Page 54 of Indulge Me Tonight

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She paid no attention to his disrobing. Her mind only registered the sensation of his shadowed jaw scraping the delicate flesh of her thighs near his shoulders while her calves dangled across them. She was so driven by arousal and the intense sensation of abandon wafting through her that she took little notice of him setting their protection in place.

His sex penetrating hers was as unexpected as it was spectacular. Grae had settled her back down to the gargantuan table. His wide body kept her thighs spread to his approval, allowing him to fold his hands over the polished siding of the table and steady his stance before her.

Tielle wanted to keep her eyes open to indulge in the sight of his phenomenal chest. Unfortunately, it was impossible to keep her eyes open against the strong, repeated drives of his lean hips deepening the path for his thick erection. The perfect sensations stirred when they became too drugging, heavily weighing on her lids as she welcomed him.

Every clench of her inner muscles forced a guttural grunt up his throat, enticing him to let go and spew his need. Grae wasn’t ready for the moment to end. He had imagined this particular fantasy for too long. His imagination had nothing on the reality of her pliant and willing in his hands. His legs promised a swift withdrawal of strength then. Tielle’s high-pitched breaths, her lovely face, her body and the magnificent dark cloud of her hair completed the stunning picture of the fantasy he never daydreamed of becoming reality.

Chapter 12

The forecasted snow made another appearance. A light dusting at first, and then the snowfall became heavier as the morning churned on. Graedon and Tielle didn’t mind in the least. Their pool table romp had been a lengthy, sexually charged event.

Tielle was sure she’d been left with a new collection of bruises and burns. None of which Grae could take credit for. All were courtesy of the table’s lovely, velvety fabric. The material had been unforgiving against her bottom. Tielle figured it was a show of disapproval for how shamefully it had been used.

They made their way from the billiard room in the wee hours of the following morning. Dawn found them embraced in a spooning hold and snuggled beneath flowing bed coverings as they watched the snowfall from the suite’s picture window.

“How’d you know we’d come here?” Tielle asked.

“I didn’t.”

She smiled, sex content, drowsy and secure in the potency of his embrace. “You’d have been out of a pretty penny with your pool table purchase if you hadn’t.”

“Well…” He burrowed in closer to her. “I had planned to revert to old habits and…press the issue until you agreed to make the inn one of our stops.”

Tielle laughed. Grae joined in, but the desire didn’t hold long for him.

“I lied when I told you I was sorry for overreacting when I thought you’d slept with someone else,” he said.

“I see.”

“I don’t think you do,” Grae countered. “When it comes to you, I’m possessive, overbearing and chauvinistic as hell. I could probably work on the overbearing and chauvinistic parts, but I don’t see myself doing anything about the possessive part. I don’t see myself wanting to do anything about the possessive part.”

“I know that, Grae.”

He frowned. “You do?”

“What you’re saying is nothing new.” Her eyes followed the journey of a snowflake sliding down the window. “You’ve always been this way. Didn’t take me long to realize that shortly after I met you.”

Grae turned Tielle to her back, needing to look into the baby-doll allure of her face. “And you married me anyway?”


“Why, dammit?”

Tielle gave him a look that nearly screamed idiot. “I married you because I love you, and all the rest makes you who you are.”

He continued to frown. “Even all that alpha male crap?”

She laughed. “Sometimes it’s especially all that alpha male crap, and please—” she cringed “—don’t make me explain all that.”

Grae nodded. “I want you back, Tel. I know we have a lot of trust to rebuild. It’s gonna take time, and it’s time I want to spend here.”
