Page 18 of Indulge Me Tonight

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“I’ll give you one better.” Grae sighed, browsing the library’s shelves without actually reading the books’ titles. “I didn’t snap because it wasn’t true—I snapped because I couldn’t do anything about it.”

“Do you want to do anything about it?”

“I want my wife back.”

“Well, you’re in the perfect place for it. You guys were married there, spent your honeymoon there.”

Grae smiled. The idea held more appeal than Leo would ever imagine. “I’ve got other reasons for being here. How am I supposed to prove to Tel that I’ve changed when once again I have to play the role of big and bad for my family and while she’s here to see me do it?”

“Why would you want her to stick around for that?” Leo asked, confusion evident in his voice.

Grae sipped his juice, and strolled on past the shelves. “It’s one thing to handle board members, clients and the press—and another thing entirely to handle my family for something like this and with no anchor.” He slipped a hand into a trouser pocket, clenched a fist. “Handling this without…my temper’s getting worse, Leo.”

“There’s a chance you won’t have to take this there.”

“We both know I will, Leo.”

“How are you gonna tackle it?”

“By waiting. He’ll tip his hand sooner or later.”

“Amen to that.” Leo chuckled. “Boy never was any good at cards.”

“Thanks, Leo,” Grae said once their laughter had softened.

* * *

Tielle maintained her own set of rooms in the house. While she refused to be a workaholic, circumstances often called for her presence on the estate. During those occasions, the private area tended to be a godsend. Aside from Laura and a few select members of her medical staff, access to the third-floor wing was prohibited.

Either Grae didn’t realize that or he just didn’t care, Tielle mused when his lone knock sounded on the open door to her bedroom suite. It sent her whirling around to face him as she was heading to the bed from the closet to select an outfit for that night’s family dinner.

“Not that one,” he said, motioning to the frock she held. “My uncles won’t be able to focus on a damn thing watching you bounce around in that all night.”

Tielle schooled her expression, refusing to laugh, no matter how much she wanted to. “I don’t bounce,” she said instead.

The cool bronze of his gaze diluted to some warmer shade when it drifted down to survey the curvy frame encased in a snug, coral tank dress. “Okay,” he muttered obediently.

“Did you overlook the sign that says Third-Floor Access Prohibited?”

“Not at all.” Slowly, his gaze raked its way back up to her face. “Did you overlook the fact that I was here last night? You didn’t seem to mind…granting me access then.”

Tielle tossed aside the dress she carried, then retraced her steps to the walk-in closet. “What do you want, Grae? Get to it and get out.” She’d just crossed into the closet when she felt him behind her. “Grae—”

“Get to it and get out, remember?” He slammed the closet door behind him.

“I won’t do this.”

“Do what?” He took her waist, lifted her close.

“I won’t have sex with you while almost your entire family is in this house.” She gritted her words through clenched teeth.

“Sex?” He let her slide down the length of him but kept her secure between a wall and his wide body. “Who said anything about sex? I only wanted to apologize for last night. My lack of respect, putting my hands on you in your own home without waiting for permission…”

“I don’t have time for games, Grae.”

“Neither do I, Tel.” His expression left no room for playfulness. “But I need for you to understand this won’t be easy for me. Sleeping down there—knowing you’re up here…knowing how you smell.”

He traced her cheek with the tip of his nose.

“Knowing how you feel…” His nose slid along the curve of her cheek, his thumb tracing a plump portion of bosom, rising up past the tank’s square bodice.
