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Lisbeth heard the amusement in Stieg’s voice.

“The Beings were insistent that they examine Chase. Since Jonas fought with him to save a life, they wanted to treat his injuries. He’s fine. Not a scratch remains on him.”

“Awesome feats of heroism by a real badass doesn’t get me an Academy Award. And thanks to me, the Beings will be here to help heal Lisbeth too. I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to you before that asshole hit you in the face with his gun.” As if on cue, a tall white-skinned Being walked into the room. His hair was inky black, and his overlarge eyes were the lightest shade of green Lisbeth had seen. Jonas nearly purred when he walked into the room. The alien smiled as he approached the bed. His steps faltered briefly when he saw Jonas.

“Hello, Lisbeth, my name is Aaron. I would like to examine you and help heal those wounds.” Jonas moved from the bed and sat in the wheelchair. Lisbeth nodded, groaning at the pain it caused. Her body hurt everywhere, but her face and ribs were the most painful. It hurt to talk or have any facial expressions at all. She was fascinated when he opened a case and pulled out a silver half-moon-shaped object. She gasped after he pulled on it in several different places, a silver half sphere was placed over her head.

“Just relax, rest and breathe normally. This is a scanner and will let me know all your injuries and heal some of the smaller ones.” Lisbeth felt a slight tingle in her temples that traveled down her spine and then moved throughout her body. She closed her eyes and let the feeling wash over her and surprisingly, it relieved all her pain. Eventually, the tingling stopped, and Aaron removed the sphere from her head and gave her another smile.

“According to the reports, you were hit in the face with a metal object, the butt of an Earth sidearm. You were then thrown into a wall where you contacted with impact, face first. You were then assaulted with a boot stomping on your left arm and kicked in the ribs with steel-toed boots.” Aaron stopped and took a breath. Lisbeth could see true anger in his features.

“Let me start with the most serious of your injuries.” He glanced down to the large tablet in his hands. “Your left orbital socket is fractured, and you have a few cracked ribs. It appears you have a tendon tear to your left shoulder along with pulled muscles. The cuts on your lip and the inside of your mouth are already fixed. Even though your nose was not broken where you impacted the wall, the swelling has been reduced. Luckily, you have no internal damage. I checked twice to make sure.

“I have used the scanner to block your pain receptors to make you more comfortable, and now I will mend the tears and knit the breaks. I do recommend that you stay here overnight, so we can monitor you for symptoms of shock and emotional trauma. I have already given you a DNA injection to help speed the healing. It should be a day or two before the bruises are completely gone, but when you leave here, you will feel almost normal. I stimulated the part of your brain that helps you sleep. You should feel drowsy soon. You need to rest as much as possible to help the healing along.” Lisbeth stared at The Being but could think of nothing to say. Their medical abilities were amazing.

Aaron placed a white wand-like object against her left cheek and pulled it slowly over the skin, rotating it around her eye. It felt cool and almost wet against her skin. The relief was immense, and she felt herself smile in reaction. Unable to move because the Being was treating her eye, she reached out to Stieg. Aaron ran the same wand over her ribs, shoulders, and wrists. She closed her eyes, feeling Stieg’s hand in hers she fell into a deep, healing sleep.


Stieg sat holding Lisbeth’s hand as Aaron gathered his medical equipment. He looked over to Jonas who hadn’t said a word since Aaron arrived. He was looking at The Being with hooded eyes and an expression that Stieg could only describe as intense. As Aaron closed the case that held his belongings, Jonas stood and removed his sling, tossing it to the bed. When Aaron walked near him, Jonas reached out and grabbed the man’s arm, just above the elbow. Stieg raised his eyebrows at the heated look that passed between the men just before Jonas pushed Aaron against the wall.

“Mine.” Jonas’s voice was deeper than normal, his breathing fast. Aaron licked his lips and shook his head.

“My responsibility to my people is to mate a female and have children.” His voice was low, but Stieg could hear him.

