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“Jonas,” he was shocked that his voice was deep and full of need, “take me to your bed. I want you.”

Jonas shivered, and his eyes darkened before he was pulled in for a kiss. He moaned when their cocks rubbed against each other. He backed down a hallway, pulling Aaron with him, their hands roaming as they kissed one another. Jonas opened a door and flipped on a light. He broke the kiss and Aaron was shocked to see the desire in Jonas’s eyes.

“I have lube in the drawer.” Jonas kept hold of him as he backed toward the bed. Jealousy streaked through Aaron, fearing why Jonas would have lube already there.

“Do you have other lovers, Jonas? Is that why you have lubricant?”

Jonas smiled as he brought his hands up to cup his face. “No. I need it for myself. I jack off frequently too. Especially since I saw you.” Jonas glanced at his lips a moment before he kissed him again. They fell on the bed together, kissing and exploring with their hands. He nearly came when Jonas circled his cock with his fingers. “I’ve dreamed of feeling you in my bed, touching you, Aaron. Fuck. I don’t have condoms. I’ve not had a lover in a very long time.”

“We do not need condoms. My kind does not have sexual diseases, and our bodies are resistant to them.”

“Thank god, I want to feel you, not latex.” Jonas reached across Aaron, pulled open a drawer and grabbed a bottle of liquid lubricant. “I’m not a virgin, but it’s been a long time for me.” Aaron wasn’t sure he wanted to wait. He wanted Jonas to fuck him now. Jonas kissed him hard and then rolled to his side.

Aaron felt a sudden wave of tenderness for the man lying next to him. He leaned forward kissing his neck, lightly biting as he reached across his body and pinched his nipple making Jonas moan. He felt his hand being pulled from his body as Jonas covered his fingers with lube.

“Stroke my cock.” Aaron noticed his hands were shaking as he ran his slick fingers over Jonas’s erection. He’d never touched or stroked a stiff cock but his own. Knowing he was bringing Jonas pleasure gave Aaron a sense of power and pride. Jonas closed his eyes while his body arched. “Oh, fuck, baby. I can’t take anymore.”

Jonas rolled over, staring in his eyes before licking his lips. “Turn over to your stomach.” Aaron kissed Jonas lightly before doing so. “Close your eyes and relax. Trust me, baby.” Lips softly kissed him across the shoulders before trailing down his spine.

“You smell so good.” Jonas’s tongue slowly licked the last few inches. “You taste so fucking sweet. I could lick you the rest of my life.”

“I will hold you to that.” The last word was a groan as Jonas ran his tongue over the globes of his ass. Aaron felt teeth graze him softly. “Bend your knees under you.” Aaron could hardly move but found the strength. He felt Jonas part his cheeks as he was kissing his back, his finger circling the opening lightly and then dipping down and teasing his sac. He continued teasing him before sliding one slick finger

inside and moving it.

“Relax, Aaron. Breathe.” Aaron released a breath before dragging in another. “If you’re not ready yet—”

Fear slammed into Aaron that Jonas would stop.

“No, Jonas. I want this. I want you.” He pushed his body back onto the fingers that explored him. Pain turned to pleasure, and he couldn’t stop the moan. “Do not stop. Please.”

“I’ll only stop if you tell me to, baby.” Jonas reached for the bottle of lube, applying more thick liquid to his cock. He could feel his heart pounding and tried to slow his breathing. “Push back against me, take your time and push out, it helps relax your body.” He heard Jonas moan as he moved back and felt his body opening to accept his new lover. The pain wasn’t a surprise, but the pleasure that followed took his breath. Jonas’s cock was long and thick, filling him making his own cock harder. Soon he felt Jonas’s body was flush with his, his hands massaged his lower back.

“Relax, Aaron. Take your time baby. If you’re uncomfortable, we can stop.”

“You forget I am not human, Jonas. I heal quickly, so there is no pain.” Aaron moaned at the feeling of having Jonas inside him, but he knew there was more. “Move.”


Jonas took a deep breath and started to pull out slowly. Aaron felt so tight, his body wrapped around his cock like a glove, so warm and soft. It was like nothing he’d felt with his past human lovers. He fucked him slowly, trying to give him pleasure for his first time and taking joy in being with his mate.

“Aaron,” Jonas’s voice was low and deep with desire, “I don’t know how long I’ll last. You feel so fucking good. I’m trying to be easy, go slow.” He felt a slight vibration against his cock and reached around his lover and began to stroke his cock in time with his fucking. The vibrations got stronger forcing Jonas to move faster.

“Oh, Aaron. You’re mine, baby nothing has ever felt like this.” He couldn’t stop the orgasm as the vibrations got stronger. He felt Aaron’s hand wrap around his, squeezing tighter, moving faster. He heard Aaron’s moans a second before he shouted. Relieved he could hold off as long as he did, Jonas closed his eyes and let his orgasm overtake his body. He buried his face against Aaron’s back and pushed deep inside him, giving in to the hardest and longest orgasm of his life.

“Aaron, baby. I’ve never felt anything like being with you. And your cock isn’t the only thing that vibrates. I could feel it in your ass.” He smiled when he heard Aaron laugh. This…this was what he’d been waiting for his entire life. This man was everything to him already.

Chapter Two

Jonas rolled over in the bed and reached for Aaron but only felt cold sheets. God, he was scared he had dreamed last night’s events. Fear that he might be going through what Stieg had before he met Lisbeth slammed into him. He sat up and looked around the room and saw the bottle of lube on the nightstand, just where he’d left it. He knew Aaron had come to him last night.

“Aaron?” He stood up and pulled on his sleep pants before padding to the bathroom door. It was wide open and empty. “Aaron?” Walking down the hall, he stopped in the living room and glanced around. He found a small plastic chip on the coffee table. What the hell? It looked like an SD card. He picked it up and headed to his tablet. He inserted it and waited — the screen filled with a tear-filled face of his beloved.

“Jonas. I am so sorry. When I left the facility, I was unaware that they had me followed. After we made love, Enforcers from my home world used a trajectory beam on you and removed me by force. I was given three minutes to leave you this message. I would never leave you willingly. I have fallen in love with you, I have loved you since I saw you. But it does not matter to my people. I have been taken from here, and by the time you get this, I will be well on the way back to my planet. They are assigning me a female mate. Jonas, I will never forget what it means to be with someone who loves me and whom I love. Please go on with your life.” The screen froze with Aaron’s face looking miserable and frightened.

“Oh, hell no. Go on with my life after I found you? No fucking way.” Jonas fought the urge to throw the tablet across the room. He stood for a few minutes, trying to calm the pain in his chest and walked to the phone. He was military trained, had rescued and extracted hostages before. This was no different—he just needed to form a team and come up with a plan. He walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, planning his mission in his mind. Once he was dressed, he picked up the phone and called the one man he knew would be there for him. Stieg.

