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“That’s a sneaky thing to do, Chase.” Frank looked pissed. His face was drawn, and he looked haggard. The energy he expended to stay in this timelin

e, must be taking a toll on him. “I don’t have much time left, and I don’t want to waste it.” Frank moved closer.

Chase backed away and into the corner. “Frank. I’m not letting you take my body. Shoot me, Lisbeth. Hurry! Do it, or he’ll kill you as soon as he gains control. Do it!” He was screaming and he knew he looked like a crazy person. Yelling at people no one could see, begging for a friend to kill him. “Do it, Lisbeth. If I ever meant anything to you in the past, you have to kill me. I’d rather die than have the things that monster plans to do on my conscious.”

“Aw, Chase. I’m hurt.” Frank’s voice was full of amusement. “I got us laid. You even got to shoot your jizz on that hooker’s ass. Felt good, didn’t it? We can work together, have some fun.”

Lisbeth was looking around the room. “I can hear him. I can’t understand him, but I can hear him. Like a buzzing in my ear.”

Chase was horrified when Frank moved next to Lisbeth. He ran his hand down her body while making crude humping moves against her. “She’s a pretty one, Chase. Ever fuck her?” Frank looked over to Chase. “You did fuck her! I remember dreaming about it. She was a good lay. All prim and proper then a wildcat in bed although it would’ve been better if she fought you. God, I love it when they put up a fight.”

Lisbeth shook her head and brushed the air where Frank was standing. “He’s here, right here isn’t he, Chase? I feel – I feel him.”

Frank threw back his head and laughed. “I like her. When I take over your body, I’m going to rape and strangle her.”

Chase bellowed in rage. Before he could stop himself, he moved forward and grabbed at the gun planning to end it himself quickly, before Frank could jump inside his body. Just as he started to pull the sidearm from Lisbeth’s hand the door busted open pushing Lisbeth into his arms, Frank jumped in his body, and before he gave up control, he yelled for Lisbeth to run. Only then did Chase feel everything go black.


Lisbeth woke up lying on the floor. Her head was pounding, and she tasted blood in her mouth. She opened her eyes to look around the empty room. The sound of fighting had her rolling over to all fours and trying to make it to the helipad. Dizziness hit her hard when she made it to her knees, but she forced herself to stand and stumble to the door. What she saw nearly stopped her heart.

Chase and Jonas were pummeling each other. It looked like one of those fighting competitions she was forced to watch when Paul had control of the TV in the breakroom. Chase and Jonas took swing after swing, at each other. The sound of their fists connecting with flesh, their blood poured from various cuts, bruises and swelling already showing on both of their faces. Jonas moved in a circle, bringing his leg high, connecting with Frank’s head. Frank stumbled but didn’t go down.

Frank grinned as he straightened and ran toward Jonas, fists raised, ready to strike. They didn’t waste their time talking as they beat the hell out of each other. Lisbeth knew Jonas was trying to save her, but so was Chase. Frank must have taken control of his body. She’d felt him somehow, touching her body, it left a trail of invisible slime on her that she couldn’t shake. He was sick and disgusting. She watched as Frank threw a punch, grazing Jonas’s chin.

Lisbeth wanted to scream or cry or both. She looked around the helipad, wondering what happened to Chase’s pistol. She saw it and started to dart toward it and grab it. She thought once she had it, she could toss it over the side of the building to keep it out of Frank’s hands. She had no doubt he’d use it if he got the chance.

But her body refused to move.

She heard a bone snap as Frank roundhouse kicked and connected with Jonas’s left forearm that he’d used to block the kick from landing on his head. Jonas dropped to a knee to dodge another kick. She must have gotten Frank’s attention. She had to get that gun. Forcing her body to move, she took off at a run toward the black pistol. He looked where she was headed and took off to stop her from grabbing the gun, but she was faster. She grabbed the heavy metal grip just as Frank made it to her. His grin was pure evil.

“You better shoot me, babe.” Time seemed to stop as she looked up to a man she thought she knew. He was panting, and his eyes had a crazy look she’d never seen in Chase’s eyes. Chase had always been quiet, respectful, intelligent and kind. Nothing about the man in front of her showed those qualities. He reached to take the gun just as she backed up and fell. He stomped hard on her arm with one foot and kicked her hard in the ribs with the other. It hurt too much to scream, but she held on to the gun. Frank bent over to grab the gun, but Jonas was on him before he got near it. She could hear the fight continue but was doubled over in pain.

The door opened from the stairway that led to the floors below. She heard multiple feet running in their direction but couldn’t catch her breath enough to roll over and look. Gentle hands rolled her over and helped her to sit up. “Lisbeth.” Stieg’s voice was full of concern as he helped her sit up. He took the gun from her and slid it in his waistband before gently picking her up and placing her on his lap. He leaned against the wall, cradling her in his arms.

“Don’t let them kill Chase. It’s not him, it’s Frank.” She knew she didn’t make sense, but she hurt too much to talk. Behind her, she could hear Frank cussing and screaming as he was restrained.

“They won’t kill him, Lisbeth. Dave and Jonas have him in cuffs. Marc, Rita, and Paul are doing some research with the Beings. I think they are taking him to the closest facility. It’s going to be okay, baby.” He held her gently and rocked her.

“I’m going to find you, Lisbeth and when I do, sweet, little Lisbeth I’m going fuck you. Just like Chase did, only this time you’ll like it.” He began to laugh as Dave, and a few men in uniform dragged Frank from the rooftop to the stairwell. His maniacal laughter echoed off the walls before the door shut, blocking the sound. Lisbeth began to sob against Stieg’s chest. Her heart was breaking for the sweet man she had known, and she wondered how the man in the other timeline could be the total opposite of her friend.

Lisbeth moaned in pain when she was lifted from Stieg’s arms by medics. “I’m sorry ma’am.” The young man’s voice sounded sympathetic. “I know you’re in pain. Just lie back on the gurney, and we’ll get you to a waiting ambulance.” She tried to nod but hissed in pain instead. The only memory she had after Jonas busted down Chase’s bunkroom door was being knocked into Chase’s arms. After that, it all went fuzzy until she went to grab the gun.

Marc’s voice floated to her from behind her. “We’re taking the injured to the Being facility. Get her to the ambulance and someone will drive them to the proper location.” Lisbeth was in too much pain to be excited at the thought of going to an alien facility. She allowed the pain to lure her back into darkness.


Once Lisbeth was in a room, she had to beg Stieg to find Jonas and check on him. He didn’t want to leave her, but she needed to make sure Jonas was okay. She even said she’d get up and go herself if he didn’t track him down. After arguing, to no avail, it was her tears that did him in. When she heard a noise at the door to her room, she saw Stieg pushing a wheelchair with a shirtless Jonas enjoying the ride. It was hard not to miss his smirk on Jonas’s handsome face. His washboard abs were partially hidden by the sling on his left arm.

“Hey, baby girl. You look a little worse for the wear.” Jonas stood up and walked to the bed and plopped down on the edge of the mattress. He made a small sound at the back of his throat as he reached his right arm up and lightly brushed her cheek with his thumb. “My poor girl.” He leaned over to kiss her forehead and kept his face close to hers. Stieg snorted behind him, but Jonas pulled back and gave her an exaggerated wink.

“Stop flirting with my wife, Jonas. God, you’re such a drama queen.”

She smiled at Jonas before reaching for his right hand, holding it between both of hers.

“Only you would have me parade you around the facility in a wheelchair with your shirt off trying to get attention. You don’t even nee

d that sling.”
