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“You told me to find you when I was ready. I am here.” Aaron’s gaze traveled his body and stopped at his groin, and his cock responded immediately. He flipped the light on in the foyer before he backed up and pulled the door open, motioning with his hand for Aaron to enter.

“Invite me in. Tell me you want me still.” Aaron’s eyes flickered with uncertainty. His perfect peridot green eyes. Jonas took a deep breath and reached through the door. He grabbed Aaron’s hand, jerking him inside. He slammed the door and leaned against it.

“You have not said a word. I am not sure what that means.” Aaron’s gaze never left Jonas’s face.

“It means I’m fighting my urge to grab you and drag you to my bed. I’m not sure if you’re here because you really want to be with me forever or because you’re just curious about having sex with another man. I’m not interested if you’re planning on walking away from me.” Aaron blinked before he licked his lips. He turned and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Jonas followed, flipping on a lamp.

“I am not sure what all of this means. Having feelings for another man has not happened to one of my kind before, or it has not been publicly acknowledged. I do not know what to expect, but I know I feel things for you that I have never felt for anyone else. I am afraid, Jonas. But I am willing to go against the orders of my government and be with you instead of a female of my own race.” Aaron turned to look at him, and Jonas could see the confusion and determination there.

He walked to the couch and kneeled in front of the man who’d haunted his dreams. “For this to work between us, Aaron, you need to ack

nowledge this is more than just a passing curiosity for you. I need to know you are willing to stay with me and fight for us the same way I’m willing to fight. We’ll figure out the rest with your people and your orders to produce little Beings. I’m willing to take on anyone to give us a chance because I know that you’re mine, but you need to realize that I’m yours and be willing to commit to fighting for me.” He reached up and placed his hands over Aaron’s. He wouldn’t take him to bed unless Aaron was ready to go all in.

“I said I was afraid, but I am also here. I left the medical facility, telling them I needed time off. I have never done that, but you were all I could think of.” Aaron leaned forward, putting his forehead against Jonas, and took a deep breath. “Losing you was more frightening to me than anything else that I could lose. I am sorry I did not come to you sooner. I am open to us, Jonas. I am ready to follow my heart and fall in love with you.”

Jonas wanted to believe him, but his mind kept going to the moment Aaron easily walked away from him and his words telling him he had to mate with a Being female. Jonas had sworn off of love for a reason. Getting his heart stomped on was something he didn’t think he could survive. Especially since Stieg and Lisbeth were gone. He’d have no support system to keep him together. He depended on his brother and Lisbeth after Aaron left. If he slept with the man now, and he walked away, it would destroy him.

He stood up and backed away from the man who was pure temptation. He closed his eyes and dropped his head, his body screaming for him to pull Aaron into his embrace. His mind was screaming to protect his heart.

“Aaron, I want to believe you. I want,” he shook his head and walked to the kitchen and put his hands on the counter. He needed to think. Sex was never a casual thing for him, but god, he wanted Aaron with every fiber of his being. If he looked at him, he’d give in.

Warm hands slid around his waist, and Aaron’s body came up behind him. Warm lips pressed against his neck and Aaron’s hard cock pressed against his ass. “I want to belong to you Jonas. I’ve never wanted anything more.” He could feel Aaron’s heart pounding against his back, his breath fanned Jonas’s ear, raising chill bumps across his skin.

“I want you, Aaron. God knows I want you. Please promise me you won’t break my heart. I couldn’t survive you walking away from me again.” He heard Aaron take a deep breath before his teeth grazed his neck. Holy shit, he’d not be able to turn him down. His body began to shake with need.

“Jonas,” Aaron whispered against his skin. “You have to show me what to do.”

Jonas let his words sink in. “Have you had sex before?” Aaron gave a humorless chuckle.

“No. I have never felt strong enough attraction to anyone to have the urge. I have masturbated multiple times since you kissed me.” Jonas couldn’t stop the moan that rose from him. The words gave him the most erotic image.

“Oh god, Aaron, you’re going to kill me.” Not able to stop himself, he turned and cupped the back of Aaron’s head, pulling him in for a kiss. Soft lips parted as Jonas pulled Aaron against him. He pushed his body against Aaron’s, a hard, muscular chest pushed back against his own. Thickly muscled arms embraced him while big, warm hands slid beneath his shirt. Aaron’s skin was warmer than a human’s, and the texture was like warm silk. A scent of vanilla and lavender surprised him, making him break the intense kiss.

“You smell so good. I didn’t notice it before.” Jonas kissed down Aaron’s jawline to his neck.

“It is my arousal scent. It is just one difference between humans and my people.” He ran his tongue over Jonas’s ear, biting the lobe and moaning when Jonas pushed his erection hard against him.

“I like it. What else is different? Your cock feels like it’s the same as mine.” He grinned as Aaron ran his fingers over the wet spot on his boxer briefs.

Aaron pushed his shoulders to put space between them. “Basically, it is, but Jonas,” he took a breath and caught his gaze, “my cock vibrates when I come.” Both men grinned.

“I think we better see how that feels. Right. Now.” Mind made up, Jonas pulled him back toward the living room.


Aaron had fought with his decision to seek out Jonas, but from the moment he saw him, Aaron knew Jonas was his. He knew the edict from the Elders was to find a female that was compatible and agreeable, then start producing children. He knew a relationship with another male would be unable to produce children, but he couldn’t live another day without Jonas. The last two weeks had been hell. He’d never have the strength to walk away from him again.

Aaron had never had sex with anyone before, so he wasn’t sure if his nerves were due to his virginity or the unknown with another man. He’d seen movies of sex between humans, but it was always male and female. He thought he knew how two men would engage in the sex act, but he wasn’t sure how that would feel. He needed to trust the man who was standing in front of him.

“Relax, Aaron. I promise I won’t hurt you. I only want to make you feel good. Really good.” Jonas pulled him in tight and kissed him breathless. Aaron groaned as their tongues fought for dominance. He reached between them and ran the back of his knuckles against Jonas’s very hard cock. Curiosity hit Aaron hard. He broke the kiss and looked down as he pushed Jonas’s underwear down his body. His cock was thick and long, the head a darker color than the shaft, which had a slight curve. Like his, Jonas’s cock was uncut. He had a short patch of hair at the base of his cock that became a light covering over his sac.

Jonas pulled his t-shirt off, giving Aaron a view of thickly muscled chest and abdomen. He ran his fingers over the trail of hair from his chest to bellybutton, where the head of his cock was straining, a pearl of liquid at its tip.

“Your turn.” Aaron looked up to see Jonas’s intense gaze before he licked his lips. Stepping back, Aaron reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He took pride in the flare of desire he saw in Jonas. He looked down at his own body. His white skin gleamed in the light cast from the lamp, showing off the definition of his own muscular frame. Reaching down, he unbuckled his pants and pushed them and his underwear down his legs. His cock was nearly pulsing in anticipation, his balls drawn tight.

“Fuck. You’re gorgeous, Aaron.” Jonas’s words filled him, his cock bobbed, begging for release. He reached down grasping it by the base and squeezed bringing a drop to the head. “I want to suck you off, taste your come.” Aaron moaned at the thought. To feel Jonas sucking and licking his erection.

“What do you want me to do to you, Aaron? I know you’ve never been fucked, and I want in that ass badly, but only after I get you ready. It’s your first time. I’ll take care of you. I’ll do what ever you feel comfortable with doing.” Aaron couldn’t concentrate—he only knew he needed the man standing in front of him. Jonas reached out, running his hands over Aaron’s shoulders, down his chest and stopped to run his thumbs over his nipples.