Jonas pushed his body closer to the man, his mouth next to Aaron’s ear. “It feels like your body would rather be with me. We belong together, Aaron. I know you feel it too.” Stieg was surprised at Jonas’s display and declaration. He had made it clear before that he wasn’t looking for love. Now that Jonas had found what appeared to be his true mate, it looked like the man had responsibilities to his people. Jonas was in for a fight.

“I – I cannot.” Aaron’s voice sounded pained. Jonas used both hands to trap Aaron’s face before pulling the Being toward him. The kiss was hard, almost violent before the men grasped each other and it turned passionate. After a few minutes, Jonas pulled away, his breathing harsh.

“I’m yours, Aaron.” Jonas placed his hand over Aaron’s heart. “Find me when you’re ready.” He kissed Arron’s forehead and then backed away from the alien. They stared at each other for long minutes before Aaron licked his lips and strode to the door. He paused for a moment at the door, his hand on the jamb, and then took a shaky breath and left without looking back.

Stieg’s heart broke for his best friend. He couldn’t imagine finding Lisbeth and then losing her as she willingly walked away. Jonas stood taking deep breaths before clearing his throat and turning toward the bed. Without a word, he sat in the wheelchair. Using his feet, he wheeled it to the side of the hospital bed. He put his elbows on the mattress and placed his forehead against his clasped hands. Stieg reached over Lisbeth and grasped Jonas’s forearm.

“He’ll come back to you, Jonas. Feelings that intense, they can’t be denied for long.” He lowered his head, trying to catch Jonas’s eye. “Give him time. He’s been without emotions his entire life. Now he finds out his mate is a man. I’m sure he’s confused.”

Jonas sighed before he leaned back in the wheelchair and ran his fingers through his hair. He gave a humorless chuckle. “Now I really have to apologize about how I teased you about your Lisbeth. I’d climb over broken glass to get Aaron back. I don’t even know him.” He covered his face with his hands.

Stieg brought Lisbeth’s hand to his mouth, kissing the back of her hand before he brought it to his cheek. He reached his other hand out and pulled Jonas’s hand into his grasp. They sat quietly while Stieg sent silent prayers of thanks for his wife and for Jonas’s happiness.


Stieg led Lisbeth through the hallway of his apartment. He was happy to have moved her into his and Aaron’s home. They were going to wait until Stieg was sure Lisbeth was completely healed before leaving for a honeymoon.

“I thought maybe we’d go out to the hot tub for a bit.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder. He fought to keep focused on what he was saying.

“I think we need to break in this new home. Make love in every room.” She smiled as she ran a fingertip over his jawline.

“You need rest.” He tucked her hair behind an ear as he backed his groin away from her body. She’d feel his erection and know he’d rather get inside her. He knew she felt his hard-on when she grabbed his ass with one hand and pulled it hard against her. Her smile grew wicked.

“I need to feel alive. I need to touch my husband. I need you, Stieg.” He could deny her nothing, especially since he wanted her too. He smiled as he led her to the living room and sat her on one of the chairs.

“I’ll be right back. Just sit there.” He moved quickly to his bedroom en-suite and grabbed a clean towel from the rack and the pillows from the bed before returning to the living room. He grinned when she looked at the items he carried. Tossing the towel over the couch cushions, he put a pillow on the opposite end of the couch and the other one on the floor.

“Come to me, love.” He held in a moan as she stood to remove her clothes. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Lisbeth.”

When they were both naked, he reached out his hand to her and felt pride when she took it without hesitation. He pulled her close, pressing little kisses along her jaw, feeding his desire and his need to possess her. Without releasing her body, he turned and guided her to the couch. He took his time getting her positioned on the towel and supporting her back with a pillow from the bed. He pulled the pillow on the floor close to him then spread her thighs, running his fingertips lightly over her inner thighs.

“You have no idea how I’ve fantasized of doing this.” His mouth began to water, knowing he’d be tasting her soon. Leaning forward he brought his lips to her throat and heard her groan when their skin touched, she arched slightly beneath him. “Shhhhh.” His admonishment to quiet her brought chills to her skin, her nipples hardened nearly breaking his restraint. He slid his fingers over her neck and down her arms grasping her hands and placed them on his shoulders.

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