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“The private rooms.”

“But you have to make a reservation for those.”

“I made one.”

“What are we going to do in a private room?” I ask, forcing the words out.

A private play room?

Okay, now I’m a little bit nervous, and a lot excited. I’ve never been in the private play areas.I’ve always kind of wanted to know what secrets they hold and it seems as though I’m about to find out.

I can’t decide whether I’m more surprised that Aaron is taking me to one or that he planned ahead for this. Okay, so he’s not exactly a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of Dom.


He’s a planner.

Planner Dom.

I get the feeling that Aaron has to plan things out, though. Matthew was the same way. It’s part of the reason they were such good roommates. Neither one of them minded scheduling things days or even weeks in advance. They were both hyper-organized and totally on top of just about everything in their lives.

“Whatever we like,” he says.

“Are we going to do a scene?”

“That’s up to you. We’ll talk when we get there.”

He leads me through the club and to a private hallway. When we reach the hallway, I can see the security guy with a list.

“I’m down for room three,” Aaron tells him. “The name is Master Aaron.”

The security man checks his list and then nods, jerking his head toward the hallway. Aaron and I make our way down the hall, find room three, and push the door open.

“You don’t need a key or anything? Like a hotel?”

“Nope. None of these doors lock.”


“It’s a safety thing,” he says. “The rooms are also each monitored on a private security feed.” He points to a corner. I can see a blinking camera there, and somehow, knowing that someone is watching makes me feel safe: not annoyed or scared.

“So if someone needs to make a quick getaway, they can.”

“Pretty much,” he shrugs. “I’m sure the goal and the hope is that no one will ever need to run away from their partner, but people make mistakes, especially when their emotions are running high.”

“So this way, nobody is going to be locked in a room.”

“Exactly. People can come in, people can go out. The biggest thing to remember is that even though there’s no lock, no one will interrupt us unless it’s a true emergency. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, it does.”

“What do you think of the room?”

I turn for the first time, looking at the space around us.

“It looks like a nursery,” I say. There’s a big bed in the center of the room, but the space is surrounded with toys, dolls, and...spanking implements.

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