came out of his mouth before he could stop them. “Have you been seeing someone else?” She sat up quickly to stare into his eyes. He saw her pain and regretted asking. “I’d not blame you if you did, but even then, I don’t want to end what we have. I love you.”

He could tell she didn’t know whether to be angry or hurt. Maybe she was both. He knew he’d feel that way if she’d asked. Her neck started to turn red and it traveled up to her cheeks, a sure sign she was getting pissed off.

“I have never even entertained the thought.” She moved off him and crawled off the bed. “Why are you asking, Marc? Is this your way to admit that you’ve been cheating on me?”

“God, no, Sadie. I just don’t know why all this happened with us today. I’m not upset or complaining, it’s just a surprise and after what happened I realize how I’ve not treated you the way I used to. I’d understand if you were lonely. Geeze, I had forgotten how responsive you are, how multi-orgasmic you are. I’m sorry.” His heart broke at the sight of tears running down her cheeks. He went to her and wrapped his arms around her. She stayed stiff in his embrace and he couldn’t blame her.

“I didn’t really think you had cheated. I don’t know why I asked. Maybe because I would understand if you did. I’ve been a terrible partner to you for god knows how long. I’m just grateful that you’re still here with me. I’m grateful you’ve stuck it out and stayed.” He felt her relaxing in his arms, a small sound escaping her. Where had it all gone wrong? He loved her to distraction and he just didn’t know where this sudden insecurity of his came from. Maybe that dream had bothered him as much as it turned him on.

He cupped the back of her head and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “I have to go back to work. The lab is into some big things right now and I can’t stay home, or I would. Let’s start over. Let’s meet at Del’ Risa’s tonight for dinner. Then we can come back here and I’ll make up for being such an ass. God, especially after the incredible gift you gave me today.” He felt her nod against his neck along with the wetness that really made him feel like the biggest asshole in the world. She wanted to fix a problem they both knew was there and he’d hurt her afterward, in the worst way.

Chapter 3

Dave’s Timeline, Earth Two – Ten Years Ago

Dave talked Sadie into leaving the party and riding with him to the top of Mishaka Peak. He wanted to hold her in his arms as the sun came over the horizon. He pulled the blanket from the back of the Jeep and sat down, leaning his against a sycamore tree. They removed their shoes, getting comfortable. Instead of sitting beside him, she surprised him when she sat between his legs and leaned against him. He wrapped his arms around her and she relaxed her head against his chest.

They talked and laughed for hours while they cuddled under the fading stars melting into the brightening sky. She even ignored the hard length of his cock against her back when he whispered all he wanted to do was hold her and get to know her. And he did. He’d never known such peace and comfort as holding Sadie in his arms. As the sky presented a fiery sunrise, they talked about their families and their plans for the future.

“Meghan told me about the problems you have with Henry. I’m sorry you suffered such pain as a child.”

He tightened his hold on her as he put his head next to hers. He took a deep breath, held it before blowing it out. For the first time, he felt the grip of hate surrounding his heart loosen, not leave, but loosen.

“Most of my memories of him are of whisky breath, his voice yelling and the beatings. The beatings were brutal, but sometimes I’d escape. I’d run to Gary’s house and Naomi would hand me a glass of milk and something homemade. Cookies or muffins. She’d never say a word, but would pat my shoulder and ruffle my hair. Sometimes she’d get some ice to put on my black eyes or swollen jaw. One time she had to clean my split lip and gave me ice cream.”

He took a breath and nuzzled her neck. “I’d hear her sometimes, when she’d go in and talk with Tom. She hurt for me, wanted to take me in but Tom knew Henry wouldn’t allow it. The relationship between them and my mom was strained. Mom, god I love her, but she never stopped the abuse. She wouldn’t leave the fucker. I’m so torn, you know, because I love her so much but I feel angry too.”

Dave heard her make a sound of sympathy before she turned her head and brought her lips gently to his. The kiss was sweet and innocent. “I wish I could go back in time and pull you into my arms and protect you. Let you know that yo

u’re loved and cherished.”

He felt himself fall over a cliff and land in a cushioned nest and he knew then that he loved her. That fast, he knew they were supposed to be together. She was it, the one god or whatever deity there was out there, made for him.

His lips caressed her neck. She took his right hand in hers, kissing the palm as she bent her knees and spread her legs. His breathing quickened, as each inch of skin was revealed when she pulled her skirt higher on her legs. She placed his hand on her pussy. He felt her hot core, it was wet and he knew it would taste sweet. She pressed his hand hard against her and bucked her hips against him. Her little sigh went straight to his groin.

“Use my hand, Sadie. Show me how you make yourself come.” His mouth was against her ear, almost as tight as his hand was against her clit. She moved his hand hard and fast, her hips moving up and down, like she was fucking him. His dick was so hard, he thought it might shatter. He moaned in her ear and felt her juices flood and coat his fingers.

“That’s it, baby, you know how hard to push that clit, how fast to move.” He stopped moving his hand and heard her whimper, her hips still moving. He lightly slapped her clit. Her knees jerked, and her body arched. He slapped it again, a little harder, then again before tapping it gently with his fingers. She came apart in his arms, her cries soft and sweet. The smell of her arousal surrounded him. Grabbing his hand and holding it to her clit, she closed her legs, trapping it against her as she continued to grind against his fingers.

He didn’t come but he felt a release inside of himself. Her thin lace thong was soaking wet, his fingers covered. She moved the lace aside and pushed his middle finger deep into her pussy. He groaned and his body pushed against her, rubbing his dick against her back to find relief. “I want to fuck you so bad, Sadie. I want to bury myself inside you and fuck you like I’m fucking you with my finger.” He slid in a second finger while using the palm of his hand to push against her clit.

“But I want to lick your pussy too. Suck that clit deep into my mouth and flick it hard and fast with my tongue.” His voice was deep, husky from desire. “I want to taste you, slide my tongue in your pussy.”

Her hands wrapped around his wrist, holding him tight against her but his fingers kept moving inside her. He felt warmth coating his fingers a second before the tremors started. Her body arched, her moan of ecstasy trailed off as the orgasm stole her voice.

“That’s it, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful, so hot. My dick is ready to explode and I haven’t even fucked you yet. I’ve never wanted anything more that I want you.” She turned in his arms as he slowly withdrew his fingers from her body. She stood and removed that little scrap of lace then reached her hand out to him.

“I want you inside me, Dave. I think I’ll die if you don’t get inside me.”

He took her hand, kissing her fingers as he stood. He dropped her hand then took off his shirt. It made him feel proud when she stared at his muscled chest and arms. She ran her hands over his abs, tracing the muscles as he unfastened his jeans, pushing his pants and underwear down his body. She traced the veins in his straining erection before rubbing the head, spreading the wet precome over the sensitive flesh.

He reached behind her, unzipping the dress. He felt his heart jump in his chest when the material floated away from her body. It was almost a religious feeling, watching her body reveal itself to him. He ran his fingertips over her nipples, bringing another moan from her. “I didn’t bring protection.”

“You don’t need it. I’ve not been with anyone in over a year.” She looked at his cock again and licked her lips. His gut clenched.

“I’ve not been with anyone in three years. I’ve been busy fighting a war.” Her eyes flew to his, her mouth opened in surprise or desire, he didn’t know. “I don’t want to get you pregnant either.” She just shook her head. He pulled her into his embrace, torturing himself with the feel of her skin against his. He lightly traced her spine with his fingertips, gliding down her back to massage her ass.
