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“Are you still wet enough to take me or do I need to work on that?” He couldn’t hide the desire and humor in his voice. His fingers were still damp from being buried inside her. She didn’t answer but moaned as her lips trailed kisses against his throat, up his jaw and to his mouth. He tried to control the intensity of the kiss, but his body had control. He cupped the back of her head with one hand, holding her to him with the other as he ravaged her mouth with his. It was like taking a breath after being held underwater for too long. He backed up, pulling her with him until his back touched the tree.

“I wish my first time inside you, that I could lay on top of you, fuck you on a soft bed, but I can’t wait.” He pulled away long enough to sit next to the tree and held his hand out to her. She walked to him, her pussy next to his face as she spread her legs to straddle him. He pulled her body to him. His tongue snaked out running over her wet, swollen clit. He used his thumbs to separate her labia, sucking her clit into his mouth. He sucked deeply, moved his tongue slowly, savoring her taste. He slid in a finger …god she was wet and swollen. He released her from his mouth, tugging her down. He held his dick as she moved to take him inside her body.

His cock breached her hot pussy and he moaned as she lowered herself onto him. “Don’t move, Sadie. Fuck, I could come.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding perfectly still but brought her mouth to his. The kiss started soft but became hot and impassioned. She began to slowly grind against him and his heart started pounding in his chest.

“I need to come Dave. I’m so close.” Her movements became almost frenzied. He slid his hand between them, pushing her clit as his hips began to move on their own, slamming up hard to meet her body. His hands, rough and calloused. With one he strummed her clit and used the other to balance her as he pulled first one then the other nipple into his mouth.

“I’m fucking you, baby, my dick slamming into your hot, wet pussy. I need you to come, I’m so fucking close, my balls are so tight.” He brought his knees up behind her, giving him more leverage and changing the angle just enough. Her body stopped moving and she grasped his shoulders as she exploded. He felt her hair brushing against his knees, her pussy squeezing his cock mercilessly as her orgasm rocked her. He let go, giving in as his come jetted into her. His heart pounded in is chest almost in time to the ribbons of come coating her pussy.


Sadie stayed straddling Dave, his arms draped over her alternately hugging and then rubbing her back. He couldn’t stop kissing her forehead or brushing the hair off her face. He had a peace and comfort he’d never felt close around him. He’d waited his entire life to find her and now that she was here, he damned sure wasn’t going to let her go.

“You know, what I’d like?” Her voice was soft, her breath tickling the skin just beneath his throat.

“What’s that, baby? Anything I can give you, I will. Name it.” He was kissing her face again, rubbing her back. He loved the feel of her skin against his.

“You said you’d love to fuck me in a soft bed. Why don’t we go back to my place?” She sat up, running her fingers over his jaw. God, her blue eyes were spectacular. She smiled and his heart sped up.

“I need to stop by the house, get a change of clothes and check on my mom. Then I’m all yours.” He didn’t want to let her go, even knowing they were going to make love again.

“All mine?” Her smile was so sexy, he found himself smiling back before kissing her lips softly. He pulled back, staring into her eyes. He wanted her to know he was serious, there was no joking in his next words.

“Oh, Sadie. I am yours. Heart, body and soul.” Her surprise and delight lit up her face, he thought maybe she might be feeling the same for him as he did for her. Her expression softened, her eyes filled with tears. He felt her hands come to either side of his face. She put her forehead against his. They sat that way for a long time.

6 weeks later

The wedding march played as Dave turned to see his Sadie

walking toward him in all white. Her hair was loose just as she knew he loved it. Her flowers were white and purple, the same color as her dress she’d worn the day they met. And she wore his mom’s pearls—his mom had insisted. He had on his dress military uniform and waited impatiently for her to walk down the aisle into his arms. The ceremony was small but it still meant so much to him, he’d remember each second.

When they said their vows, he was going for all seriousness, but they both began to laugh and most of those in attendance, including the minister, were wiping tears before it was all said and done. He’d never met anyone so perfect for him. He didn’t have enough time to buy an engagement ring, but she wanted just a plain silver band anyway and he surprised her with getting one for himself too. He smiled when her hand shook as she placed the band on his finger.

She talked him into inviting Henry, and he reluctantly agreed. What she didn’t know, was he had laid the law down to his stepdad. One negative remark, one sideways glance and Dave would throw him out ass over crown. This was Sadie’s day and Henry wouldn’t mar it by being an asshole.

Not long after the wedding, his mom died and Dave never saw Henry again. He kept in touch with Gary and he later stood up with Gary at his wedding to Sarah. But he was on duty and couldn’t attend Meghan’s wedding a few months later.

Ten years of bliss and happiness surrounded him, until he was sent out to investigate a time anomaly over Iowa. His wife told him she started having dreams about a man she’d never met, one she thought she loved named Marc. He promised her he’d help her find him if she wanted him to. It wasn’t necessary. Marc found them.

Chapter 4

Marc’s Timeline, Earth One

The alarm went off, waking Marc from a dreamless sleep. Sadie leaned over kissing his cheek before she got up and headed to the shower. A few minutes later, listening to the shower running he wondered if he should join his wife. They’d made love again last night, this time more emphasis on the love. He stood up and padded to the bathroom, deciding he’d at least wash her back, even if they didn’t have time for sex. They’d even slept naked, something they hadn’t done in ages.

He walked in as she was rinsing the shampoo from her hair. She was completely sexy, even when she didn’t mean to be. Both arms were raised, her hands running over her hair, her breasts pushed out as she arched her back to let the water trail over her face. She turned to face him, and his breath caught in his throat as their eyes met. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed as he drank in her beauty. She bit her lip and then flashed him a nervous smile before looking down and opening the door to the shower. He knew he’d never forget this moment. Something had changed between them.

“I hope you don’t mind sharing the shower this morning.” Her smile made Marc’s heart stutter. He felt like he was the man she met and fell in love with again. Her pure love surrounded him, filling his soul. How could he let his job get in the middle of their relationship? She was the love of his life.

“Think we could have a morning quickie?” Her voice was husky, full of desire. Marc looked down at his wife’s body, a smile on his face. His cock, already half hard, started filling with blood as she slowly pumped it with her soft, small hand.

“I think that would be a wonderful idea.” He spun her around so she faced away from him and bent her over. He heard her intake of breath come out as a moan when he entered her from behind. Reaching around her, he was rough as he pressed her clit, circling it. He made sure she came hard before he held her hips in his grip and fucked her hard and fast. He was rewarded with her screaming his name as he lost control and filled her over and over.


Marc sat at his desk, running the events of the last few days over in his head. The dream, the way he and Sadie had gone out of character for sex, the accusation of her cheating on him. He knew he had only felt that way because of the dream. It was crazy to let something like that influence his feelings. Then again, she had acted bizarre as well. In the years they’d been together, she’d never suggested leaving work to have sex. And it mind-blowing sex as well.

He had no idea why he talked to her the way he had. While rough language was nothing new, he’d never talked to her that way for more than a few hot words during the act itself. Maybe that was his problem, he stopped thinking of her as a hot, sexy woman and thought of her as merely his wife. The two weren’t exclusive of each other. She was just as incredible as that first moment he saw her at the art gallery.
