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“It’s a play nursery,” he chuckles. “Take a look while I get set up.”

“Hmm,” I say, walking around. I stare at...everything. I can’t look away from anything I’m seeing. I walk over to a wall that has a bookshelf with a variety of children’s books on it. Aaron is fiddling with something I can’t see. His body his blocking the view, so I don’t worry about it. Instead, I run my fingers over the many different books in front of me. I pick one up and look through the pages. Almost instantly, I realize that this isn’t a children’s book. It’s a picture book, yes, but it’s got pictures of very adult things in it.

“Did you find something you like?”

“This,” I hold the book out to Aaron, who takes it from me.

“Wow,” he says. “That’s unusual,” he chuckles, wrapping his arm around my side and pulling me close to himself.

“Right? I kind of like it, though.”

“Would you like me to read it to you?” He asks.


I don’t even hesitate. I follow him over to the bed. He lifts me up and sets me down. I realize immediately that this bed is designed to be really tall. My legs dangle off the edge. I look over at him, and he smiles.

“Do you feel like a little yet?”

“I do.”

“Good. This room is designed just for that. It’s supposed to make you feel like the little princess that you are.”

“I think it’s working.”

“Now, let me read to you.”


“Once upon a time,” he begins. I lean on his shoulder as he reads to me. I’m filled with a strange feeling that I haven’t felt before. It’s not something I usually experience when I’m playing with someone at the club.


I feel comfortable, and comforted. I feel like I’m being completely taken care of. It’s a strange sort of feeling, but damn, if it isn’t also completely wonderful.

“There was a little princess who lived in a castle in a far-away place.”

I look at the pictures as Aaron reads me a story about a princess who manages to escape from her evil stepmother. The stepmother happens to be the queen of the land, and she’s in charge of everything. The princess runs away and darts into the woods, but she finds something she isn’t expecting.

“A dragon,” I say. He turns the page and sure enough, there’s a picture of a big, wonderful dragon. Only, this dragon has a special power. It can turn into a man. Aaron reads me the story of the princess who experiences a sort of awakening. She realizes that she’s attracted to the dragon, and together, the two of them start to live.

Really live.

When Aaron gets to the part of the story where the princess and the dragon are about to have sex for the first time, he closes the book.

“No!” I cry out, and he looks at me sharply.

“Storytime is over, princess,” he says.

“But I want to know what happens.”

“We will finish the story another time,” he tells me firmly. Aaron raises an eyebrow, obviously wondering whether I’m going to give in to him or if I’m going to make him top me on this. I know he’s right. I mean, we don’t have all night, and we aren’t even halfway through the picture book, but I was really enjoying myself, and I’m a little irritated to have to stop.

“Fine,” I grumble, and then I squeal when he flicks me on the leg.

“Try again.”
