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“Oy!” She shouts at him. Instantly, the submissive stops and looks ashamed. The two of them are obviously familiar with one another because he drops to his knees and bows his head. That type of protocol is only used when you know someone really well, and when you understand their preferences for such a thing.

I look from the Domme to the man and back again.

“Apologize, Jeffrey,” she says.

“My apologies, Mistress Natasha.”

“Not to me. To...” she looks at me sideways.

“Aaron,” I say, supplying her with my real name. I don’t bother using a fake name at the club. It’s not really my style. I’m perfectly fine with people knowing who I am. As long as they don’t interfere with my professional life, then we won’t have a problem, but I prefer to exercise honesty in all things when I can.

“Apologize to Master Aaron.”

“I’m sorry that I bumped into you, Master Aaron.”

“Forgiven,” I say. It was obviously an accident, but I’m suddenly getting the impression that Natasha and Jeffrey know each other more than a little well. She’s smiling at him fondly, as though she can’t get enough of him.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to punish you, Jeffrey,” she says with a gentle smile.

“Do you promise, Mistress?” The man asks, and he suddenly looks so happy that he’s practically glowing.

Natasha reaches out and strokes his hair gently. She smiles at him and nods.

“I promise.” Then she turns to me. “If you’ll please excuse me.”

“Of course.”

I watch as she leads Jeffrey away, off into the crowd of bodies at the club, and I realize that I still haven’t found Mallory. I still haven’t found the one person I came here to see, which is unfortunate. If I knew where she’d worked, I’d just call up and schedule an appointment with her, but Mallory is a closed book.

She’s not exactly easy to track down.

Her Facebook is on lockdown, right along with her Instagram and her LinkedIn. I tried adding her as a contact on every platform I could think of, but there’s nothing. All of the public information about her shares where she went to college, so I know she’s probably gone into whatever field she majored in, but I don’t know anything else.

I mean, is she married?

Does she have a kid?

Is she happy?

It’s not really any of my business, so I won’t ask her about any of that, but I will ask if she’s okay. I will ask if she’s gotten any help after what happened.

I will ask if there’s anything I can do to make her life just a little bit easier after that night.

And then I see her.

She’s standing with a group of submissives. They’re all laughing and chuckling together. It looks like everyone is having fun and enjoying themselves. The sight makes me feel a certain contentedness. It’s nice to know that she has something that makes her happy. It’s good that she has a place where she belongs, and where people are able to help her relax and find herself.

After Matthew...Well, everything changed after that, didn’t it? Sometimes, it seems like the sun doesn’t shine as bright.

Sometimes it seems like the world isn’t quite as beautiful.

When you lose someone, no matter who it is, that pain lingers for such a long time. The worst thing about loss is that it always hits you when you least expect it. Even now, years later, I find myself reaching for the phone when something funny happens. I’ll take a picture and get ready to text it to him, only to remember.

He’s gone.

Matthew is gone, and he’s never coming back.

Mallory smiles, talking to her friends. She gestures wildly, moving her arms, and she giggles. I wonder what kind of story she’s telling. I wonder what sweet adventures she’s had in the years since we lost him.

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